an atheist cannot judge something as truly wrong, or something as having dignity or not, or that there can be justice. We are completely robbed of those things if the atheist is correct.
Nonsense, the atheist can judge things however they want, and they can believe whatever they want. It doesn’t make any of it objectively true. But that’s the point, it may be that there’s no such thing as objective value, or objective dignity, or objective justice. Why? Because those things are subjective and it can’t possibly be any other way.
In fact many of the things that motivate humans to better themselves or seek good or see the good in ones own existence becomes meaningless and delusional.
Again, nonsense. A subjective value can motivate people just as much as an objective value can. Humanity is littered with people being motivated by what they simply believe to be true. And Catholicism is a prime example. It has changed history simply because people believed that it was true. Just as Islam did. Or Hinduism did.
Don’t underestimate the power of subjective truths.
In other-words the greatest things that humanity has ever done becomes meaningless because there is no such thing as greatness, or honour, or righteousness
But meaning itself is subjective. Things only have the meaning and value that I give them, and that’s all that matters. I don’t care if you value them. Or even if God values them. I do what’s honorable, and just, and right because I’ve decided what they are, and I’ve decided that they have value.
In fact the very things, the most important things, become objectively meaningless.
With this I agree, but no lack of objective meaning can rob things of the subjective meaning that I, and I alone have given them. These things you cannot take away, any more than I can take away your faith.
I don’t need your God, or your “
objective truth” to give things value. They’re of value to me, even if they’re of value to no one else. And if that value exists in none but me, then that is enough. Just as your faith, if it exists in no one but you, still exists.