Incorrect. Shakespeare ceased to exist a long time ago. But his works exist and are valued by everyone who can read and appreciate it.
You have a subjective preference. That doesn’t mean that his existence or anyone’s existence had any objective value. In other word’s it’s in your head and is not a true reflection of what humanity is really worth. You value it for the pleasure it gives, the psychological utility, but that doesn’t change the fact that if there is no God, purpose, or significance, beyond what we imagine, then our continued existence is objectively meaningless and pointless.
If your value is only the utility that your being has for somebody else’s consciousness, some pleasure, some information, some form of emotional facilitation, then this only proves that you are a utility for some one. Beyond that there is no value in your existence if metaphysical naturalism is true. And there is no dignity in that at all, only the illusion of dignity since your being only has existential value if some other consciousness subjectively decides a utility for you; or that you just-so happen to fire somebody’s synapses in the right way. Beyond that your being is in a valueless vacuum. No dignity, no meaning, no value.
The existence of your beloved child is very meaningful and valuable to you
Only because you believe it is “your child”, “Your family”, and that these concepts still have objective meaning even if these is no God. If only physical things exist, a child is essentially a physical object living off another physical object which is facilitated by biochemical reactions. What rational justification does a
naturalist have for viewing the situation as being anything but that?
The christian believes that God created real persons with real value out of love and that we are sustained in existence by the power of God’s nature which is love. Things have meaning and value because of God’s nature. Our actions have meaning because we operate within the ontological context of God’s nature. We are justified in loving our children and viewing them as more than just utility objects because they are created by God and have true value because of that, not because of the fleeting preference of a human. More importantly we are justified in bringing children into existence because we are essentially bringing them into God.
What justification does a naturalist have for bringing another being into the world?