I am not concerned about the discrimination. As I said, I am fine with private schools. I am not fine with private schools receiving public money.
Let’s think about it this way - -I am not concerned about the discrimination. As I said, I am fine with private schools. I am not fine with private schools receiving public money.
No one proposes such a scenario to my knowledge.If there were only private schools, there could be students that not a single school was willing to accept.
Some state schools discriminate (sensibly) eg. Based on where you live. I’m not seeing a problem with a Jewish owned school prioritizing taking Jewish students. The “rules” to which I refer are around curriculum, teacher qualification, reporting etc.The private schools here in the states don’t follow the same rules. They are allowed to discriminate on enrollment.
But it’s not clear why. Why public money must be limited to only schools owned by the government? This sounds as though it’s an ideological position.I am not concerned about the discrimination. As I said, I am fine with private schools. I am not fine with private schools receiving public money.
Your analysis makes no sense. In a country where 25% of kids are educated in catholic schools, the public purse has built far less schools and supplied far less heating, paid far fewer teachers than would otherwise be the case. That’s a real saving. The government can reasonably contribute to costs in these non-government schools - noting the public good that is education of children - and still be ahead or break even as it chooses.What $5k in reduced costs would the public school see in your scenario? They still have the same fixed costs of building, electric, heating/cooling, teacher salaries.
Disagree. Non-government school should not be assumed better. Good public schools will be in demand. You are discriminating allocation of the public purse to a communal good based on who owns the school.Because it creates an unfair system where some kids get accepted to the “better” school and some kids don’t and are left in the public schools that have far fewer dollars because they are now in the hands of private schools.
They are being used to educate children.Because I don’t like the idea of tax dollars being used to discriminate based on a protected classes.
Don’t understand that at all. If moneys are to be redistributed according to wealth or income - do that systemically through the tax system, not via the education system.Because Catholic schools should be against it themselves; taking money from the less fortunate to give more to those who are already fortunate.
Again - why do you put down public schools? And second, my kids attended catholic schools and kids with disabilities are not turned away for having a disability. In fact non-Catholics are not turned away though practicing catholics are given first consideration given places available are less than demand.Because the kids with learning disabilities get to hear that they aren’t wanted in the “better” schools.
It seems I’m beginning to understand your thinking… My local catholic schools are very ordinary. Certainly no better equipped, less grounds and playing facilities than the local government schools. Is there a hint of prejudice in your remarks?Because Catholic schools think they are “better” when they are just better off and that makes them think they deserve to be separated from the undesirables.
Makes no sense to me.Because it leaves those that need the most with the least.
Because it is, in my opinion, unChristian and unethical.
Could you provide some quotes or links to examples of this hatred being expressed…but hearing the hatred that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with the left in general have towards Catholics, they don’t want us around and will eliminate us either by forcing apostasy, imprisoning, or martyring Catholics.