Is the left coming for Christian schools? And...what will Biden do if he takes the presidency?

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Page 33 of the BuyDem-Harrass Official democratic platform is a good start to eliminating faith based hospitals and care…We condemn the Trump Administration’s discriminatory actions against the LGBTQ+ community, including the dangerous and unethical regulations allowing doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies to discriminate against patients based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Democrats will reverse this rulemaking and restore nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS in health insurance, including coverage of all medically necessary care for gender transition. We will also take action to guarantee that LGBTQ+ people and those living with HIV/AIDS have full access to needed health care and resources, including by requiring that federal health plans provide coverage for HIV/AIDS testing and treatment and HIV prevention medications like PrEP and PEP, gender confirmation surgery, and hormone therapy.
Guarantee traetment and surgery and hormones?.. PrEP and PEP…if truvada treatment alone costs $2000 month…what does it cost to raise a child? …it seems as if more money is being spent to encourage what has been previously categorised as unnatural acts than saving a life of an innocent…why sanction doctors hospitals nurses and pharmacists for doing what their Catholic conscious dictates but demand payment for that which erodes the moral framework in which religion might be practiced…what is just? What is moral? What is evil…does theshame no longer exist…where are the leaders of good?. What do we do?
Joe Biden said he will pass the Equality Act in his first 100 days, if elected. Kamala Harris co-sponsored the Equality Act.

The Equality Act would force schools to accept boys in girls sports, and boys in girls’ locker rooms. Not exactly consistent with Christian teaching.
The Equality Act would force schools to accept boys in girls sports,
What are the conditions that must be met for this “acceptance”? Is it a genuine self-identification as the other gender or something more, or something less?
The Equality Act, that the Democratic Party voted in favor of, has a cute name, but it would be an attack on women.

The Equality Act would force the acceptance of biological males participating in female sports.

The average woman is smarter and more capable than the average man in many ways. But, tangible proof that the average man is bigger and stronger than the AVERAGE woman is that there are no women in the NFL, NBA, or Major League Baseball. In addition, Olympic World Records (like running, jumping, weight lifting) for men are almost always much better than women’s records.

Being a team member in sports teaches valuable life lessons, like selflessness, teamwork, reward for hard work, and recognition for achievement.
It is unfair to disrupt girls’ sports by forcing girls to compete against boys.
It seems to me that public schools may be unconstitutional because as presently operated, they inculcate every student in their own mandated religion of secularism and sexual license. They have become a state established religion.

If the state is to fund education, it would be better to fund students directly and let the parents choose their own schools.
The left is coming not only for Christian schools, but for all specifically Christian institutions–adoption agencies, social services, the Little Sisters of the Poor, etc."
Do you have any issue with Catholic schools that receive taxpayer money, in the form of vouchers, basing admissions on religion or sexual orientation? Do you find it unconstitutional?
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Do you have any issue with Catholic schools that receive taxpayer money, in the form of vouchers, basing admissions on religion or sexual orientation? Do you find it unconstitutional?
Ever heard of the Blaine Amendment, the anti Catholic law that kept the US, unlike all other democracies, from funding Catholic schools in any way? Doesn’t the ugliness and hatred of the Blaine Amendment make you wince?

Of course it is legal - and moral - to fund Catholic schools. It is exactly what the US should do, must do. Charter schools should also flood the nation, making it possible for even the very poor to get a decent education. It would save the lives of millions upon millions of children, giving them a chance to learn and succeed.

Our public school system is an utter failure, leaving our students flailing in comparison to other wealthy nations. No matter how much money has been flooded into our ghastly school system, year after year after year, decade after decade, it has been a catastrophic failure. It is beyond belief to me that anyone questions this, or would not want the system changed immediately.
Catholic schools do no better at educating than public schools, they just have fewer poor students. The failure is that the US is fine with having high rates of their children living in poverty.
Every year, we see research that the students entering universities in the US are, in huge numbers, unready for college.

But did you know that our university system is also an utter failure? in 2011 Arum and Roksa found ALMOST HALF of all students pass through their universities with "limited or no learning …without measurable gains in general skills as assessed by the CLA [Collegiate Learning Assessment].”

Looking at a sample of more than 2,300 students, Arum and Roksa observed “no statistically significant gains in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing skills for at least 45 percent of the students” after four years in college

Four hundred employers were questioned as well and were frustrated by the low level of education for college graduates. i

The National Center for Education Statistics"found a sharp decline in eleven years… The results showed that college graduates’ scores on short prose texts declined by 11 points, and on longer documents by 14 points, while the scores for graduate students declined by 13 and 17 points respectively."
Catholic schools do no better at educating than public schools, they just have fewer poor students. The failure is that the US is fine with having high rates of their children living in poverty.
Sorry, but I have to disagree. In fact, charter schools and Catholic schools tend to do better than public schools. Well, ,given the utter, the catastrophic state of our public schools, this is not to be wondered at.

Also, statistically, it is simply not true that “the poor” cannot succeed. It is when you parse the students that you see the bitter truth: those students whose parents are poor, but who are married, tend to succeed. It is those students who have a single mother, or (statistics show) worst of all, live in step parent or with a mother who moves from relationship to relationship.

These children, those in single parent families, need Catholic and charter schools far more than any group, and opposing Catholic and public schools and forcing them to attend the horror of our public school system, is likely to guarantee their later failure.
Do you have any issue with Catholic schools that receive taxpayer money, in the form of vouchers, basing admissions on religion or sexual orientation? Do you find it unconstitutional?
No, because that is not what vouchers are. They are reimbursement to the parents for educational expenses that they are not using with the public school system. It is no more unconstitutional than if I signed the last stimulus check over to the Church.
Do you really believe our public school system is helping children? Surely all statistics suggest otherwise.
Do you really believe our public school system is helping children? Surely all statistics suggest otherwise.
I do believe that they are helping children.
Not perfectly, but yes, helping.

Unfortunately, the public schools face the challenge of parents who are unable or unwilling to be a support for their kids.
They have also made really dumb decisions like taking prayer out of the schools. Interesting reading is the crime and disciplinary statistics in schools in the years before and the years after prayer was removed.
I really think homeschooling will be the wave of the future. People are realizing that public schools are terrible, something I realized in High School. If the Biden administration takes over, Catholic schools and Christian schools in general will be vulnerable to being attacked.
Because it’s very awkward to teach sexual morality to kids who’s parents are openly living lives that contradict it.

I think you know this.
Many, perhaps even.the majority, of Catholic parents openly contradict Catholic moraity in all sorts of ways - open infidelity, divorce and remarriage without annulment, openly supporting ABC and abortion.and so on. Doesn’t stop most of them sending their kids ro Catholic schools.

Perhaps bejng exposed to Catholic teaching in school rather than being booted out for not adhering on a handful of arbitrrily-chosen points - might benefit the child. And maybe even do some.good for the parents.
Many, perhaps even.the majority, of Catholic parents openly contradict Catholic moraity in all sorts of ways - open infidelity, divorce and remarriage without annulment, openly supporting ABC and abortion.and so on. Doesn’t stop most of them sending their kids ro Catholic schools.
What statistics are you quoting? Faithful Catholics, most statistics show, adhere to Catholic moral standards.

If you refer to those who were baptized but had never been taught, or those who never attend Mass save at Easter, then it is hardly surprising they do not adhere to Catholic morality.

Not that anyone but true saints ever fully achieve great sanctity
might benefit the child. And maybe even do some.good for the parents.
Nothing would harm the child more, given the real statistics we have about our catastrophically terrible public school system, then sending them to that horror.
[quote="cloistered, post:93, topic:63Ns that receive taxpayer money, in the form of vouchers, basing admissions on religion or sexual orientation? Do you find it unconstitutional?

No issue at all. Not unconstitutional. If parents are going to pay taxes to fund education, they should be able to choose the school, not be assigned to a local education monopoly.
Agreed. What I find truly disturbing is that politicians legislate what can be taught in schools even if goes against what the public wants. Here in the State of Washington, we are voting to repeal YET AGAIN immoral sex education that MUST by law be taught to kids as young as KINDERGARTEN!!! Not only is this disturbing, but we have already repealed this insanity before and the leftists KEEP legislating it. Absolute insanity yet our tax dollars continue to fund this nonsense.
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