Sometimes courts are corrupted, and refuse to hear cases.What you can tell me is that someone has some evidence of fraud somewhere that a court will accept.
Don’t give two shillings about Trump’s opinion on anything, and my opinion about events in America right now have nothing to do with anything Trump’s said (especially since I studiously ignore whatever he says; find him irritating to listen to, and have since before he got elected in 2016).What you can tell me is that a depressingly large propostion of Americans will believe anything that someone like Trump will tell them. With no evidence to back it up.
Mm, mostly agree, yeah. To the degree that most of the GOP seems willing to let systematic corruption slide, and not fight against it.What you can tell me is that the GOP has shown a shameful lack of integrity during this whole depressing farce.
Not my country, and I think that if Biden actually had much say in the matter, he might make their pandemic situation worse… but realistically I don’t think the office of president has that much effect, and I think he’ll designate others to make most choices, so I think his country will remain roughly in the same hole that most of our countries are in, and come out of the hole at roughly the same pace that most of our countries do.What you can tell me is that you wish Biden well in helping your country dig itself out of this pandemic hell hole you have got yourself into.
Wheeee though, I’ll tell you exactly that!What you can’t tell me is that if over fifty court cases has been thrown out for lack of evidence that the election was fraudulent.
What, do you trust elections in every country around the world, if their courts fail to overturn them? Do you not understand the notion of systemic corruption that affects the courts? Or do you think the USA has magical fairytale protections that prevent systemic corruption ever actually taking over there?
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