Jericho March in Washington DC. December 12 and "Stop the Steal"

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First Americans tell us that America is a special country, the leader of the free world, and a shining example of democracy. Then Americans tell us that their President should be locked up? Isn’t that what happens in banana republics?
I am not sure if most of us don’t know if we are now living in a banana republic in which the rich control everything including the media, totally destroyed small businesses and we are all surfs.

Elderly 47 year veteran politicians and his Wall Streets friends are the answers. yes we are in trouble.
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When trump and his followers were calling for Hillary Clinton (and several other Americans) to be locked up, were you as upset as you are now and did you speak up against it when he said it throughout his 4 year term. You’ve correctly defined the past 4 years as a banana republic.
You’ve correctly defined the past 4 years as a banana republic.
The last four years was not a banana republic, we had prosperity and jobs and a strong middle class. The small businesses were that middle class, and that has been decimated with Covid.and lockdowns.
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It seems to me that a lot of expense and drama could be avoided in the future if State legislatures simply selected the electors rather than…
Is there great merit in having electors other than the people themselves? It seems anachronistic…
Agreed. If this were to happen then there is no reason at all to have elections. Our votes will mean nothing at all. Why go to the angst and expense?
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Agreed. If this were to happen then there is no reason at all to have elections. Our votes will mean nothing at all. Why go to the angst and expense?
Sorry - I’ve no idea what you are saying. The people went to an election and voted. The votes have been counted. Why do you need another process involving appointed electors?
Agreed. If this were to happen then there is no reason at all to have elections. Our votes will mean nothing at all. Why go to the angst and expense?
Exactly. The Constitution gives the State legislatures the sole discretion as to how to select electors. Now they do it now by popular vote, but they could do it by having the legislature itself select the electors. Much simpler. And the people elect the legislators. That’s how a republic works.

(Originally, Senators were selected by the legislature; now they are selected by popular vote. Costs more money, but does it produce better results?)
but they could do it by having the legislature itself select the electors. Much simpler. And the people elect the legislators. That’s how a republic works.
It is done by the census, correct. Depending on the number of people in each states, they gets so many electors. The electors act for the people voting.

Having legislators get involved gives them a lot more power. They do as they want already with no concern for the general public. Why give them more power?
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When trump and his followers were calling for Hillary Clinton (and several other Americans) to be locked up,
Hillary Clinton was not President of the USA. There is a big difference between locking up a President of the USA versus locking up some hack politician.
People ought to elect legislators whose judgment they trust. If the legislators don’t meet the public’s approval, they can be voted out of office. And legislators should be in a better position to elect presidential electors than the general public, who are bombarded with misleading TV sondbites for months. Also, there is less room for vote fraud.
People ought to elect legislators whose judgment they trust. If the legislators don’t meet the public’s approval, they can be voted out of office.
Trust, one hundred years of history has shown us that people don’t always get what they think they have elected. .Once in office, it is almost impossible to get them out, many working into their 90’s.

Electors are not corrupt, they are voting the way they think the general population has voted. If the ballot process is corrupt, they are only representing that corruption.
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I am saying you cannot say “Americans say this, but Americans say that.” Some Americans think this is the greatest country. Some do not. Some Americans think we are the most Democratic country. Some do not. Some Americans want to see Trump punished. Some want him installed as The Leader without being elected.
Is there only one who wants to lock up the President of the USA, or are there more than one?
He will only be the president for 38 more days.

And, if he committed crimes, then the judicial process needs to be followed. Which could result in jail time. Or not.

No one is above the law, including the president or former presidents.

I don’t think the “lock him/her up” rhetoric is helpful. But I do believe that the law needs to be followed. By everyone.
And legislators should be in a better position to elect presidential electors than the general public, who are bombarded with misleading TV sondbites for months.
And the legislators aren’t bombarded with TV soundbites for months? And what about being swayed by campaign donations – that never happens, right?
I say Lock Him Up.
Okay, okay, seriously I don’t expect or particularly want him to be locked up. I’m just applying his own language to him. I’ve read that he, as Citizen Trump come January 20, will be liable for a number of his illegal activities. I fully expect him to be pardoned or excused, as Nixon was, for the good of the country. God bless him.
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Well, it happens now wheb wealthy out of state donors want to influence some state election. There wouldn’t be much point in spending a lot of money on TV ads when you only have to convince the legislators, not the general public. I can recall when TV ads were not much used. Candidates would put half or full page ads in newspapers explaining why they should be elected. Much more informative than a 15 second TV ad.

But I also think caucuses are better than primaries. People who attend caucuses tend to be more informed about the issues.
A month ago, I would have agreed that the best solution would have been a quick pardon, so that we can move on. However, sedition is such a serious issue, it must not be pardoned. His attempt to have governors and state legislators ignore the vote is inexcusable, as will be any attempt to oppose the electoral college after Tuesday. I believe this is an issue that is worth pursuing.
A month ago, I would have agreed that the best solution would have been a quick pardon, so that we can move on. However, sedition is such a serious issue, it must not be pardoned. His attempt to have governors and state legislators ignore the vote is inexcusable, as will be any attempt to oppose the electoral college after Tuesday. I believe this is an issue that is worth pursuing.
Or, for that matter, to interfere with the Electoral College before Tuesday (which Trump appears to have already attempted to do).
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