Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

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This is an old story that is only new because James Cameron made a documentary of it. The original find was about 10 years ago and the archeologist who discovered the tomb has been quoted as saying he doesn’t believe the tomb is that of Jesus Christ.

Personally I will probably watch the documentary so that I am prepared to defend the faith against the inevitable attacks that will result from this film.
Hey Folks!

The Discovery Channel will be airing a program (March 4, 9pm ET/PT) regarding a new archeological find in which the ossuaries of Jesus “and His family” were allegedly discovered.

Here’s the link to the article:

Then visit this site and listen to a press conference about it.

What do you think? If the tombs of Jesus and the Holy Family were actually found, how would that affect your faith?

How would it affect our ability to defend the faith to those who are already weak in faith?

What defense of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension and Mary’s Assumption could be made in light of such a finding?

Joseph, there is a thread on this already in Apologetics.
What do you think? If the tombs of Jesus and the Holy Family were actually found, how would that affect your faith?
It would shatter my faith completely… my faith in the science of archeology that is.

It would mean that the archeologist in question made a very grave error.
How could DNA evidence possibly be used to confirm such a thing?
Good point. It might show a relationship between the remains. But it could not prove a relationship with Christ unless you had his DNA.

Is there any means of obtaining DNA showing lineage from or with Christ? Any DNA from Christ, Mary, Joseph, or the line of King David or someone?

Satan has continuously engaged in attacks upon Christ and the Church throughout history. Islam, secularism, everything. Now “science” and the media/entertainment biz are jumping on the bandwagon with this, the recent Divinci Code, the prior ossuary supposedly regarding James as son of Mary, etc.

All of this is designed to destroy the Christian Church.
Just a few thoughts…
  1. Every year during lent there are shows like this on.
  2. How can they compare DNA when I am pretty sure we don’t have Mary or Jesus’s DNA on file?
  3. How can they be sure that this is Jesus The Annointed and not another by that name?
The only thing that the DNA appears to have confirmed (according to the article) is that Jesus was not genetically related to the one known as Mariamene e Mara. Actually, if I read the article correctly, they were looking at Mitochondrial DNA which only proves that they did not share the same mother. They may well have shared the same father if all they looked at was Mitochondrial DNA.

Even if we set aside my fiath for the sake of the argument, there are serious questions I think that need to be answered before anyone gets even close to proclaiming this is the tomb that holds the biblical Jesus and his family.
  1. While it is certainly understandable that Jesus and members of his family might be buried in Jerusalem since, according to scripture, that is where Jesus was crucified and buried and where the early Church existed, it doesn’t explain how Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth got there.
  2. Why would the inscriptions of the names include non-Hebrew or Aramaic spellings of the names? Why Maria as opposed to Miriam, etc.
  3. To prove that the Jesus in the tomb was married to the mary he was not related to, we would need to show that the Judah tomb contains the son of her. It would also be useful to show that Jesus was in fact the son of the first Mary.
  4. I think the statistical approach is wrong here. They are looking at the odds of that specific group of names to show up, but certain figures in the tomb, such Matthew never had a claimed genetic relationship with Jesus. I think a better approach would be to look at all the names of the followers of Jesus and determine what are the odds of any of the tombs having any combination of say 5 or 6 individuals of those names buried together.
  5. Since this tomb, if proven true, undermines the crucifixtion story, we would need to show how that crucifixtion story developed since it seems to be almost universal amongst the various early Christian Groups.

I posted a similar thread in the Scripture section, but this one seems to have taken off.

Just for the sake of discussion:

If the tombs of Jesus and the Holy Family were actually found, how would that affect your faith?

For those weak in faith, yet who believe the “findings” and the “science”, what apologetical arguments could be made to defend the doctrine of Salvation via Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension, and to defend the doctrine of Mary’s Assumption?
I posted a similar thread in the Scripture section, but this one seems to have taken off.

Just for the sake of discussion:

If the tombs of Jesus and the Holy Family were actually found, how would that affect your faith?

For those weak in faith, yet who believe the “findings” and the “science”, what apologetical arguments could be made to defend the doctrine of Salvation via Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension, and to defend the doctrine of Mary’s Assumption?
It’s very simple, Joseph; as St. Paul wrote: If Christ is not raised, your faith is worthless (1 Cor 15:14).

But since this “finding” is bogus, no worries. 🙂
I have problems with plausibility on this.

The Virgin Mary’s last home was Ephesus, Turkey. There is a huge shrine there which the Turks still maintain as a pilgrimmage site.

St. Joseph was not present at the Crucifixion, and probably died in Nazareth, not Jerusalem, where Jesus and disciples had only just arrived at prior to the passion.

The names are way too common for the time, but the fame of Jesus was not. He was known as Jesus of Nazareth, not just “Jesus”. Someone so famous as to warrant being excecuted by Romans to avoid a conflict didn’t end up buried in relative obscurity. Joseph of Arimathea donated the tomb from the official version of the events, and it was a rich man’s tomb.

I couldn’t imagine a reason why Jesus could survive the Crucifixion and bow out of His own religion and let disciples run it in His stead, unless he was dead or risen to heaven. He certainly was not among those who attended the Council of Jersualem in 50AD!

This whole story stinks.
Well, it looks like we know which side of the fence Mr. “Terminator” guy is on in regards to Christianity…

Your failure to grasp even the most basic elements of historical study is truly amazing.

Is Socrates a myth as well?

What’s the qualitative difference between the historical evidence for Socrates and the historical evidence for Jesus?

Silly. Just plain silly. Now go on - try and substantiate your silliness with historical evidence. Why would you believe that Socrates existed and that Jesus did not?

God Bless,


Without God, there is no reason to respect humankind.
Ryan, Do not waste your time. This is obviously just an attempt to rile people up. You are correct about this poster’s atrocious knowledge of history and the evidence of Jesus but it is very hard to convince an atheist of the error of their ways. They are always supremely arrogant and concvinced of their superiority because “logic and fact are on there side” when nothing could be further from the truth. Here is an excellent explaination of why it takes far more blind faith to be an atheist than it does to be a Christian:
“Judah son of Jesua (Jesus’ son, the filmakers claim)”.

Jesus had a son??? Well, this should bump Anna Nicole and Britany Spears off the headlines for at least a day or two!!

Sadly, many folks who fell for the tales of Dan Brown are going to fall for the tales of these filmmakers. 😦

You can see it already: “DVC II - the In-Laws” in huge red letters. Then the voice-over: “Our tale begins in cheese-eating surrender-monkey country…” [cut to monkeys, examining a large brown box. They prise it open. A death-ray from within shrivels the monkeys to a heap of bones. Slowly, darkness falls. Pause. People shuffle in their seats. After a long interval, the sun rises on a cityscape. The screen-shot comes to a point, then pans out. We are in a room with a low ceiling filled with benches. On the benches stand countless oblong chests which appear to be of terracotta.]​

Give me the cash, & I’ll make it.

Then there could be “DVC III - Attack of the Zombie Cyborgs”

This could run and run… ##
We are talking about something that is old news, that has been thoroughly debunked, and that is being presented by someone who tried the exact same thing not long ago with another ossuary that was proven to be a forgery. I do not think we have to worry about it being true.
Can you link us to where it was debunked? Last I read, a biblical scholar in Jerusalem, Stephen Pfann, said that on a scale of 1 through 10 (with 10 being the most likely this is Jesus’ ossuary) the likelihood this is Jesus’ is about a 1 or 1 1/2. I was left with the impression that while he’s highly doubtful, he’s still not certain that it didn’t belong to Jesus. 😦
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