Hello SSV,
(By the way, I really appreciate the way you clearly and directly address each point/question. It is a pleasure to post to you and Cabaret.)
However, we believe that the Torah forbids us from using images of persons, animals, spiritual/celestial beings, stars, the sun, the moon, etc.even as reminders.
I’m a bit confused because I thought we agreed that the Torah scrolls and images of the Burning Bush are reminders.
We believe that we are forbidden to image, represent or depict God, the angelic host, etc. in any form whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. Apart from that, we are in agreement.
Is this distinguishing between acceptable reminders of God in Judaism and Christianity and images of Jesus Himself which for Christians do depict God become man?
We also sometimes depict the Holy Spirit as a Dove. I am not sure why this is. In fact that is an interesting question.
What about a movie or play in which an actor has the role of Jesus?
I think I am seeing the distinction now. Some of our reminders are more direct whereas yours are indirect. However, I don’t think our images (even of Jesus) claim to reveal the Beatific Vision that we believe we experience if we go to Heaven. So in a way I don’t think our images really attempt to represent God in that sense. Therefore, I think we may not be that different conceptually regarding this.
However, I will say that we believe that God by becoming man has called us not to be afraid of Him and to be bold enough to associate ourselves with Him. This is God’s gift and we are to have humility and respect God. He invites us to consider Him a close Father. God wishes to raise us to union with Himself.
Also, this is further insight into the Christian understanding. St. Paul refers to Jesus as the image of the invisible God. Philip (one of the disciples) aksed Jesus to show them the Father and Jesus in His response included the statement: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father”. Does this mean that Jesus represents God? Yes, but I think we also believe that in Heaven we will have the full vision of God in our souls.
Exodus 3:2 There an angel of the LORD
appeared to him in fire flaming out of a bush.
Exodus 3:4 God called out to him from the bush,…
Since God (or His angel) appeared in the flames of the bush, isn’t an image of the Burning Bush an image of a form that God appeared in?
Thank You,