Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s

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She and Joe have told their story over and over again.
So two people have told this one way; one person told it differently. Perhaps one is lying, or maybe neither. Perspective can change how a story is told, even to the point of changing one’s memory.
Some things can be verified, did they indeed work for Joe Biden’s campaign in 1972 when he ran for the senate seat?. The husband said they both knew Joe’s first wife who was killed in a car crash in 1972. Does he have pictures with her?

According to wikipedia, Jill did not meet Joe until 1975.
She met Senator Joe Biden in March 1975.[10][13] They met on a blind date set up by Joe’s brother Frank,
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Jill Biden has taken to center stage in this electton, campaigning and doing speeches and will speak at DNC on Tuesday.

And as the vetting process intensified in the search for Biden’s running mate, several of the potential picks appeared in virtual events with Jill Biden as she served as a sounding board for her husband in his decision making.
The husband stated he votoed for Obama. so he is an independent voter.
Which has absolutely nothing to do and ex-husband’s possible bias against an ex-wife. Nice try, though.
Even more biased if he felt she was cheating on him during the marriage with “a friend”. Those kinds of things leave an imprint.
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It’s more likely profit motivated than bias in my opinion. Who’s going to buy his book if his ex isn’t in the spotlight?
If true, anger too because it is all this “love affair” everywhere unlike other years, it is really being poured out.

I guess they are both to blame but it is not uncommon for a 23 year old woman to see someone with position/money such as a Senator as a better prospect and decide maybe she could do better with Joe than her own husband.
So Joe Biden married a divorced woman? How is he still presenting himself for communion?
So Joe Biden married a divorced woman? How is he still presenting himself for communion?
It certainly could not be an annulment because wouldn’t the husband have to be questioned and it appears he was not.

Internet says they were married by a catholic priest.
“She and Joe Biden were married by a Catholic priest on June 17, 1977, at the Chapel at the United Nations in New York City…”
How can that even be possible without her husband being questioned.?

Jill at the time of the “dating” was teaching English at a Catholic high school in Wilmington called St. Marks. How did she get that job?
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They were married in the Church it seems. Her first marriage must have been invalid.
They were married in the Church it seems. Her first marriage must have been invalid
Wouldn’t that entail her husband having to also fill out papers.? Annulments are not easily given out. Was there even an annulment granted?

Is Jill a Catholic?. She is teaching English at a Catholic School.while dating although she doesn’t have a degree which is not uncommon. Was her first marriage a Catholic marriage? There are many unanswered questions.
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According to wikipedia the divorce was
“Mom, I finally met a gentleman.”[6] Meanwhile, she was going through turbulent divorce proceedings with Stevenson; the court case ended with her not getting the half-share in the Stone Balloon she had wanted.[16] A civil divorce was granted with immediate effect in May 1975.[17]
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Jill Biden has taken to center stage in this electton
As presidential candidate’s wife’s often do.

Off topic, but Melanis kind of stays out of the camera now days. I wonder if she will give a speech st the RNC this year.
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