This blonde entered a high-end shoe store and wanted a pair of alligator shoes.
“That will be $600,” said the salesman.
“SIX-HUNDRED DOLLARS!” she bellowed. “I’ll go catch my own alligator before I’ll pay THAT price!”
The salesman laughed, and replied, “You just go right ahead, Sweetie. Good luck.”
A couple hours later, he had closed the store and was driving beside the bayou when he spotted that same blonde, hoisting alligator after alligator up onto the shore.
He stopped, got out of his car and walked over to her. There, he saw a dozen or more alligators piled up by the water.
“What are you trying to do?” he asked.
“So far, I haven’t had any luck,” she replied.
“What do you mean, no luck? Look at all these gators you’ve caught.”
“I know. But not a single one was wearing shoes!”