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Who said I wanted to do that? Again has there ever been a US Presidential election where the voting in major swing states stopped at 9pm on election night? Let me know.
Voting always stops on election night. Some states at 7, others at 8. I don’t know of any that close the polls at nine. Maybe there are.
Voting always stops on election night. Some states at 7, others at 8. I don’t know of any that close the polls at nine. Maybe there are.
I meant the vote counting as I stated in another post.
Do you know of any other US Presidential election where swing states stopped counting at 9 pm on election night?
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That did not happen.
The vote counting absolutely did stop. They were told to go home and resume in the morning in some States, and it was even broadcasted on TV during election night. This happened in PA, have a friend who is a poll worker in Scranton, PA and she and others were told to stop and go home.
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They were told to go home and resume in the morning.
That is known as a pause, or as the rest of us call it, sleep. If they were looking at a multi-day task, it sounds like a prudent course of action. Since this was done on a state by state basis, the decision on hours of counting is only the business of that state’s election officials.
That is known as a pause, or as the rest of us call it, sleep. If they were looking at a multi-day task, it sounds like a prudent course of action. Since this was done on a state by state basis, the decision on hours of counting is only the business of that state’s election officials.
First time I can recall a pause ever happening in the US Presidential election and how funny in only in the major swing states…does that tell us something happened behind the scenes…
That was fake news. Cite otherwise.
No it wasn’t.
First of all, let’s recall what I said was fake news. It was your claim that 30% of Democrats think the election was stolen. That is fake news - and complete nonsense. However in your subsequent verbiage, wherein I expected to see you cite some support for why 30% of Democrats think the election was stolen, all you did was try to explain why you thought the election was stolen. Unless you are 30% of Democrats, that does not even begin to address your claim.

As for your new claims:
In 2016 and in elections prior to the 2020 Presidential one, mail in ballots were rejected in GA at a 6.25% rate, same in states like WI, PA, MI and NV. In GA the rejection rate was 0%…
More fake news. Are you honestly claiming that absolutely zero mail-in ballots were rejected?
If the rejection rate was half say 3.25% which makes much more sense than Trump would have won GA and the same in WI, PA, MI and NV if ballot rejection rates were just HALF from 2016 and other elections.
“would have” is just speculation. But that’s what most conspiracy theories are founded on.
In Forsyth County, GA Biden overperformed Obama’s 2012 performance by 186.4%. That performance in that county with a total registered population of 172k singularly delivered Georgia to Biden.
Good for them!
States mailed out ballots automatically, without them being requested. They legally need to be requested in most states.
Laws in one state do not apply in another state. That’s the way the constitution is set up.
Those ballots were not rejected and under the law should have been.
Again, just your opinion. I am glad they were not, as I think everyone should be allowed to vote.
Here in MA for example I received 8 mail in ballots in my name and never requested 1! Of course I didn’t fill any of them out but I still have them and the bar code on the bottom is different on all of them but my names is not.
If you had filled out all 8 and sent them in, the computer checking is designed to reject the duplicates. The existence of lots of blank ballots does not translate easily into lots of fraudulent votes being counted.
IF Biden was on the up and up (don’t believe he was) you’d have to believe and say that racists and sexists while liberals didn’t show up to vote for Obama and Clinton but decided 2020 was the year to show up to defeat Trump. Even if you give a 10 to 15 % advantage in that segment which is extremely high, Trump would still have won the Presidency.
Too many speculations in that reasoning to even comment on.
I remember Barack Obama got into the Senate by getting his opponent disqualified for signatures that didn’t match on his paperwork and claiming voter fraud.
That’s an internet hoax.

In his first run for the STATE senate, his opponent wavered on if she would run for the congressional seat won by Jesse Jackson, Jr. When she filed to run for re-election to the senate, she had to quickly get her nominating petitions filed. So, the forms came back with names like Donald Duck and Popeye T. Sailorman.

Those nominating petitions were rightly challenged and she was found not to have enough signatures to be on the ballot. Thus Obama ran without opposition in the Democratic primary for the state senate. There was no fraud allegation – the claim was that there were not enough valid signatures to put her on the ballot.

In his run for the US senate, he faced the dubious campaign of Alan Keyes. In the primary, his opponent was Blair Hull who had been subjected to an order of protection by his wife. His campaign imploded.
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First of all, let’s recall what I said was fake news. It was your claim that 30% of Democrats think the election was stolen. That is fake news - and complete nonsense. However in your subsequent verbiage, wherein I expected to see you cite some support for why 30% of Democrats think the election was stolen, all you did was try to explain why you thought the election was stolen. Unless you are 30% of Democrats, that does not even begin to address your claim.
It’s not a claim. It’s what polls show, more than 1.
More fake news. Are you honestly claiming that absolutely zero mail-in ballots were rejected?
Wrong. Look at the numbers in Georgia.
“would have” is just speculation. But that’s what most conspiracy theories are founded on.
Not speculation, it’s math 101.
Good for them!
Statistically highly unlikely, nearly impossible.
Laws in one state do not apply in another state. That’s the way the constitution is set up.
Who said laws in one state don’t apply in another. Wrong claim on your behalf. As stated in my posts “Most States” and the law was not followed, and this is the case that will be made.
Again, just your opinion. I am glad they were not, as I think everyone should be allowed to vote.
Being allowed to vote requires following the laws of the Country. Of course Democrats would be happy people would be allowed to vote no matter what and no matter the laws of the land. As my former boss said to me before I retired when I told her I received 8 mail in ballots and never requested them " Well I hope you filled them all out!" PS: She’s a CEO of multiple companies in Boston area and her daughter was Nancy Pelosi’s intern.
If you had filled out all 8 and sent them in, the computer checking is designed to reject the duplicates. The existence of lots of blank ballots does not translate easily into lots of fraudulent votes being counted.
Blank ballots are one thing, completed ballots are different. There is no way to reject duplicates when the scanning codes are different.
Too many speculations in that reasoning to even comment on.
Mathematical facts, that like to be ignorned.
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I’ve already posted this, but since you missed it the first time:

This was a KNOWN issue BEFORE the election. See Post 136 for the full article (from August 28).

"Democrats are much likelier than Republicans to say they will vote by mail — which makes sense given that Democrats also tend to be more supportive of mail voting. (By contrast, the Republican standard bearer, President Trump, has repeatedly and inaccurately assailed mail voting as ripe for fraud.)

. . .

If this holds, it would mean votes cast on Election Day would skew heavily toward Trump, and votes cast by mail would skew heavily toward Biden."
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You really should get some of your news in places other than Trump’s tweets.
But isn’t the GA Secretary of State a RINO in on the fix? 😉

You have to keep the depth and breadth of the conspiracy in mind here!

Mr. Trump will tell you what the TRUTH is sir!
First time I can recall a pause ever happening in the US Presidential election and how funny in only in the major swing states…does that tell us something happened behind the scenes…
In this case, confirmation biased is aided because other pauses were not covered, when the counting stopped and continued the next day. Twenty-four hours later, only a few smaller states had reached 99%, that is, completed the count. I clicked on all of them just to see how far other called states had to go.

But this was to be expected with the way mail-in balloting was allowed. The year 2020 is unique in that regard.
Blatantly false. You really should get some of your news in places other than Trump’s tweets.
Wrong, as you are posting information regarding only rejected ballots due to signatures. Ballots are rejected for a lot of reasons. You might want to look again & put on your thinking cap.

There were approx 2,700 ballots rejected statewide out of over 4 million total votes. That’s a 0.2% rejection rate whereas in past it has been much higher. That’s more than thirty times lower than the last election, according to the U.S. Elections Project, an election data site run by University of Florida political science professor Michael McDonald that draws its figures from state reports.

Found here: Georgia Early Voting Statistics

And Found here: https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac_assets/1/6/2016_EAVS_Comprehensive_Report.pdf

Out of GA’s 159 counties, 59 had 0 ballots rejected.
59 counties in GA matched signatures on 0 mail in ballots. Not 0% rounded to the nearest decimal.
0 total.
Not normal AND all in direct violation of GA election law!

9 counties in GA had a 0% rejection-rate for mail-in ballots.

In key swing states this year, mail-in ballot rejections plummeted from 2016 rates

As pointed out similar trends have been observed elsewhere:
PA: rate was 0.03% this year compared to around 1% in 2016.

Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016 | Just The News

NV: The rejection rate more than halved from 1.60% in 2016 to around 0.75% this year.


NC: rate fell from about 2.7% in 2016 to 0.8% this year.


What are the odds your vote will not count?

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Not normal AND all in direct violation of GA election law!
Georgia has an election law mandating statistical norms?

Yes, there was a lot less rejections. Since I an American, I believe democracy is a good thing. Congratulations to Georgia for helping all to vote!

FYI, the vote is already certified, you know. Their electors will go to the candidate that most of the voters, a smidgeon over half, wanted, which is how
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Blank ballots are one thing, completed ballots are different. There is no way to reject duplicates when the scanning codes are different.
Wrong. The elections office counts ballots by associating them with people, not with scan codes. This was, according to all the secretaries of state of the various states, the most secure election in American history.
My state often does not go the way I want, and my electors go off to vote for someone I do not want. This issue is one only for the Georgia voters. I am so thankful for the flipped state’s Republican leadership. They are standing up for their state, its voters, and its right to send duly elected electors.
Why are democrats more likely than republicans to vote by mail? I am a republican and have voted by mail the past 16 years and so have most of my republican friends who live in states that allow mail in voting.
Blank ballots are one thing, completed ballots are different. There is no way to reject duplicates when the scanning codes are different.
Wrong. The elections office counts ballots by associating them with people, not with scan codes. This was, according to all the secretaries of state of the various states, the most secure election in American history.
If you can actually believe that farcical statement which makes my head spin! I laugh so hard every time
I see that.
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