Killing Your Kids

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This thread is not about comaring Europe and America. Save your anti-American diatribe for other threads please.
No, it’s not, but when some poster claims a close tie between abortion and child abuse or other killing, Norwich was not out of line to point out that violence and its acceptance in American life long predated legalization of abortion.

BTW, “anti-American”? Was what he said a lie or was it a reasonable description of much of American culture?
Started with abortion, did it? Seems that I remember that “a good Indian is a dead Indian” and that there was a lot of getting rid of the natives from east to west long before abortion.

And this was a violent society all along - read about the Old West - again long before 1973.
Why is it that Norwich, Matt25, webrams, and Richardols feel the need to change the subject here? Rather than address the question of whether legalized abortion has had an impact in increasing women killing their post-born children, you talk about other reasons that contribute to violent crime.

I agree with you that there are other reasons besides abortion that have contributed to violent crime.

However, the question is much more narrow than that and it seems you all want to dodge the question - in other words perhaps you want to keep abortion legal?

I hope that is not the case. Please clarify.
If one week before her due date the mother goes in and get a partial birth abortion where the baby is out of the womb except for it’s head and a doctor punctures it’s head and sucks the brains out that is legal, if she waits a week and has the baby at home and stuffs it in a garbage bag to sufficate that is murder. I can see where the confusion comes in.
In the eyes of the Church and God they are both murder.
No, it’s not, but when some poster claims a close tie between abortion and child abuse or other killing, Norwich was not out of line to point out that violence and its acceptance in American life long predated legalization of abortion.

BTW, “anti-American”? Was what he said a lie or was it a reasonable description of much of American culture?
Norwich’s comments are anti-American propaganda that he can’t seem to stop himself from posting on random threads from time to time. There were several inaccuracies that I and others have addressed elsewhere.

Again, I’m not talking about general violence and it’s causes. I’m talking about mothers killing their children. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but not too many of these moms have used guns to kill their kids, nor did they kill them for discriminatory reasons.
Has anyone else noticed that these types of tragedies are increasing:

Is there anyone here that cannot see that the legalized killing of children (under the name of abortion) has created a culture where killing your children outside of the womb is not only a viable consideration in the minds of some parents, but something they are willing to act out on?

Vulnerable children being denied food. A child bludgeoned while she was sleeping - a most vulnerable position in what should be the most protective and safe environment for her.

I am sickened.

The legalization of abortion must be stopped and Catholics have a repsonsibility to make this happen.
I agree with your sentiment completely, but it may also be that the reporting of these tragedies is simply more than it used to be. While that may be true, though, I think there could be a connection between the general de-valuing of life and crimes against the young.
in other words perhaps you want to keep abortion legal? .
Not I - I belong to Democrats For Life, but America wants to keep it legal. A majority of Americans do want to have some access to abortion, and even the former Attorney General called it “the law of the land.” Even in the unlikely situation of a reversal of Roe v Wade, it’ll just mean that legal abortion will be less available.
Norwich’s comments are anti-American propaganda
Lies directed against America? No truth in it at all, huh?

I suppose that reporting any sort of violence on our shores is anti-american propaganda.
Of course these murders are due to the abortion mentality.When unborn humans are deemed property,just like the African American slaves were,the don’t magically become human after birth in the mind of someone with the abortion mentality.Mother Teresa had really harsh words concerning abortion and the impact on mothers and society,and guess what she wasn’t American.God Bless
Not I - I belong to Democrats For Life, but America wants to keep it legal. A majority of Americans do want to have some access to abortion, and even the former Attorney General called it “the law of the land.” Even in the unlikely situation of a reversal of Roe v Wade, it’ll just mean that legal abortion will be less available.
Well Germany wanted to keep what they were doing legal too,it doesn’t make it right.Keep it legal but rare:eek: Please if these were democratic voters you would be fighting for it to be illegal.That is a callous remark, in other words since America wants to kill the unborn we have to give the people what they want:mad: Small sacrifices for the majority of oppinions, right?:banghead:
Of course these murders are due to the abortion mentality.
Absent some real evidence of that, your statement is valid, but as your personal opinion. I myself think a lot of factors contributed to those murders.
Knew it was only a matter of time before Norwich started ripping on America again. Norwich, I just tune you out now.
I was thinking the same thing. When I saw the first post, I started looking for Norwich (or others) to tell me how bad our country is.

Luckily, there is no history of violence in Europe. The UK outlawed violence a few years back, and all is peace and love. The Church is flourishing. Poverty has been vanquished. I wish I could live there :love: .
Luckily, there is no history of violence in Europe. The UK outlawed violence a few years back, and all is peace and love. The Church is flourishing. Poverty has been vanquished.
Right. Rotten old Albion - as opposed to the United States, where we have so little violence, where the Church is flourishing, and where there are no poor people. It’s just a paradise here.

I don’t know what the statistics are or if they even exist, but I have noticed the increase in the news. I also do think that life issues have something to do with it. Did you see the irony in the reporting of the case where a fetus…er, baby…uh, fetus…was ripped from that poor mother’s womb by another woman who wanted the baby? The press didn’t know what to call the baby. They are so wrapped up in their pro-abortion sentiments, they get confused.

God Bless,

Right. Rotten old Albion - as opposed to the United States, where we have so little violence, where the Church is flourishing, and where there are no poor people. It’s just a paradise here.
Are you daft? That wasn’t my point! My point was the problems are universal. Get a grip and stop hating your country.
No, it’s not, but when some poster claims a close tie between abortion and child abuse or other killing, Norwich was not out of line to point out that violence and its acceptance in American life long predated legalization of abortion.

BTW, “anti-American”? Was what he said a lie or was it a reasonable description of much of American culture?
Violence has been prevalent in every culture, at some point, around the world. Norwich’s assertion that America is somehow unique in this regard is ill founded. Go read a history book about Europe for a change. You don’t even have to go back very far. The 20th century was easily the bloodiest in European history. Two large scale World Wars, the Holocaust, the Spanish Civil War, the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Gulag system, and secret state police over 1/2 the continent. I didn’t even mention the Balkans or Northen Ireland. Fascism and Communism also came from the continent. Speaking of our enlightened British friends, was Air Marshall Harris’s de-housing campaign of WWII an example of enlightened sensibilities? The firestorm he whipped up in Hamburg killed more people than at Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Did I mention direct Colonialism of about 85% of the world’s land area?

Let’s go back further. The 19th century gave us the Napoleonic wars, the Crimean War, expansion of colonial empires in Africa and Asia, the Boer war, and the Franco-Prussian war.

Go back even further. The French Revolution - 'nuff said. How about the wars of Religion in 16th and 17th centuries, including the 30 YEARS war. How about the Spanish conquistadors? Why does the phrase “go medieval” on somebody automatically conjure up visions of excruciating torture?

My point is that America is not unique in the respect that aspects of its past have been unsavory. There’s hardly a nation-state or tribe today that doesn’t have its roots drenched in blood. The natives of the Americas that were displaced (some of them ancestors of mine) and died (largely from smallpox BTW) were not innocent nature-communing pacifists. They failed to repel the Europeans and the Americans because they were too busy fighting and killing each other to unite against the white man. The Spanish conquered the Aztec empire with 150 Spaniards because the Aztecs had built up such a resentment among subjugated peoples by virtue of their cult of human sacrifice that it was no problem getting people to join in the overthrow.

I just found the comment about American TV a bit too much. Having seen what European TV is like, the only difference I can see is that European TV is even more saturated with sex than American TV.

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…
Are you daft? That wasn’t my point! My point was the problems are universal. Get a grip and stop hating your country.
I don’t hate it. I love it. I served 10 years in the Air Force, two years of which were in Vietnam.

Why do you right-wingers portray any criticism of our country as hatred of it? Does the extreme right imagine that this has been a total paradise since 1776 and that anyone who won’t second that opinion is a traitor? Are you unable to cope with the thought that something here might not be perfect?
Because you nonchalantly disregarded these tragedies by saying they happen “all the time” and in “Nowhere, USA”. Nowhere is somewhere.
I didn’t disregard theses tragedies, I was only pointing out that it isn’t some recent phenomenon has you seem to think.
I’m not talking about ANY crime. I’m talking about mothers starving, stabbing, and bludgeoning their children. Do you have a history book that shows this is common throughout history - or at least as common as it occurs today?
Yeah, at home. I’ll look them up tonight.
You know, infanticide has always been practiced in pagan cultures. I think this, along with abortion, is just more evidence that we live in a pagan culture. I’ve also read that infanticide and child abandonment is common in red China, an athiestic culture.
I don’t hate it. I love it. I served 10 years in the Air Force, two years of which were in Vietnam.

Why do you right-wingers portray any criticism of our country as hatred of it? Does the extreme right imagine that this has been a total paradise since 1776 and that anyone who won’t second that opinion is a traitor? Are you unable to cope with the thought that something here might not be perfect?
Thank you for your service to our country. Now, show me where…in any of my posts…I have denied the reality of problems in our country? My point, again for the hard-of-thinking, is that **all **countries have problems. Read INRI’s post. He pretty much sums it up. I don’t spend my time bashing Europe. I would rather work on making our country a better place. As far as the hatred comment, I call it like I see it. You seem to have no problem demonizing “right-wingers”, and I have a tendency accusing the Michael Moores of this world.
Methinks you judge to quickly, again.

Quote “and was being held at a psychiatric hospital” unquote.
She also tried to commit suicide… That is probably why she was there…
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