KJV only Baptist tried to save my soul today

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Thank you both. I also feel it is a tad inappropriate to proselytize at work. People have been asking me for months if he has attempted to ‘share the gospel’ with me yet – so I have been sort of expecting it.
I begin to think our Lord puts us in places we are meant to be. Workplaces especially where we can start to get to know our colleagues and gentle evangelization begins. You were telling him the truth (there is only one truth) , ergo, evangelization happens. It’s harder to speak if you’re not invited but we are privileged when someone does ‘invite’ . I always pray for opportunity but also courage
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It’s amazing to me that she would say such a thing.

The Catholic Church is responsible for more hospitals/shelters/universities than anyone in the world. And she does more charitable work than anyone in the world. She also is often times a lone voice standing up against abortion, contraception, etc.

So while we have our problems(pedo priests) we have a lot of good as well. That’s just an ignorant and foolish statement she made.
I thought it was horrible also. What is really ironic about it, we work in a Catholic hospital.
It made me realize that despite how much good the Catholic church does, or how obvious it is that the Catholic church is the Church gifted to us by Christ, there are those who hate it. I think it is just because the Catholic church stands against what they want or what they want to believe.
For a cradle Catholic ignorant of the ‘KJV only’ folks, what gives about the KJV? From what I can tell it was written in the early 17th century. It’s a translation. Other than being a protestant one why on earth would they be fixated on it?

It’s like saying ‘I’m a Jerusalem Bible Catholic’.
The key is to be respectful because faith is precious to people.
This is a big one for me.

I don’t do well at apologetics. I get too riled. I generally try to be respectful towards other faiths, though. I’ve met many baptists, calvinists, and mormons who have done wonderful work in the world, and I respect that.

But I’ve also run into a few (methodist in-laws, in particular) who are just jerks. They love the little slight jabs at ‘catholic calisthenics’ in the perws. One, at my wedding, was doing a reading. He entered the sanctuary and made a point to grin and wink at the priest. An aged, orthodox priest who was suffering from late onset diabetes.

I’m only human, but I really don’t think I would do that to a protestant pastor. Especially if he was officiating in a protestant church.
For a cradle Catholic ignorant of the ‘KJV only’ folks, what gives about the KJV?
From what I understand some protestants believe that the KJV was historically an answer to protestants prayer for a Bible in English.

Then as time went on an so many translations in English came to be they see the other translations as having corrupted the KJV. Protestants have way, way more Bible translations than Catholics and some are waaaay out there, so a lot of fundamentalists stick with the KJV. I guess they see it as more fundamental.
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So it was kind of twice inspired? The original scriptures were inspried and the KJV was inspired as the best translation?

Thank you for answering!
So it was kind of twice inspired? The original scriptures were inspried and the KJV was inspired as the best translation?
That is a good way to put it. That is probably just how KJV only protestants see it but incorrectly.
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Yes that was amazing to me and not the answer i expected to hear. But it demonstrates how brainwashed and close-minded these folks are.
Yeah i wouldn’t either.

In fact, many protestants refuse to call a priest father. Wont even give him his title. Meanwhile, I will address any protestant pastor as pastor or reverend out of respect…even a female pastor and I don’t believe in those.
They actually have a point when they criticize the NIV which like 200 deleted verses.

Then you have, say the NASB which is translated with a Calvinist slant to it. The translators have their agendas.
It is a historical fact the Reformation occurred in the 16th century. The Church was one Church for more than 1500 years until a Catholic Priest, Martin Luther, decided “works” wasn’t necessary and tried to add one word to the Old Testament “Only” and remove 7 books from the Bible. Shortly after Martin Luther’s departure we have John Calvin who decide he didn’t want to believe in the real presence of the Eucharist and broke from the Church as well. Two men attempted to change the dogma, which to this day has never been changed. It would have been fun to see his response to this historical fact. With that said, you handled the situation very well.
The response I made is a historical fact. Now if you’re talking about the difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, that’s a different discussion which the Eastern Orthodox have not change the original dogma. It becomes a discussion as to who’s the true successor to the first Pope Simon Peter.
The response I made is a historical fact. Now if you’re talking about the difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, that’s a different discussion which the Eastern Orthodox have not change the original dogma. It becomes a discussion as to who’s the true successor to the first Pope Simon Peter.
And yet the Church was not one after the East-West split. So the Church was not one until Luther.
The dogma was not divided meaning the Church as a whole is not divided.
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Another debate. Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. And yes, I know Pope Benedict XVI retired.
Yes, but its not really comparable. You may not use any other translation, but you don’t condemn as lost those who read other translations…at least I certainly hope not. Most Catholics are not native English speakers.
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