So this was interesting – I am at work and this co-worker whom everyone knows because of his strong belief in KJV Baptist evangelization says he needs to ask me a question that he has been meaning to ask for a while. I see he is on his way out the door, but on his desk he has a New testament and his phone with several scriptures on it.
So he starts leading up to it --and i interrupt and say are you going to ask me if I’m “saved”. And he says well yeah are you saved? I say yes I believe so…i believe I’m saved and as St. Paul says I’m being saved. It’s a process.
Then he starts in with the “how do you get saved” stuff. And I say well, you trust in the Lord first and foremost. And before I can get to anything else he wants to know If I think I have to do anything to get saved. And I say no, you trust in the Lord but after your conversion things are expected of you, like works. Then he goes on about the thief on the cross and i said yes, he had perfect contrition. His heart was contrite and no works were necessary for him. Jesus gives us a clean robe when we get “saved” whether you believe that happens at Baptism or asking Jesus as your Lord and savior is irrelevant. We are expected to try and keep our robes clean. Then he goes on about us not being able to keep the commandments and do I think we can keep them. I say no, not perfectly because of our sin nature but we are expected to try and keep them and try and get better and to say otherwise is just laziness.
So we go around in circles and shows me John 10, the famous verse OSAS believers love to quote…nobody can pluck them from my Father’s hand. He really thinks he’s got me on that one. I said yes but that doesn’t say you cant jump out of the Father’s hand yourself. Just means no other person can affect your own salvation which is between you and God.
The conversation lasted about 15 minutes. He seemed offended some that I said I was a protestant Christian like you for many years and in my examination of Church history, the Church has always been more Catholic/Orthodox than it was protestant. I am a Catholic convert who once believed more like you do. He says I am not a protestant Christian. We come from the anabaptist who always existed. He says there has always been a group of Christians who believed like him since the early Church. I said oh really, is there any historical evidence of that? He says yes I just saw a video about it last week. I said ok can you show me like one of their church buildings from the 8th century or something? Because according to what I have seen anabaptist started emerging in the 14th century at the earliest(probably more like 16th) —silence–
part 1