KJV only Baptist tried to save my soul today

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Not KJV only, but I have plenty of anti-Catholic relatives who have tried to convince me of one thing or another. If they want a serious conversation, they will get one from me, but I find they just want to bash Catholics and don’t tolerate any push back.
If you put them in a room with the KJV onliest group one might wonder which group would emerge victorious. After all they both think they have the truth. 🤔

So this was interesting – I am at work and this co-worker whom everyone knows because of his strong belief in KJV Baptist evangelization says he needs to ask me a question that he has been meaning to ask for a while. I see he is on his way out the door, but on his desk he has a New testament and his phone with several scriptures on it.

So he starts leading up to it --and i interrupt and say are you going to ask me if I’m “saved”. And he says well yeah are you saved? I say yes I believe so…i believe I’m saved and as St. Paul says I’m being saved. It’s a process.

Then he starts in with the “how do you get saved” stuff. And I say well, you trust in the Lord first and foremost. And before I can get to anything else he wants to know If I think I have to do anything to get saved. And I say no, you trust in the Lord but after your conversion things are expected of you, like works. Then he goes on about the thief on the cross and i said yes, he had perfect contrition. His heart was contrite and no works were necessary for him. Jesus gives us a clean robe when we get “saved” whether you believe that happens at Baptism or asking Jesus as your Lord and savior is irrelevant. We are expected to try and keep our robes clean. Then he goes on about us not being able to keep the commandments and do I think we can keep them. I say no, not perfectly because of our sin nature but we are expected to try and keep them and try and get better and to say otherwise is just laziness.

So we go around in circles and shows me John 10, the famous verse OSAS believers love to quote…nobody can pluck them from my Father’s hand. He really thinks he’s got me on that one. I said yes but that doesn’t say you cant jump out of the Father’s hand yourself. Just means no other person can affect your own salvation which is between you and God.

The conversation lasted about 15 minutes. He seemed offended some that I said I was a protestant Christian like you for many years and in my examination of Church history, the Church has always been more Catholic/Orthodox than it was protestant. I am a Catholic convert who once believed more like you do. He says I am not a protestant Christian. We come from the anabaptist who always existed. He says there has always been a group of Christians who believed like him since the early Church. I said oh really, is there any historical evidence of that? He says yes I just saw a video about it last week. I said ok can you show me like one of their church buildings from the 8th century or something? Because according to what I have seen anabaptist started emerging in the 14th century at the earliest(probably more like 16th) —silence–

part 1
I hope you are charitable and well enough informed to know that the likes of Steven Anderson and his type do not represent what the true values of Anabaptistism were/are.
Thank you for posting here so more of us aren’t sitting ducks to people who come to us prepared with some kind of twist on church history and scripture. You knew he was going to get around to you and you were prepared. Nicely done!
I used to find those Romans road pamphlets around various places, and I would write the theological problems with what they were trying to tell me, point out what was right what was wrong, and tell them that they need to actually read the verses in context, and instead of disposing of them, which is what I used to do with Jehovah’s Witnesses literature I found in public (throw it away). I didn’t tell them this to the people who put it there, I didn’t know who they were, but I wrote it in there. Now, whether or not they could read my writing, that’s a different story, those pamphlets are tiny and my writing is tiny
I wonder which bible our Lord recommended? I wonder which one He wrote. I wonder which bible He commended to go and make disciples of every nation.

Honestly, some of this bible alone stuff borders on idolatry.

Now, ask him if he has been reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:20). Saint Paul admonishes Christians to be reconciled with God. How can that be if they are already saved? Hmmmm…

Oh, and ask him if he has been absolved of his sins by hearing the words of absolution. No? Refer him to 2 Corinthians 2:10 in which Saint Paul states:
2 Corinthians 2:10 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
10 And to whom you have pardoned any thing, I also. For, what I have pardoned, if I have pardoned any thing, for your sakes have I done it in the person of Christ.
He won’t accept the Douay-Rheims, so how about that lovely old KJV? What does it have to say?
2 Corinthians 2:10 King James Version (KJV)
10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;
Oh, look! It says just what the Catholic bible says! Those ordained - Bishops and Priests - forgive sins in the person of Christ! Imagine that!

But, go easy on him, or he’ll start sputtering.
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I feel like gentle questioning can be effective with come people.
Such as:
  1. Did Jesus write a book, or found a Church?
  2. If we don’t have to do anything, then why isn’t everyone saved? If Jesus died on the cross, and we don’t need anything else, then why isn’t every single person saved?
We come from the anabaptist who always existed. He says there has always been a group of Christians who believed like him since the early Church. I said oh really, is there any historical evidence of that? He says yes I just saw a video about it last week. I said ok can you show me like one of their church buildings from the 8th century or something? Because according to what I have seen anabaptist started emerging in the 14th century at the earliest(probably more like 16th)
We have quite a few different anabaptist groups around us. They are KJV only also but they are extremely passive and keep to themselves. Never had one say anything as you describe.

I find it interesting when Bible only protestants say those who believe as they do always existed. That would mean they would have been around when the Catholic church was canonizing the NT. If they were protesting the Catholic church back then and believing as they do back then, and they were “supposedly” the real Christians, why would God give the Catholic church the responsibility of canonizing Scripture and not those supposedly real Christians and why would those protestants back then accept the NT canonization from people they were protestsing. ??
Anyone else ever experience these KJV only guys
I did have a protestant Christian at work once while we were just discussing Christianity in general, no arguing,no debating, just out of the blue says she believed that the Catholic church was responsible for all the problems in the world. It caught me off guard because I had considered us friends. I didn’t know what to say. When I reminded her I was Catholic she just said I know. I don’t know if she is KJV only.
Steven Anderson, who takes every opportunity he can to jab the Catholic Church.
Ok that is horrible. There is a megachurch in our area, packed full every Sunday, that makes fun of any type of orthodox Christianity. Went there a couple of times as a protestant and couldn’t believe how people were sitting there listening and laughing.

I think you answered your co-worker very well.
That is a good one, because they certainly believe that Non-Christians are NOT saved.
It’s that magic name of - well, let’s just say I don’t think the Lord likes name droppers. I fear that an awful lot of souls are going to be shocked on that day.
I was once in a group where some Baptist claimed Catholics are not “real Americans.”

I said, “Everyone who has a Purple Heart raise your hand.” Not a hand was raised. So I said, “There are seven of us here, and we have two Purple Hearts among us. The six Baptists have none, and the lone Catholic has two.”

There were no more remarks about Catholics not being “real Americans.”
I’m a former Baptist and had never heard of this guy. What bothers me most about his stance and video is the disrespect. I would never ever consider making a joke or mocking someone’s religious beliefs. I spent many years convinced Catholicism was wrong - but God showed me the truth. I remember witnessing to kids at school. I read the KJV and memorized scripture. It’s a beautiful and poetic version - it’s all we used until more modern versions came out.
I actually don’t know much about anaBaptists – what I have heard was they were a bit quirky. But no interaction with them so i dont know.
Not only that, but his bible says this about Judas:

For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take. Acts 1:20

Thanks King James, for confirming what we teach —apostolic succession and that the Bishop’s position is in fact an office.
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I don’t think I’ll ever have another one of these talks with him again – but if so I may just ask him what is the pillar and bulwark of Truth for a Christian? Of course he is going to walk right into it and claim it’s the bible.
I go to mass and pray and follow the sacraments and I feel all right. I come here and or listen to other Christians and often times I don’t feel like on the right path half the time. We lay Christians have a lot to answer for in how we hold up one another. This Baptist guy is in reality a separated brother and part of the family. Such a shame you had a negative experience
It’s a shame that those Churches do not view us as Christians and feel the need to evangelize us in the first place. I’m quite certain he already knew i was a practicing Catholic. But if you don’t believe like they do(sola scriptura/OSAS, etc) they dont see you as a brother in Christ.
It’s amazing to me that she would say such a thing.

The Catholic Church is responsible for more hospitals/shelters/universities than anyone in the world. And she does more charitable work than anyone in the world. She also is often times a lone voice standing up against abortion, contraception, etc.

So while we have our problems(pedo priests) we have a lot of good as well. That’s just an ignorant and foolish statement she made.
Isn’t the act of evangelizing a work?

…and that video is disgusting. Obviously they don’t believe in Christian charity, compassion or love. If this guy is your coworkers hero, I’d point out that that was the most unchristian video I’ve ever seen. Let him explain the Christian love in that video!
There is an argument that you can use – but only with intelligent people who are persuadable by logic. Others will get mad and become incoherent.

The fundamental basis of Protestantism is rejection of the Kharisma of Infallibility. They believe the Church erred. Now having rejected infallibility, they cannot turn around and claim it for themselves. So the ultimate answer to Protestant theology is, “But you admit you can be wrong, do you not?”

If they say, “No,” you can point out that they are claiming infallibility (that’s what infallibility means, can’t be wrong.)

If they say, “yes,” then politely point out they have is reason to expect anyone accept their arguments.
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