KJV only Baptist tried to save my soul today

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What a silly little man it is baffling how a man with such ignorance has such a huge following
Even if you’re reading the Bible in Spanish? Haha. I always wondered about KJV only types… are all non-English speakers damned by default?
Not yet. We will cross paths again probably Friday.

Interested to see if he has anything to say at all lol.
I have, at a wedding. He was a Fundamentalist who believed the world is only four thousand years old.
He seemed to have a big animosity against me when he learned I am Catholic. He called me to the side and attempted to talk about religion. Happily, the food arrived and the conversation was cut short.
He might say, “If the KJV Bible was good enough for the Apostile Paul, it’s good enough for me and it ought to be be good enough for you”. 😀 :crazy_face:

Or as Barney Fife used to say:

Apologies for late reply, but am only now going through my notifications. But MagdalenaRita provided you with your answer, for which I thank her!
Exactly - it’s about fundamentalism. You wouldn’t believe the uproar when my (former) Baptist Church placed NIV Pew Bibles in our church (in the racks next to the hymnals). I don’t know which was worst - the fact they were NIV instead of King James of that there were Pew Bibles (we always carried our own Bibles). Seems rather silly now.
@Lenten_ashes1, it appears that you and I come from similar backgrounds, and all I have to say to you is, “Well played!”

The nice thing about my own background is that if I ever were to get into a discussion like that with a person like that, I can, in the words of the Southern Gospel song, “. . . tell you the time, and I can take you to the place . . .” I had a conversion experience in a Pentecostal church, and it changed my life. It also set me on a journey that culminated in my own swim across the Tiber in 2004-5.

Its amazing the journey God takes us on isn’t it? I had a charismatic type experience entrance into Christianity as well…so I’ll never poo poo on protestant churches. They do a lot of good and are wonderful at evangelization. They introduced me to Jesus and I’m forever grateful.

All that said…when they get out of line and foolishly start trashing the one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, its time for us to gently correct them and hopefully plant some seeds in the process.
I’m still involved in Southern convention-type singings here in Alabama, because I have a bunch of relatives in that culture… Everybody who knows me, also knows that I’m Catholic; nobody says a mumblin’ word about it.

So, over 100 responses, and we still do not know. Share the “deets”! Are you now saved and guaranteed heaven no matter what?
I think some folks read the scriptures and they see reformed theology, they see OSAS.

For me, that has never been the case. Even as a Non-Denom i read the scriptures and what I saw was assurance of heaven if you really want it. But if you want to just blatantly live in sin then it proves you love sin more than God, and thus are going to hell if you are unrepentant. I wanted to see OSAS but it’s just not there, imo.
KJV= King James version of the bible.

There are a group of “independent”(just another denomination whether they realize it or not) Baptists who only read from and allow KJV in their Church. Seriously, don’t get caught bringing a NIV bible in their place.

OSAS= Once saved, always saved. You can not lose your salvation once you are ‘saved’…no if’s ands or buts about it.
To me, and this is just my own uneducated opinion, total depravity and OSAS are linked. The way I understand it, with total depravity there is nothing you can do that isn’t hateful to God. The only way you can be saved is by Christ’s saving work done on the cross. And saying Christ can’t do that half way, and throw in a few half understood Bible verses, and you end up with OSAS.

For me at least it would be a freakin’ minefield. I’d be tempted to give in to my baser nature over and over again because A) I can’t help it (total depravity) and nothing I do is pleasing to God and B) Christ has me covered anyway.

I’m not sure how they work this into Christ’s warnings about those who didn’t do his commandments being cast out; Pauls warnings about certain behavior, and Peter talking about people who would have been better off not being converted the first time, rather than being converted and falling away. But I’m sure they have a rationalization.
It’s a good view point and I think my feelings are similar. I don’t think I’m ever going to go full apostate here, but I also know i have this ridiculous tendency to fall into sin. And once you are there, you become a slave to it as Jesus describes so it’s tough to get out of. So you could, theoretically, in that belief system let your guard down and sorta stay there – with the mentality of what’s the point in trying to conquer it since it doesn’t seem to matter much one way or the other.

And once you start crossing over to Calvin’s theology then you have to look at pre-destination and believe that God also predestines people to hell, which I can not accept.
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