KJV only Baptist tried to save my soul today

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Anyone else ever experience these KJV only guys?
The curriculum I was on growing up was KJV-only. They were pretty anti-Catholic, and it took a bit of time for me to come to a point where I was willing to explore Catholicism. Oddly, that happened among the PCA, who are also pretty anti-Catholic.
…and that video is disgusting. Obviously they don’t believe in Christian charity, compassion or love.
Bear in mind, Steven Anderson is kind of famous for defending a “it’s OK to hate” position and being among those who praised the Pulse Nightclub shooter a few years ago.
The only Anabaptists I’m familiar with are the Amish and Mennonites, and they really couldn’t care less about evangelizing anyone.
That’s real nice he mentioned King David, that is a fine example of repenting AND turning back to God. No one can argue David sinned, BUT, he also seeked forgiveness. He was never OSAS.

My prayers will be with you as you have to deal with a militant evangelical. You probably will never change his mind but the Lord will reward you for defending the real truth.
Tell him ‘Well if you’re right, I’m saved from when I was a Protestant anyway. And joining the Catholic Church can’t pluck me out of Gods hand’.
The problem there is that disagreeing with any particular OSAS and his personal interpretations shows that you weren’t ever actually saved . . .
Bear in mind, Steven Anderson is kind of famous for defending a “it’s OK to hate” position and being among those who praised the Pulse Nightclub shooter a few years ago.
So, just a short hop to the Westbrook Baptist Church? Huh.
Thank you. We are in a day and age where i feel we cant avoid it. We must defend it unapologetically, but also in kindness.
What’s interesting is he doesn’t like the Westboro Church either. They seem like 2 peas in a pod and should get along great.
Right, David had a true heart for God and always repented.

Thank you very much for your prayers!
That’s too…ironic? Doesn’t surprise me in the least. It’s a solid competition for the most unchristian Christianity on the block!

I just can’t believe they have members. What’s the draw?..I hate most people but believe in Jesus cause I don’t want to go to hell?
He’s so ridiculous that he’s entertaining…I’ve listened to a few of his sermons for a good laugh. He says God does not just hate the sin, he actually hates the sinner – therefore, it’s ok for you to do it too. And he tries to use the bible, OT, to justify it.

He has a huge following on youtube.
Well, all of you pray for him and I’ll just try not to throw up on his shoes if I ever see him 😂😂😂. Really, he’s a disgusting person and I hope he has a true change of faith.
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He’s going to have to change as he has been banned in like 74 countries now lol. Pretty soon he wont be able to go and “minister” anywhere outside our borders.
I was KJV only right before I converted to Catholicism. I meandered through Protestantism eventually landing on KJV onlyism because the arguments are logically coherent when you practice Sola Scriptura. Then Fr. Corapi snatched me out of that for the Church and I’ve never looked back and never been so in love with the faith as I am now.
I just can’t believe they have members. What’s the draw?
Well, he is, if nothing else, charismatic. (Talking about the personality type. He probably hates Charismatics, even of the Protestant variety.) Beyond that, there’s probably a bit overlap in what made/makes Trump appealing: “He says it like it is!”

And I’m pretty sure you can identify similar characters in Catholicism, albeit maybe not as bad as Steven Anderson, since he’s a particularly extreme version of this.
Couple of re-pondered points:
  1. I find it easier to defend Catholic doctrine from the KJV than from the NAB or NAB/RE.
  2. As we see here at CAF, one can debate against intellect, but not against ego.
We come from the anabaptist who always existed.
If he thinks “always” began In the 1500s? The Anabaptist founders Conrad Grebel & Felix Mantz started baptizing in Zurich in 1525, but they weren’t centralized leaders like Zwingly, Calvin & Luther were. But they were influenced to some degree by Ulrich Zwingly & Martin Luther, who both denounced the Anabaptists for being too radical. In 1526, Zwingly decreed Anabaptists should be drowned 😲
Me too.

And I actually sorta agree with the KJVO criticism of the NIV – it’s a horrible version of the bible with over 200 deleted verses.
I think that he thinks these anaBaptists are branched off from another mysterious group of ‘real’ Christians who hid out in the wilderness until the time of the reformation.
And there are sites that describe all of the errors in various KJV editions. On the contrary, I do know that the NIV is such a washed out, committee-think translation that it has been described by at least one theologian as making it impossible to know the true thoughts of Saint Paul.

EDIT: With such persons, one is treading a fine line. However, if you can simply plant a seed, using the bible as your weapon, and let the idea percolate within him - for a few decades.

Conversion can be instantaneous, but may only occur when he is on his deathbed. What is gained in such cases is a soul for all eternity. What is lost is the joy that could have been experienced in the Sacraments.
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