We also have Case Juan Diego, and I have no doubt we would even have helped the Irish in the East, when it was they who were oppressed.
Actually . . .
Fr. McGivny, the founder of the KofC, was already involved in the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America before founding the Knights.
He wanted something for
all Catholic men to fill the role of the AOH for Irish . . .
(The AOH in America was formed by Irish immigrants at the request of the AOH [in Ireland] in order to protect female Catholic immigrants. The Irish are the only US immigrant group where the women came first, rather than following the men. The AOH itself was formed to quite literally hide priests from the British army, who executed any they found. Pretty much every resistance group “past” the AOH on the spectrum had to be suppressed after the British were thrown out . . .)
Should the Samaritan have reserved his resources for “his own community”?
One can thing that current US immigration law and the asylum process is insane and that the border should be closed, and that those coming in should be sent home, and still show them compassion . . . .
[OK, speaking as someone who used to practice immigration law, that process
is insane, with the “credible fear” standard for release pending an asylum claim having little to do with eligibility for asylum, but that’s another issue . . .]
Perhaps it is because the Knights and ICE have very different ideas of what “the work” means. The Knights want to assist those in need. ICE wants to keep them out of our country.
And one could be both a good Knight assisting in this relief
and a good ICE officer . . .
As for myself, as a longtime Knight, I don’t see assisting those in need as a political position.
Now, if you were to tell me that the KofC was involved in smuggling them across the boarder, or transporting them from the southern to northern border of Mexico, that would be another issue . . .
That was a direct quote from the Grand Knight of all the Knights
That would be the “Supreme Knight”, Carl Anderson.