I agree. But I haven’t seen any details from the Knights on how htey are helping and who they are targeting.CatholicSooner:
Those that are asking for asylum are not here illegally, they’re following a legitimate, legal process. They are not coming up here on some asylum tour bus that heads straight to a legal boarder crossing. They are poor people giving up everything to travel around 1000 miles traveling on foot, hopping dangerous freight trains, and the like to be here. A huge percentage of the women end up being raped on the way and all often being taken advantage of. Not all Mexicans are kind and I’m sure they have an accent that makes them stand out. There are places on the boarder where a legal crossing point is a few days walk away, they also probably don’t have good maps and almost certainly no GPS. I ask you what you would do if you had no real idea of where to cross legally but had finally found the boarder?Big difference between helping those that are here legally and helping those that are here illegally
The most telling thing is that all refugees are being presented as “illegals” by some talking heads when you know there plenty who have crossed the boarder legally and are still being treated the same way. Wanting to escape persecution is not illegal and hiding behind this idea that they inherently have crossed in violation of Federal Law is thinly disguised xenophobia and nationalism.
And the post you quoted was in reference to saying Father McGiveny and the Knights were helping immigrants from day one and using that as justification to helping refugees. I felt McGiveny was being used to justify helping illegals. I don’t think that is honest.