This false charity or is it apathy towards Bishops who oppose Catholics in their diocese that request (1) Latin Mass in an area as big as San Francisco(S.F.native so I know the area) is appalling, they will allow every different vernacular but not the TLM. Let’s set the record straight THEY have an agenda and they do not serve their laity well by it.Lavada was charged with the spiritual welfare fo that diocese. In his previous diocese, he allowed the indult.
Given the fact that some (not the majority, I assume) are rather radical about the TLM as opposed to the normative rite, he may have well felt that allowing the indult would create or give platform to more devisivness than not allowing it. Since he allowed it in one diocese and not another, and since neither you nor I have any further evidence of why he did not allow it in San Francisco, no conclusion can be drawn other than he felt that it was not spiritually of enough value there for what ever reason to allow it. Were we to know the reasoning, we might disagree with it. Or we might agree with it and say he made a wise pastoral choice. But other than feleings, we have nothing to go on. Charity would seem to indicate that no valid judgement could be made of his choice.
I am not familiar with enough geography to determine if some, or any of the sites which have the TLM were in the “north Forty”, or otherwise in difficult or inaccessible places. But in looking through the sites, I recognized names of towns that were large enough to be of at least passing recognition to someone who is not a geographic wonk. the large majority looked as if they were in centers of at least mediums size cities.