Originally Posted by Kielbasi
In the Pittsburgh area, the Latin mass is said in a grand total of one parish, St. Boniface, which has been largely depopulated due to interstate highway construction. .
I don’t know how long you’ve been away from Pittsburgh, but your statement is not accurate. The highway you talk about was completed 20 years ago! I attend the TLM at St. Boniface’s and I assure you it is packed every Sunday. The 8 AM Low Mass gets a pretty good crowd, and the 11 AM High Mass is packed. Packed!!!
By “parish” , I was of course referring to the geographic territory which St. Boniface serves, the East St. Valley. I 279 was completed about a dozen years ago, and the area is still not repopulated.And FYI - the local, NO Mass that lets out right before our High Mass (the one with the tamborine hymns and women wearing tank tops, etc.) is also pretty well full. So, that Church most definitely gets its use.
I’ll take your word of course that St. Boniface is well attended, I guess the diocese redrew the parish’s traditional boundaries, in the light of other Northside parishes which have closed, Annunciation, St. Weneslaus, old St. Mary’s.
I 'll stand corrected, although I have been in Pittsburgh my entire life, I almost never go to Northside.