Parker, there is enough fault to go around for all of us; each of us knows we are not perfect. I suspect you have people on your Mormon websites that get carried away and allow volatile emotions rather than the Holy Spirit guide their comments.JeanMichel,
Thanks once again for your participation in this forum. The two who made comments know that they won’t get a direct response, so that probably brings an edginess to a comment or two, but since I’ve done my share of sarcastic comments during my life (which I have come to appreciate my wife trying to help me get over that), then I’m just saying that it’s OK with me. When sarcasm is evident, then I take it like Jonathan Swift used it–as dramatizing the situation and exaggerating their point of view.
(This comment is also so other readers understand why a direct dialog isn’t going on in those cases.)
Again, thanks, and God bless you and your family and all readers. Have a great day.
The only thing I will say about your belief in Exaltation is that it would seem better to focus on holiness or true righteousness than all else when discussing the topic. I think the Eastern Orthodox does an incredible job of approaching this topic. I would encourage you to read some of their beliefs about Theosis when you have the chance. I firmly believe it would expand and enlighten your understanding of Exaltation and the importance of this life’s focus for its achievement.
Too often I feel it necessary to play the role of Devil’s advocate on this forum. Some of our members get too vociferous in their responses and comments for me not to to comment. It is not that I truly disagree with their position, but that I completely disagree with their manner of getting their point across.
When I was young I saw the world in black and white. I felt wise enough to clearly see the difference between right and wrong. As I have aged, I have come to realize that there is far more gray in the world than black and white. How I yearn for all Christians to worship together; to stand as one body firmly built on the Lord Jesus Christ. Given what the last days will be like, Christians will fare better united than fighting amongst themselves.
One last comment, as for me, there is not greater single doctrine than the reality of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. If any human professes this, they are true Christian and I welcome them fully into Body of Christ. They stand on the lode stone of Christianity the path is before them that leads to the Heaven. No other belief or lack of belief is more important than this! May God’s peace abide with you and your family throughout the coming year.