Stephen,Joseph Smith said it was book about the ‘source’ of the aboriginal people of the Americas. Source as in the origin; where it all started.
Here is the narrative about the words of the angel Moroni in his appearance to Joseph Smith:
“He said there was a book deposited,… giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang…”
This is not an all-inclusive nor an exclusive statement. The former inhabitants with whom Moroni was familiar were the ones he was talking about, and the source from whence they sprang would be talking about those particular people. Just because people take that statement and make it into an all-inclusive statement about “the source of the aboriginal people of the Americas” does not make that the meaning of the statement, particularly in the context of the book itself.
Further, it is not about the Jews, at all, by the definition the Jews have for themselves (tribe of Judah). It is about a family from the tribe of Manasseh, and about descendants of Zoram who was a servant of Laban and would not be Semitic at all. The maternal line of the tribe of Manasseh was not Semitic, either. So DNA is of no consequence about these people or their origins in terms of Jewish ancestry or not.