I do appreciate the charitable activities of the RCC.
I also believe that the gospel if lived completely changes lives and would certainly be evident in how whole nations progress when the gospel is lived by the majority of people in those nations.
I don’t see that evidence in predominantly Catholic countries. Rather, I see that people change after leaving that culture behind them, and become economically better off which leads them to a whole new way of life that improves the standard of living for their family and gives them a whole new way of looking at their future.
So, we see things through very different eyes.
Seeing as Catholicism is the root of modern civilization, and its chief and foremost defender from calumny and subversion, I must therefore consent to your observation that we see things through “
very different eyes.”
Thank the Catholics, by the way, for preserving the wisdom of the ancients through “the Dark Ages,” for haulting and reversing the Muslim advances through the West, for establishing education as institutionally independent of the State, permitting disciplined (truly scholarly and academic) free inquiry, and the rejuvination of schools of thought, for furnishing countless communities with orphanages and hospitals to provide relief for those who fell through the cracks, as it were ; for cultivating the family and the Western family tradition, which is still seen as something institutional and, therefore, inherently dignified and rightfully defended from molestation by the State,
ad infinitum.
Mormonism reaps and takes for granted so much of what it did not sow.
Lastly, you are now depraved of any charity, for you miserably failed to recognize the Truth : the Catholic countries of the world, for the past four-hundred years, have been endlessly assaulted by the forces of rebellion, confusion and subversion, with armies and calumnies have they been perpetually attacked. Now you pompously look down with contempt on the tired and battered soldiers of Christendom ? You do demonstrate your allegiance, for if you were with Christ you would take pity upon His soldiers the citizens of His country ; however, you join with their enemies in prematurely boasting of a ficticious defeat.
I am curious, Parker, why don’t you have six wives and call all Native Americans and people of colour accursed ? It is because your cowardly and perverted cult abandoned these teachings upon first threat by your host country, and thanks be to God for that. The Catholic Church, however, has not abandoned her teachings, and while her members now more than ever must struggle to keep and apply those teachings in a world gone mad for itself, with their good name of Christian all the while being actively sullied and polluted by nefarious and perverted cults such as yours ; nonetheless, this proves nothing for your point except that the devil and his cohorts make a point themselves to converge against the Catholic peoples of this world, and do all in their power to supplant, corrupt and torment them.
Parker, if Catholicism were to fail, whatever little parts of Mormonism that can even be passingly confused as Christian would quickly be abandoned, I assure you, for your religion can hardly boast of defending its ground when even one generally benevolent State takes issue with its doctrines ; in fact, we see clearly they are abandoned upon every pretext of expedience.