LDS Church puts a date on the Great Apostasy

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Not a new gospel, but the restored gospel. Not just an angel, but God the Father, and Jesus Christ Himself.
The restored Gospel ? And beg your pardon, flyonthewall, but I like many know well the story of how the angel “Moroni” (if I recall the name correctly) visited Mr. Smith to answer his question as to which Church he should join and, not surprisingly, lead him to develop a new gospel and a new church.
I do not disregard but follow the words of the Apostles.
Then you would listen to the Church they themselves established and which has persisted from their time to our time.
Here you begin to make things up as I have no idea of what you speak.
The Mormons haven’t told you about how Mr. Smith would later join the Masonic Lodge (after apparently conversing with the Divine or His agents), and even incorporate some of its teachings into his ideas and formulation of the Mormon “priesthood” ? It’s common knowledge, and can be readily verified. A good friend of mine, for example, who is a Mormon and also now a Mason is very well acquainted with the close relationship between the Lodge and the Mormon religion, and used to love talking about how the Utah Temple was littered with Masonic symbolism.

Joseph Smith was no more an adulterer than Abraham, Isaac or Jacob.
Abraham had but one wife until she died (death did them part). Abraham, unlike Mr. Smith, did not - after having a revelation from God - decide to take to himself multiple wives ; in fact, this Patriarch, who appears to have had the most intimate relationship with the Almighty, was the more strictly loyal and faithful to his one wife (Sarah). This wife, Sarah, being immediately desirous of children, gave to her husband her handmaid (Hagar) in order that through her Abraham could beget children for them ; however, said children would legally be reckoned as her’s and Abraham’s. Mr. Smith, by contrast, forced his wife to suffer his polygamous affairs in violation of their marrital vows.

Jacob, if memory serves me, was tricked into polygamy by his uncle, exactly because he only desired for himself one wife. Mr. Smith, by contrast, tricked his wife by marrying her in the traditional manner then later breaking himself from those obligations of fidelity, and so taking additional wives. Jacob’s desire for one wife was a problem for his mischevious uncle, he desiring to betrothe both his daughters to Jacob, which resulted in not a few family problems and tensions as a consequence ; for Mr. Smith, the problem was his desire to take upon himself more wives in violation of established Christian convention.

Isaac, who had the least recourse to the Almighty and is not dealt with as lengthily in Scripture as his father Abraham or his child, Jacob, did take to himself multiple wives (if I recall). But this Patriarch, unlike the others, is given the least mention by Holy Writ. The Patriarchs exemplified to us were clearly in the opinion of having and keeping only one wife, and whenever this rule was broken, trouble and unhappiness always resulted (as with Hagar and Ishmael or Jacob’s wives Leah and Rebecca), and these problems were generally recorded in the Scriptures. If Holy Scripture desired to give us cause to be polygamous, one might imagine it would furnish us with happy examples of polygamy ; however, we have none, and the worst examples we have are David and Solomon, which polygamy or infidelity was the cause of so much misfortune for either themselves or their kingdoms, and God clearly did not approve.


When Joseph Smith wed the first time, I am curious, what manner of vows did he take ? And I am curious also, did the vows he make to his wife before God permit him or even give him the pretext for taking more wives ?

So he marries a woman who, in keeping with the common tradition of Christians for thousands of years, lawfully and rightfully expected him to love her and no other “till death” did them part, but later he unilaterally determines to alter the conditions of the vows so as to permit him to take to himself more wives, and if this insult were not enough, he begins to preach a theology wherein she shall be bonded to her adulterous and vow-breaking husband for all eternity.

No, flyonthewall, Joseph Smith was most certainly an adulterer, and*** his poor first, original, and only wife ***was the primary victim of his promiscuity and defilement of marriage.
Yes, the Great Apostasy was not a historical event, which is why people who believe it happened cannot prove it with historical evidence. So he was wrong when he said: No, it does not sound like apostasy of any kind; individual or church. It would also be odd to look to the Old Testament for a Christian Apostasy.
Does not sound like apostasy of any kind? That says a lot.
If the word of the Lord could not be found, you do not think an apostasy has occured?
Okay. 🤷

Odd to look to the OT for a Christian Apostasy?
No more "odd’ than looking to the OT for Christian anything, including Jesus Christ.
It looks like this describes what happened to the original LDS when JS died, where different leaders took congregations with them and established their own branch of LDS.
So my answer can be understood…good. Loss of the priesthood does not mean the organization will “wink” out of existance, but will go into apostasy.
And it looks like this is what is happening today to the LDS, as they are trying to make their theology more, for lack of a better term, Christian friendly. What with different members seem not to be in the same page, a mormon missionary mentions something not agreeable, and is said to be and individual opinion (:eek:)…and so forth that have come to light with the several threads about mormonism…
And then you draw incorrect conclusions.
Our theology has not changed. Your perception has.
On the one hand we are accused of being brainwashed and we have no individual thoughts…we all step in line with Salt Lake. On the other hand we are told we are not all on the same page, and we have individual thoughts about that may not agree with official teachings, so that is a sign that we are making up different theology.

When Joseph Smith wed the first time, I am curious, what manner of vows did he take ? And I am curious also, did the vows he make to his wife before God permit him or even give him the pretext for taking more wives ?
I wonder what vows Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob took when they married their first wives…
So he marries a woman who, in keeping with the common tradition of Christians for thousands of years, lawfully and rightfully expected him to love her and no other “till death” did them part, but later he unilaterally determines to alter the conditions of the vows so as to permit him to take to himself more wives, and if this insult were not enough, he begins to preach a theology wherein she shall be bonded to her adulterous and vow-breaking husband for all eternity.
You see, you are inaccurately projecting your own thoughts here. Joseph did not unilaterally determine anything. He did not want to even go there at first, but he understood that when the Lord commands something it is best to obey. I am sure you would have told the Lord that obedience to Him was trumped by something else you had going on.
No, flyonthewall, Joseph Smith was most certainly an adulterer, and his poor first (and original) wife was the primary victim of his promiscuity and defilement of marriage.
He stands with the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as co-adulterers, by your definition anyways.

Since you have broached the same kind of statement with me, I’ll remind that a person who really and truly has the sure witness of the Holy Ghost, does not take it lightly in such a way that the “fear” of “too late” or “true Christian (like whom?)” has not only no meaning, but exactly the opposite is true, in that to deny the Holy Ghost is an unpardonable sin that you are asking someone to commit by your invitation.

You should know by your study of the New Testament that this would be a greater thing a true follower of Christ would be sensitive about than whether people who haven’t experienced that witness try and persuade those who have by all sorts of reasoning methods. They are tiny means by comparison.

That is what having a foundation of faith founded on the Rock of Jesus Christ is all about, and why your method does not work. The Rock He spoke about involves the Holy Ghost’s sure witness, and when a person has that, then all these words without knowledge just fall by the wayside.

Peace, and good health to you, JAVL.
Thank you for your comment, Parker. I understand what you say, but I cannot accept what you say. The reason being that you do not follow the same Jesus that I do and you do not listen to the same Holy Spirit that I do by your own admission. The Holy Spirit does not tell you one thing and leads you in one direction and then tells me a different thing and leads me in a different direction.

The Holy Spirit is God and therefore cannot by His very nature do that. It would not only fly in the face of reason but would be accusing Him of causing confusion, and we do know that He is not the author of confusion. With Jesus’ promise to be with His Church ( the Catholic Church ) until the end of time and that the Holy Spirit willl guide and protect us from all error, I know emphatically, definitely, and finally without question, that the Catholic Church is the one and only true Church of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, true God and true Man.

I admire you and all the LDS who are on this forum for your zeal and faithfullness, but it is misplaced. I understand your not liking being told that you are wrong ( I’ve been there ). But belive me when I say that although you think that you are correct in your beliefs and faith you are not. When you finally realize it and come to know and understand you will feel as if a very heavy burden has been removed from your shoulders and everything that you’ve known is so much brighter and clearer than it’s ever been. Then you will finally come to know the complete and total joy and elation of knowing the whole and total truth.

I pray for you and all for your understanding and knowing the One and Only True God. Shalom.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
The restored Gospel ? And beg your pardon, flyonthewall, but I like many know well the story of how the angel “Moroni” (if I recall the name correctly) visited Mr. Smith to answer his question as to which Church he should join and, not surprisingly, lead him to develop a new gospel and a new church.
The angel Moroni did not appear to answer his question. It was God the Father and Jesus Christ that appeared to him to answer his question as to which church to join, and answer his question they did.
Then you would listen to the Church they themselves established and which has persisted from their time to our time.
The Mormons haven’t told you about how Mr. Smith would later join the Masonic Lodge (after apparently conversing with the Divine or His agents), and even incorporate some of its teachings into his ideas and formulation of the Mormon “priesthood” ? It’s common knowledge, and can be readily verified. A good friend of mine, for example, who is a Mormon and also now a Mason is very well acquainted with the close relationship between the Lodge and the Mormon religion, and used to love talking about how the Utah Temple was littered with Masonic symbolism.
I am aware of the similarities and of the differences. The similarities are in the teaching methods, and the differences are in the meaning and purpose.
Abraham had but one wife until she died (death did them part). Abraham, unlike Mr. Smith, did not - after having a revelation from God - decide to take to himself multiple wives ; in fact, this Patriarch, who appears to have had the most intimate relationship with the Almighty, was the more strictly loyal and faithful to his one wife (Sarah). This wife, Sarah, being immediately desirous of children, gave to her husband her handmaid (Hagar) in order that through her Abraham could beget children for them ; however, said children would legally be reckoned as her’s and Abraham’s. Mr. Smith, by contrast, forced his wife to suffer his polygamous affairs in violation of their marrital vows.
So you are saying that Sarai(Sarah) was complicit in Abraham’s adulterous affair…Does the reason matter? Is there anything that justifies adultery?
Sounds like Abraham just used Hagar for his own gratification: having a child by her, but when Sarah had a child he tossed Hagar out on her ear.
The picture you paint of Abraham and Sarah is dismal indeed. I wonder how God would choose such a man and his wife to make His covenant with.
Jacob, if memory serves me, was tricked into polygamy by his uncle, exactly because he only desired for himself one wife. Mr. Smith, by contrast, tricked his wife by marrying her in the traditional manner then later breaking himself from those obligations of fidelity, and so taking additional wives. Jacob’s desire for one wife was a problem for his mischevious uncle, he desiring to betrothe both his daughters to Jacob, which resulted in not a few family problems and tensions as a consequence ; for Mr. Smith, the problem was his desire to take upon himself more wives in violation of established Christian convention.
Jacob did not divorce his first wife when he married his second. Niether did he divorce any wife when he had children with their servants. He just kept accumulating wives. If Jacob were the Patriarch you thought he was, he would have divorced any and all wives before marrying another, and would have married another before having children with them. He didn’t. With the same brush you use on Joseph, paints Jacob in the same vein…using women for his own selfish purposes.
I wonder why God would continue His covenant with such a person.
Isaac, who had the least recourse to the Almighty and is not dealt with as lengthily in Scripture as his father Abraham or his child, Jacob, did take to himself multiple wives (if I recall). But this Patriarch, unlike the others, is given the least mention by Holy Writ. The Patriarchs exemplified to us were clearly in the opinion of having and keeping only one wife, and whenever this rule was broken, trouble and unhappiness always resulted (as with Hagar and Ishmael or Jacob’s wives Leah and Rebecca), and these problems were generally recorded in the Scriptures. If Holy Scripture desired to give us cause to be polygamous, one might imagine it would furnish us with happy examples of polygamy ; however, we have none, and the worst examples we have are David and Solomon, which polygamy or infidelity was the cause of so much misfortune for either themselves or their kingdoms, and God clearly did not approve.
You do err in stating the Patriarchs were of the opinioin of having and keeping one wife, as they each had multiple wives. Although Abraham ran into problems with the relationship between Sarah and Hagar, Jacob had no such problem. He kept all his wives and all his children.

David and Solomon had many wives and concubines given to them by God, and the Lord stated He would have given them more. What God did not approve of was David’s going astray with Bathsheba, and murdering her husband to have her, and Solomon’s going after strange women to wife…that is non-Israelite women, women that would not uphold the faith of Israel.

Even in David’s case, the Lord looks favorably upon him as Jesus Christ is referred to as the “Son of David”.

Any way you try to spin things, you are left lacking as to why the Patriarchs were still favored of the Lord and blessed in spite of their adulterous affairs(as you would describe them).
Does not sound like apostasy of any kind? That says a lot.
If the word of the Lord could not be found, you do not think an apostasy has occured?
In context is reads like a warning to me. If you believe it was a prediction of an apostasy then tell us the day that it happened. When did the Jews stop re-telling the words of the Lord? What date did that happen?
I’ve asked many times for a Mormon to explain how the Mormon Church could lose Priesthood Authority and still exist, but have never got a response. I’ve also never heard any biblical proof from a Mormon that also knew the difference between the apostasy of an individual and a Church.
If the Mormon church were to ever lose priesthood authority, it would still exist, just not with proper authority, and the doctrines would stray.
Like ending polygamy, or ending the ban against the black priesthood. No, you did not explain HOW it could happen but here is the answer:
The answer: Every Priesthood holder would have to not pass on their authority and at almost the same time non-Priesthood holders take over leadership of the Church. In other words it could not happen. So if it could not happen in the Mormon Church now, it could not happen 2000 years ago. No Apostasy, no need for the Mormon Church.
In context is reads like a warning to me. If you believe it was a prediction of an apostasy then tell us the day that it happened. When did the Jews stop re-telling the words of the Lord? What date did that happen?
This was a prophesy of what was to come, and it did come. Revelation even speaks of the coming apostasy:
7And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and apower was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Notice it states “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations”. Sounds pretty Great to me.
Like ending polygamy, or ending the ban against the black priesthood. No, you did not explain HOW it could happen but here is the answer:
In this conclusion you do err. Polygamy was not the doctrine, but a practice or a way the doctrine was lived. It was not required by all. Very few practiced it.
Blacks and the priesthood was not the doctrine, but a limitation on who could hold the priesthood…not un-like the restriction of who could hold the preisthood under Mosaic law.

Do you know the difference between the Priesthood keys, and the Priesthood?
It is the Priesthood keys that hold the authority for church leadership. The Priesthood can only be conferred upon others under the direction of one who holds the keys.
The keys were given to the Apostles, and the Apostles were not replaced.
Your scenario is not valid as it only takes losing the keys to end the priesthood…and eventualy the priesthood was lost.
This was a prophesy of what was to come, and it did come.
I know you say that, I just want the date. When did the Jews stop re-telling the words of the Lord?
Mormons believe they have the keys and priesthood authority to make changes. They have made changes as extreme as change ‘who God is’ and ‘what is required for salvation.’ It took Joseph Smith five years to get around inventing Mormon Apostles, yet he had claimed for those years he had the keys and authority.
In this conclusion you do err. Polygamy was not the doctrine, but a practice or a way the doctrine was lived. It was not required by all. Very few practiced it.
Blacks and the priesthood was not the doctrine, but a limitation on who could hold the priesthood…not un-like the restriction of who could hold the preisthood under Mosaic law.
They were doctrine (teachings) and the Brighamite Mormons changed them. They do continue with other Mormon groups that also claim they have authority and their teaching haven’t changed.
So reason would tell us that the **Mormon claim that doctrine changing in the early church is an indication of apostasy is not true; Mormons have changed doctrine. **
Do you know the difference between the Priesthood keys, and the Priesthood?
It is the Priesthood keys that hold the authority for church leadership. The Priesthood can only be conferred upon others under the direction of one who holds the keys.
The keys were given to the Apostles, and the Apostles were not replaced.
Your scenario is not valid as it only takes losing the keys to end the priesthood…and eventualy the priesthood was lost.
Mormons claiming that only an Apostle can have authority is not true; they claimed authority without apostles.
All you really need is ‘authority’ and you can do whatever you want.
The problem with this claim of an apostasy is Mormons don’t think about what it would really take for their own church to lose priesthood authority.
The answer: Every Priesthood holder would have to not pass on their authority and at almost the same time non-Priesthood holders take over leadership of the Church. In other words it could not happen. So if it could not happen in the Mormon Church now, it could not happen 2000 years ago. No Apostasy, no need for the Mormon Church
So you are saying that Sarai(Sarah) was complicit in Abraham’s adulterous affair…Does the reason matter? Is there anything that justifies adultery?
You have evaded the point and spun it out of context. Abraham was not the source or cause of his taking Hagar to bed purely for the purpose of getting children, Sarah was the source and cause for this. As I said, in those times Sarah’s handmaid was essentially her property, to use as she saw fit, and the children thereof rightfully and legally would belong to Sarah and Abraham.

At some point you mention vows, and that’s the difference : we have no reason to believe whatsoever that the vows made by Abraham and Sarah exluded intercourse outside of marriage for the sake of getting children. Joseph Smith’s vows did, and he broke them.
Sounds like Abraham just used Hagar for his own gratification: having a child by her, but when Sarah had a child he tossed Hagar out on her ear.
You have consistently spun Scripture so as to make it seem as if Scripture presents Abraham as the instigator of these things. It was Sarah who instigated these things.
The picture you paint of Abraham and Sarah is dismal indeed. I wonder how God would choose such a man and his wife to make His covenant with.
That is the wonder, that he chose humans to be the vehicles of his promise. The Patriarchs were not impeccable ; in fact, their very faults and frailties, their successes and failures, furnish us with valuable life-lessons on one hand and retain in us a desire for someone perfect ; i.e., the Christ.
Jacob did not divorce his first wife when he married his second.
I repeat : he was tricked into marrying this woman, Leah. He could have abandoned her or called foul, etc., but he knew he was at the mercy of his not-so moral uncle : his object was the one woman ; namely, Rachel (my mistake, Rebecca was his father’s (Isaac’s) wife), from the get-go. That he did not choose to make a harlot of Leah may have been out of his own morality or conscience ; nonetheless, Scripture clearly demonstrates that this complicated and confusing relationship resulted in, not surprisingly, a jealous and split-loyalties household. It was not a good thing ; therefore, we have no reason here to imagine a justification for Joseph Smith’s patent adultery.
Niether did he divorce any wife when he had children with their servants. He just kept accumulating wives.
The servants were not his wives, they were his wive’s servants, whom they gave to him to get children from them. The polygamous relationship bred jealousy, and the woman furiously worked to out-do one another ; one was to conceive by the promise, another conceived and was fruitful by nature, though even still she desired more children by her handmaid. This was a disastrous mess, and once again is no justification for Joseph Smith’s own vow-breaking adulterous relationships. He had a wife and he swore before God to be faithful to her and her alone. Joseph Smith explicitly broke his vow, and it doesn’t matter if he used the (bad) example of the Patriarchs or if he said aliens made him do it, he still broke his marital vow.
If Jacob were the Patriarch you thought he was, he would have divorced any and all wives before marrying another, and would have married another before having children with them. He didn’t. With the same brush you use on Joseph, paints Jacob in the same vein…using women for his own selfish purposes.
I wonder why God would continue His covenant with such a person.
In order to have Christ come. That God is able to use the failures and evil of men to serve His purpose of Good is no justification for doing evil ourselves. God is able to make this happen ; men are not, and Joseph Smith certainly was not in such a position, and further had no excuse : it being the clear understanding and universal testimony of Christians that we are to have one spouse until death do us part ; furthermore, even if this were not the case, he would still be bound by his vow made in public before God to his wife to love her and to keep her - her and no other - until death did them part. He broke this vow.
You do err in stating the Patriarchs were of the opinioin of having and keeping one wife,
Abraham did have and keep one wife, when he went astray from this it created bitterness and rivalry in his own home and left him having to exclude one of his children from his household. Jacob desired one wife but was deceived by his uncle. He intended for one wife. The resulting polygamous relationship was full of jealousy, rivalry and bitterness that infected even their children.

Although Abraham ran into problems with the relationship between Sarah and Hagar, Jacob had no such problem. He kept all his wives and all his children.
Are you serious ?

[2] And Jacob having called together all his household, said: Cast away the strange gods that are among you, and be cleansed and change your garments.

Jacob’s household had serious problems, such as the one of idolatry above and this small issue amongst the children,

[18] And when they saw him afar off, before he came nigh them, they thought to kill him. [19] And said one to another: Behold the dreamer cometh. [20] Come, let us kill him, and cast him into some old pit: and we will say: Some evil beast hath devoured him: and then it shall appear what his dreams avail him:

Joseph was especially loved by his father Jacob (Israel), because he was the only son of the wife whom he truly desired in the first place ; namely, Rachel. As a consequence, the children, taking opportunity of the divinely inspired dream Joseph had, sought to kill him.

No problems with this ? Please. If your wives are throwing women at you to get more children from you in competition with each other, while your family is worshipping idols and your children are out trying to murder each other, then I think you have problems. And those problems originated with polygamy.
David and Solomon had many wives and concubines given to them by God, and the Lord stated He would have given them more. What God did not approve of was David’s going astray with Bathsheba, and murdering her husband to have her, and Solomon’s going after strange women to wife…that is non-Israelite women, women that would not uphold the faith of Israel.
Nonsense. Their sexual deviancy caused commandment breaking (murder) and national idolatry. Do you really believe God wanted this ? Of course not ! And you are accusing me of spinning things ? The Christian religion rightly knew that polygamy was the source of much evil in life and therefore rightly condemned and extinguished it from human practice wherever and whenever it could : your religion tried to undue this, and if it weren’t for the United States government then we might well have seen a resurgence in a lot of the problems polygamy originally created ; furthermore, Joseph Smith’s vow breaking would be an even harder example to justify, seeing as nothing short of anarchy would follow.

Joseph Smith is still, therefore, a vow-breaking adulterer, your abuse of Holy Writ notwithstanding.
So my answer can be understood…good. Loss of the priesthood does not mean the organization will “wink” out of existance, but will go into apostasy.

So my answer can be understood…good. Loss of the priesthood does not mean the organization will “wink” out of existance, but will go into apostasy.
With the breaking up of the original LDS at the death of JSmith, so which one is the true LDS? Which one inherited the so called priesthood and keys from Smith? It seems that you are stating that the LDS is itself in apostasy since nobody can say which is the true LDS that can trace is lineage from JS?
And then you draw incorrect conclusions.
Our theology has not changed. Your perception has.
On thetheology one hand we are accused of being brainwashed and we have no individual thoughts…we all step in line with Salt Lake. On the other hand we are told we are not all on the same page, and we have individual thoughts about that may not agree with official teachings, so that is a sign that we are making up different
My opinions were formed from participating and reading the mormon threads. I can verily say that, with the twisting of verses, the changing of belief in the Trinity, God, marriage, all are indications of an apostasy.

Well, why not show this, not just to me but to others and to yourself. Why not draw up a chart of LDS beliefs, from what JS originally taught and what is the belief today, is it the same or has it changed!
Timothy, you are true seeker of truth. I commend you for your honesty and diligence in regard to this.

The patriarchs were not infallible and neither were the kings. These oral stories redacted by the Jews into the Torah remind us, as they reminded the ancient Jews, that even god’s favored individuals and tribes can stray or be misled.

You very poignantly express the lessons to be learned through these stories, or history if you will.

A wrong or immoral action committed by a leader or forefather or the circumstances surrounding it do not justify the immoral action in any way. Not only have we seen misconstruction of the stories, they try to change the purpose of the passages where they no longer serve as lessons in what sins to avoid, but to justify their sins.
I know you say that, I just want the date. When did the Jews stop re-telling the words of the Lord?
If they knew they went into apostasy, the record keepers would have made a note of it, but since they weren’t aware of it, why would they mark a date?
They were doctrine (teachings) and the Brighamite Mormons changed them. They do continue with other Mormon groups that also claim they have authority and their teaching haven’t changed.
The doctrine was celestial marriage, plural marriage was one way to practice it. When the Lord put an end to plural marriage, to continue with it was against the will of the Lord.
You have evaded the point and spun it out of context. Abraham was not the source or cause of his taking Hagar to bed purely for the purpose of getting children, Sarah was the source and cause for this. As I said, in those times Sarah’s handmaid was essentially her property, to use as she saw fit, and the children thereof rightfully and legally would belong to Sarah and Abraham.
I have evaded nothing. Funny how when I use your own tactics on someone you believe to be a Prophet or Patriarch, all of a sudden the information is spun out of context.
Abraham was a willing participant, and as a Patriarch, he should have known better…if it was against the will of the Lord.
At some point you mention vows, and that’s the difference : we have no reason to believe whatsoever that the vows made by Abraham and Sarah exluded intercourse outside of marriage for the sake of getting children. Joseph Smith’s vows did, and he broke them.
So just because you think Abraham’s vows did not include abstaining from adultery, it was okay?
You have consistently spun Scripture so as to make it seem as if Scripture presents Abraham as the instigator of these things. It was Sarah who instigated these things.
Again, Abraham was a willing participant, does that make him blameless?
And by the way, I am simply illustrating your own spin by eliminating the double standard.
That is the wonder, that he chose humans to be the vehicles of his promise. The Patriarchs were not impeccable ; in fact, their very faults and frailties, their successes and failures, furnish us with valuable life-lessons on one hand and retain in us a desire for someone perfect ; i.e., the Christ.
So you are saying the standards were different? Did God change the standards? or can they still be applied to us today?
I repeat : he was tricked into marrying this woman, Leah. He could have abandoned her or called foul, etc., but he knew he was at the mercy of his not-so moral uncle : his object was the one woman ; namely, Rachel (my mistake, Rebecca was his father’s (Isaac’s) wife), from the get-go. That he did not choose to make a harlot of Leah may have been out of his own morality or conscience ; nonetheless, Scripture clearly demonstrates that this complicated and confusing relationship resulted in, not surprisingly, a jealous and split-loyalties household. It was not a good thing ; therefore, we have no reason here to imagine a justification for Joseph Smith’s patent adultery.
Yes Jacob was tricked, but does that change anything? Does marriage not mean the same thing?
So instead of making Leah a harlot, he decides to be an adulterer…how noble of him.
The servants were not his wives, they were his wive’s servants, whom they gave to him to get children from them. The polygamous relationship bred jealousy, and the woman furiously worked to out-do one another ; one was to conceive by the promise, another conceived and was fruitful by nature, though even still she desired more children by her handmaid. This was a disastrous mess, and once again is no justification for Joseph Smith’s own vow-breaking adulterous relationships. He had a wife and he swore before God to be faithful to her and her alone. Joseph Smith explicitly broke his vow, and it doesn’t matter if he used the (bad) example of the Patriarchs or if he said aliens made him do it, he still broke his marital vow.
The servants were not his wives? The scriptures seem to disagree with you…Jacob took the handmaids of his wives to wife.
Are you trying to state that it is better to have children by women that are not wives? To me, that sounds even worse.
Jacob’s wives jostled about to see who could have more kids, but they did not try and put Jacob in the middle to take sides, like Sarah and Hagar.
Joseph may have taken wedding vows, but he chose to obey the Lord anyway.
In order to have Christ come. That God is able to use the failures and evil of men to serve His purpose of Good is no justification for doing evil ourselves. God is able to make this happen ; men are not, and Joseph Smith certainly was not in such a position, and further had no excuse : it being the clear understanding and universal testimony of Christians that we are to have one spouse until death do us part ; furthermore, even if this were not the case, he would still be bound by his vow made in public before God to his wife to love her and to keep her - her and no other - until death did them part. He broke this vow.
So now you are stating very clearly that the Patriarchs were evil men because of their adulterous affairs.
Do you think God was not aware of Joseph’s wedding vows? Yet the Lord commanded him to break them…of course if you make a vow before the Lord and the Lord tells you to seemingly go against that vow…I would not consider it breaking the vow.
Just like after the Lord gave the 10 commandments He turned around and then commanded the killing of whole cities, genocide if you will. Will you then say that God broke His own commandment?
Abraham did have and keep one wife, when he went astray from this it created bitterness and rivalry in his own home and left him having to exclude one of his children from his household. Jacob desired one wife but was deceived by his uncle. He intended for one wife. The resulting polygamous relationship was full of jealousy, rivalry and bitterness that infected even their children.
And yet God was in the middle of it all
Perhaps your view of plural marriage is in error. Hint: it is.
Are you serious ?

[2] And Jacob having called together all his household, said: Cast away the strange gods that are among you, and be cleansed and change your garments.

Jacob’s household had serious problems, such as the one of idolatry above and this small issue amongst the children,

[18] And when they saw him afar off, before he came nigh them, they thought to kill him. [19] And said one to another: Behold the dreamer cometh. [20] Come, let us kill him, and cast him into some old pit: and we will say: Some evil beast hath devoured him: and then it shall appear what his dreams avail him:

Joseph was especially loved by his father Jacob (Israel), because he was the only son of the wife whom he truly desired in the first place ; namely, Rachel. As a consequence, the children, taking opportunity of the divinely inspired dream Joseph had, sought to kill him.

No problems with this ? Please. If your wives are throwing women at you to get more children from you in competition with each other, while your family is worshipping idols and your children are out trying to murder each other, then I think you have problems. And those problems originated with polygamy.
The desire of his wives to bear children was normal and is not indicative of problems. Idolatry was not the result of plural marriage, but turning away from God.
The favoritism Jacob showed towards Joseph was not the result of plural marriage, but the result of being one of the youngest sons, born to Rachel, and on top of that, Joseph was obedient to his father while the other sons were, shall we say, more lax.
Nonsense. Their sexual deviancy caused commandment breaking (murder) and national idolatry. Do you really believe God wanted this ? Of course not ! And you are accusing me of spinning things ? The Christian religion rightly knew that polygamy was the source of much evil in life and therefore rightly condemned and extinguished it from human practice wherever and whenever it could : your religion tried to undue this, and if it weren’t for the United States government then we might well have seen a resurgence in a lot of the problems polygamy originally created ; furthermore, Joseph Smith’s vow breaking would be an even harder example to justify, seeing as nothing short of anarchy would follow.
Joseph Smith is still, therefore, a vow-breaking adulterer, your abuse of Holy Writ notwithstanding.
The scriptures say God gave all those wives and concubines to them. God did not want them to go beyond what He gave them, and both did, which caused their downfall.
It was not plural marriage, but disobedience to God that brought problems.
Joseph chose to obey God.
When God allows something, it is not evil. When God disallows something, then it is sin.
Joseph was right in obeying God.
Spin it how you want but the Patriarchs are in the same boat with Joseph, using your standards.
With the breaking up of the original LDS at the death of JSmith, so which one is the true LDS? Which one inherited the so called priesthood and keys from Smith? It seems that you are stating that the LDS is itself in apostasy since nobody can say which is the true LDS that can trace is lineage from JS?
The true LDS are the ones who recognized Brigham Young as the next prophet.
FYI, the keys were given to the 12 Apostles, so when Joseph was murdered, the keys were not lost.
I am not stating that the LDS are in apostasy, but some groups did apostasize from us. Our records are clear, there is no question.
My opinions were formed from participating and reading the mormon threads. I can verily say that, with the twisting of verses, the changing of belief in the Trinity, God, marriage, all are indications of an apostasy.
The twisting of scriptures was done long before the LDS church came about. We merely un-twisted them.
Well, why not show this, not just to me but to others and to yourself. Why not draw up a chart of LDS beliefs, from what JS originally taught and what is the belief today, is it the same or has it changed!
Um…we already have this list…it is called the 13 articles of faith
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