I agree that the Jews, and the rest of the House of Israel are God’s chosen people, but even so they go astray.They can very well be since God has never denied them but has chastized them. Although they have denied the Son of God, Jesus, it does not mean that they are no longer in His favor. He has made a Covenant with them that He has not abrogated. Therefore, not only are they still His Chosen people, but they still worship Him in the same way as from the beginning. No matter what you say, they also did not apostacize. The LDS should study and learn not only about Christianity but Judaism also, and stop making such inane comments.
Shalom Aleichem
To say that the Jews never apostasized is to reject all the prophets that were sent to bring them back. It was because of their apostasy that they were conquered and scattered.
Even so, God does and will remember them as He as promised to gather them again.