Yes, in those days the Hebrews ( not Jews ) may have apostacized, but not as a whole. God did punish those that did. There were many that still remained true to Him.I disagree. The Lord recognized early on that the people would have difficulty staying true.
Now the Lord did not say: “there are individuals that turned away from me”…He stated the “People” turned away.
To turn away from God is apostasy. It is not just being hard-hearted or stubborn, but it is apostasy. There were individuals that remained true, but the majority apostasized.
The Lord wanted to get heavy handed right there, but Moses convinced Him not to, so He gave them the opportunity to repent and get back on track.
In Deuteronomy they are reminded about that again:
Notice the Lord wanted to destroy them right then and there. This is describing apostasy. Every time they apostasized, the Lord gave them a chance to return.
It was because of their stubborness that they apostasized so many times.
When enough individuals apostasize, the people, or the nation is held accountable
And again, please learn that the Hebrews after that time never apostacized. They may have shown infidelity, stubborness and pride, but they never left the worship of God. If the Jews did apostacize as a community ( nation ) they would no longer be God’s Chosen nor exist as a nation any longer. Please read and learn the history of the Hebrews ( Jews ) and their relationship with God. Read especially Philo, Josephus, and Clio, you have much to learn.

Shalom Aleichem