Left cheers Harry Styles In Dresses on Vogue Magazine Cover

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For one thing, if you think Deuteronomy 22:5 still applies, this is repugnant to Scripture.

For another thing, you are not comparing two things that are equivalent. The fact is that very few women wear male clothing. What most women wear is clothing that has been adapted for women from male clothing. Women who wear pants, for example, do not typically just wear men’s pants. They wear pants that are narrower around the waist, wider around the hips, fuller around the buttocks, and less spacious around the crotch. The same with a suit coat/sport coat etc - it will be cut to fit around the woman’s bust and waist, the shoulders will be narrower, and it buttons up the other way.

Also, this is culturally specific. I will admit, my wife does not wear pants except as a utilitarian garment within our home. That is her preference, not mine, although I do not disapprove of her choice. Our daughters also have grown up wearing dresses and skirts as a norm. We did not hold a gun to their heads, but that was what was normal in our family. However, we are not oblivious to what happens in the rest of the society in which we live. We know that most American women and girls do wear pants a lot of the time. The fact is that British men do not normally wear dresses in the 21st century. Mr. Styles is being deliberately provocative. He is deliberately rejecting gender norms for the society in which he lives.

The other point, which is related to my first point, is that the dresses that Mr. Styles wears do not appear to have been reinvented as some new trend for men wearing dresses. Maybe in 100 or 200 years there will be dresses for men and it will no longer seem weird. However, if men are routinely wearing dresses in 100 or 200 years, my prediction is that they will be men’s dresses, not women’s dresses, just as women do not wear men’s pants. Dresses are designed to flatter the shape of a woman’s body (narrower shoulders, a bust, waist, hips, proportionately longer legs) and to complement a woman’s overall appearance (e.g. not having facial hair or hairy chests and arms like men). Therefore, just putting a man in a woman’s dress does not look good. And yes, I know that not all men and not all women have the same body shapes, and that is why you choose clothing that suits your particular shape, but choosing from clothing designed for the correct sex is a good place to start.
Hes a tad anorexic for me.
That is a poor choice of wording. “Anorexic” does not mean the same as “slim”. Anorexia is a mental illness that can cause people to become dangerously underweight to the point of being very ill and even dying. It is pretty insulting to people who have this condition or who know people with this condition to use it this way. Mr. Styles looks to me to be a perfectly normal weight. I have not read that he suffers from an eating disorder. Similar is when people say they have OCD when all they mean is that they like to keep things clean and tidy.
Deuteronomy 22:5
Catholics don’t follow the old covenant Jewish laws. Jesus gave us a new covenant.

I note that Deuteronomy 22 forbids other things also, like wearing mixed linen and woolen fiber clothes, and it contains instructions for when to stone people caught lying together before marriage. Obviously Catholics don’t follow any of that either. Deuteronomy 22 is a moot point, as there is no basis for Catholics to be picking and choosing bits of it to still follow.
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I know. Hence why I said “if you think” [emphasis added]. Many people think that this is part of the Jewish law that Christians no longer have to obey, similar to how we are allowed to eat bacon and cheeseburgers. Equally, many people think that this verse still has moral force today.
As above, I said if. There is more than one school of thought on this subject.
I’m surprised people care as much as they do. This isn’t the first man to dawn a dress.

I don’t see him as much now days, but Atlanta had a street performer named Baton Bob that could often be seen with a tutu and a baton marching on Peachtree Street in Atlanta cheering people on.

He occasionally wore a wedding dress.

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Back in the 80s when I was in college, Boy George got a lot of headlines for going around in dresses, which were mostly kind of unisex tunics so a lot of young girls dressed like him for a couple years. The media made a big fuss about his clothing, but all of us who followed music thought men in dresses was really old hat because Bowie and Iggy Pop and lots of other musicians had been wearing dresses and skirts for years. So I don’t really get why people even still pay attention to this.

Maybe it’s because Harry Styles is not making any kind of effort to look “girly” or gender-neutral and is just being a man with facial hair who happens to have a dress on, but he’s not the first one to do that either.

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Is he now, I never heard or read that. You learn something every day!

And at my age where I prefer the loose tunic outfits over anything form fitting, I’m rather coveting his plaid outfit on the right hand side up there.
And at my age where I prefer the loose tunic outfits over anything form fitting, I’m rather coveting his plaid outfit on the right hand side up there.
At my age, the line between an ugly old man and an ugly old woman is fine indeed, so it would probably not change things much if I put a dress on. I’d still just be ugly…

I guess I’m a wee bit older than you, I was in university in the late 70s.
He has always been able to achieve a flawless “smoky eye”. I’ve envied his makeup skills since I was a teen, ( I guess he’s got a makeup artist maybe?)
I am sure he’s not doing his own makeup. Also sure that by the time he got famous he had plenty of designers to dress him, although he invented his original look on his own when he was young and broke.
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Just a mugshot of David Bowie. And all we have today is Harry Styles in an ill fitting dress :cry:
Man. I am a reasonably good looking guy (at least in my own unbiased opinion), but on my best day I don’t even compare to Bowie in a mug shot.
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This pantaloon and puffy shirt combo is trés chic.
I often wonder how many more years they’ll be allowed to keep wearing that before they pull a K of C and go to monochrome black with little special forces berets or similar.
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Tiny Tim made “ Toptoe Through the Tulips” a hit in1968.
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