Live:: Atlanta Georgia, Lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Hold A Press Conference On Election

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Two states entirely mail in is not small scale compared to the number of additional mail in in the rest of the states.

I doubt very much that all 74 million Trump voters have completely fallen for all his lies. Even staunch Republicans are telling him to stop it. The very Republican governor of Georgia included.

If anywhere near 30% of Democrats think there was cheating I would lay odds that the overwhelming majority think that Trump tried to cheat and couldn’t make it work.

If the Democrats cheated to get rid of Trump, why is McConnell still in office? It would be much easier to rig one state than all of them or even the bare minimum necessary to win. Just stop, the facts and the law are against Trump.
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Two states entirely mail in is not small scale compared to the number of additional mail in in the rest of the states.

I doubt very much that all 74 million Trump voters have completely fallen for all his lies. Even staunch Republicans are telling him to stop it. The very Republican governor of Georgia included.

If anywhere near 30% of Democrats think there was cheating I would lay odds that the overwhelming majority think that Trump tried to cheat and couldn’t make it work.
A number o articles have come out with statistics. Over seventy percent of Republicans and thirty percent of democrats believe that there were issues of fairness in this election.

There is real concern about corruption after all states did mail in ballots…
I know quite a few people who voted for Trump
Me too. In fact, every single person I know who voted for Trump believe he lost. I don’t actually know anyone (personally) who thinks he won.
A number of articles come out regularly about how the Earth is actually flat, or the moon landings were faked, or any number of other ridiculous assertions. How many articles there may be means zip, zilch, and nada. Show me one article that is reliable and factual. But do it tomorrow because I need my sleep more than I need this.
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Seventy-four million who voted for Trump do not believe and 30% of Democratic who voted question whether this election is fair.
I am going to call bogus on this. Everyone I know who voted for Trump personally accept the Biden win as legitimate. I know of no one outside of the news and this forum that believes any of this conspiracy stuff.
Articles are there.
That article does not say what you claimed.
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That 74 million have been mislead, and they have emotional reasons for believing Biden stole the election, nothing more. But if you keep repeating something, however unfounded, someone may eventually believe it, or so thought Goebbels.
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“The POLITICO/Morning Consult poll was conducted Nov. 6-9, surveying 1,987 registered voters.”

A far cry from 74 million.
It’s interesting how the polls are now correct when we couldn’t trust them before. I get so confused as to what is in and what is out this week.

I disagree. Rudy was NEVER principled. The only people in New York who liked him were white. Minorities been knew!
disagree. Rudy was NEVER principled. The only people in New York who liked him were white. Minorities been knew!
That is not true. Always the race card. New York City has long been a diverse population and they loved Rudy because he is the attorney general who took down crime and drugs in the community.
Actually it’s more that after four years of Trump, black voters understood the need to vote in large numbers. And, actually, all groups voted in this election in larger numbers than they had in the past. And I won’t even go down the rabbit hole of that part of the black electorate who never accepted him because he is half-white!
It is not “the race card.” You don’t seem to accept that because of the disparate histories of blacks and whites in this country that black people do not have the option of looking through a race-neutral lens.
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Interesting that the very article you bring out to support your assertion does not do so. Look at what you asserted about Democratic belief in shenanigans and what the article actually said. And yes, it’s a bit nitpicky, but you asserted “over 70%” of Republicans had bought the lie, while the article said 70%. Maybe rounded one way or the other? Doesn’t say. Short version; if this is the best you have, you have not provided evidence; if it isn’t, why didn’t you use better? In either case, I am done here. I am reminded of the line from Cool Hand Luke: “Some people you just can’t reach”.

Gave a blessed day and continue to believe whatever you like: I follow the facts and they led me elsewhere.
the first to scream that the trial was not fair because of pre-trial publicity.
Call back when and if a case actually isn’t thrown out for lack of any useful evidence and poor legal reasoning. Then we can look at this so far mythical trial as it is rather than as Trump’s fever dreams want it to be.
Keep digging.
When one finds what is actually there, then one doesn’t have to search for or manufacture what isn’t. My search isn’t for anything, true or not, to support my preconceived notions, it is for “what is true”.
Precisely why I said “keep digging” - if you were not present in each and every precinct when votes were counted, then - shockingly - you do not and cannot know what actually occurred.

Those who swear out affidavits under the penalty of perjury should be given some credibility. More credibility than mere opinion, right?

And when vote count is 105% of registered voters (remembering that not all voters voted) then something is clearly wrong, at least to those with their eyes open.

As an aside, since the democrat party has zero interest in election fraud, this opens up a tremendous opportunity for the republicans. With the knowledge gained from studying the fraud, the republicans can now ensure that no democrat will ever be elected again. Pretty cool, huh?
He than became Mayor of New York and think 9/11
I do think of that and give him mad props for it. But the Sideshow Rudy we see now is not worthy of the same accolades as Mayor Rudy of 2001.
He than became Maor of New York and think 9/11 and what he did. Yes he has aged but he has many young lawyers working under his principles and what he sees as right from wrong.

And if you listen to the his video at end of Michigan hearing, you will hear him address that this is not about Biden or Trump but how our elections are run, will they have oversite and will we be able to feel that they are honest. He is calling on these legislatures to address that.
Well if he said this isn’t about Trump or Biden that must be the case then right?
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