Live : Georgia Rally At Statehouse

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Of course people have the constitutional right to assemble and rally for a cause. But do you think this is the right thing to do for the good of our country? I do not. As is his custom, Trump is still fanning the flames of discontent and possible violence.
I feel sorry for Georgia’s Secretary of State. It looks like he will take the blame, or at least the anger, over the state going for Biden for simply following the law. It’s like throwing out the bathroom scales for weighing you heavy.
Of course people have the constitutional right to assemble and rally for a cause. But do you think this is the right thing to do for the good of our country? I do not. As is his custom, Trump is still fanning the flames of discontent and possible violence.
They do have a right to free assembly.
Facebook created and re-enforced a great deal of anger when they took down certain groups.
Facebook has taken down a group that had amassed more than 300,000 members and was sharing misinformation and organizing around false allegations of impropriety during the 2020 elections.

The group, called “Stop the Steal 2020,” was organizing protests targeting the election officials currently counting ballots cast in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Phoenix and Las Vegas.

“In line with the exceptional measures that we are taking during this period of heightened tension, we have removed the Group ‘Stop the Steal,’ which was creating real-world events,” said a Facebook spokesperson in a statement emailed to TechCrunch. “The group was organized around the delegitimization of the election process, and we saw worrying calls for violence from some members of the group.”
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I feel sorry for Georgia’s Secretary of State. It looks like he will take the blame, or at least the anger, over the state going for Biden for simply following the law. It’s like throwing out the bathroom scales for weighing you heavy.
Yeah, from what I have heard he is doing his job, following the law and getting threatened with violence in return. He is also being pressured by all kinds of people, including Senator Lindsay Graham, to basically nullify the election results.
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Oh boy…Oh no…your choice.
In spite of the hatred and animus which flows from the same mouths which bless others…

Q: Do we want elections which most accurately reflect the will of the voters? Fraud is a doubled edged sword by which the fraudulent may be defeated next election cycle.

Further, I note that one side is protesting fraud while the other side is either utterly silent or screaming “The Russians are coming!!!” If the Russians really were influencing the election, would it not be on the side of the supposed winner?

Inquiring minds, you know…
If Trump loved this country he would end all this nonsense now with a concession speech and assure his supporters that Biden is their legitimately elected president and congratulate him.
These rallies frighten me more than BLM protests. The riots are mostly random. There’s been way too much talk about the Trump supporters’ willingness to resort to organized armed violence. And then you see the knuckleheads parading around with rifles slung over their shoulders.
If Trump loved this country he would end all this nonsense now with a concession speech and assure his supporters that Biden is their legitimately elected president and congratulate him.
Yes, IF he truly believed this. If, however, he truly believes the election could have been changed via fraud or error, then as someone who loves the country, he’d want to assure that the vote wasn’t changed and that the results truly reflect the will of the governed, no? His lawyers have come on TV telling giving us an idea of what they plan coming, but have told us they aren’t putting everything public yet (opting to tell it to the judge).

Peaceful assembly is a constitutional right. So long as no riots break…if they do, then obviously stop it quickly. Like others are reporting @Canvas people are apparently reporting bad things about even Sen Graham, who claims he was asking for signature matches (to make sure the votes aren’t fraudulent).

People act like making sure everything is legit is a bad thing. It’s very strange to me. The election that counts is in ~3 weeks. So there’ll be time to transition if it comes to it. But especially with such a strange election and a contentious outcome, it makes sense. After the national election, there is a bit of a grace period that allows one to finalize results, contest things, etc.
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These rallies frighten me more than BLM protests. The riots are mostly random. There’s been way too much talk about the Trump supporters’ willingness to resort to organized armed violence. And then you see the knuckleheads parading around with rifles slung over their shoulders.
I would not be surprised if there are some militia types organizing on Parler. If I were the FBI, I would have whole units monitoring that site.
If, however, he truly believes the election could have been changed via fraud or error, then as someone who loves the country, he’d want to assure that the vote wasn’t changed and that the results truly reflect the will of the governed, no? His lawyers have come on TV telling giving us an idea of what they plan coming, but have told us they aren’t putting everything public yet (opting to tell it to the judge).

Peaceful assembly is a constitutional right. So long as no riots break…if they do, then obviously stop it quickly. Like others are reporting @Canvas people are apparently reporting bad things about even Sen Graham, who claims he was asking for signature matches (to make sure the votes aren’t fraudulent).
No, if the President and his lawyers have PROOF, solid, serious evidence that can be checked, then they need to produxce it or go home. Period.

Lindsay Graham , according to the Georgia Secretary of State, was asking if the entire votes of certain parts of Georgia could be tossed if there were enough “irregularities”.

Raffensperger said Graham asked him if political bias might have influenced poll workers to accept ballots with nonmatching signatures. Graham also inquired as to whether Raffensperger had the power to toss mail-in ballots in counties with high rates of nonmatching signatures.

To Raffensperger, it appeared that Graham was suggesting he find a method to throw out ballots that had been lawfully cast.

“It sure looked like he was wanting to go down that road,” Raffensperger told the Post.

That night on CNN Politics, Raffensperger provided more details about the call.

“He asked if the ballots could be matched back to the voters,” he said. "I got the sense it implied that then you could throw those out for any, if you look at the counties with the highest frequent error of signatures. So that’s the impression that I got.

“It was just an implication of, ‘Look hard and see how many ballots you could throw out,’” Raffensperger added.
Lindsay Graham , according to the Georgia Secretary of State, was asking if the entire votes of certain parts of Georgia could be tossed if there were enough “irregularities”.
Right now, only one side is seeking relief in the courts. If crazy stuff like this happens, then the courts will have to intervene on behalf of the voters, and the Biden campaign will have to start seeking its own actions.

Today is Feast of Christ the King. We end the liturgical year, reminding us of the march of time. The clock is ticking and the count still remains 306-232. Soon the alarm will go off. There might be one snooze reset, but eventually, the nation will have to awake to reality and time for lawsuits, bribery, or other hijinks will be past.

Then the voters of Georgia will have to decide what to do next. I hope the GOP supporters do not throw a tantrum and boycott the run-off. The GOP needs the Senate.
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Wonder how much COVID is spreading from this.
There is no need to wonder. You just apply the percentage of infected people in the area to the number of people at the rallies (high risk, close together, shouting, low levels of mask use’ and estimate the number of people becoming infected. Probably from my reading in the order of 5-10 for each infected person. Then apply the spread rate for normal contact over whatever period of says to each of the newly infected and you get your answer. The number however, doesn’t matter. It is huge. A significant minority of those infected will loose years of life. An additional group will experience great suffering. A
I feel sorry for Georgia’s Secretary of State. It looks like he will take the blame, or at least the anger, over the state going for Biden for simply following the law. It’s like throwing out the bathroom scales for weighing you heavy.
True patriots. The list is short:

Alexander Vindman
Brad Raffensperger
Chris Krebs
Challenging a legit election without supportable evidence for the sake of his ego seems strange and indulgent to me.
This is an assumption, we are unaware of the full scope of evidence his legal team has acquired or the interior disposition of the president.
No, if the President and his lawyers have PROOF, solid, serious evidence that can be checked, then they need to produxce it or go home. Period.
I agree, and they have stated they intend to show this evidence in the courts. So, it is time to put up or shut up!

Re Graham, it is interesting Raffensperger is essentially admitting he was relaying what he felt was some implication. Of course nonmatching, illegal ballots should be tossed: illegal ballots cancel out legal ballots.
and they have stated they intend to show this evidence in the courts
So why has none of it been shown in the 30+ court appearances so far? It is truly well past time to put up or shut up.
So why has none of it been shown in the 30+ court appearances so far? It is truly well past time to put up or shut up.
There’s a difference between private attorneys and Trump’s actual legal team. Technically speaking, even Sidney Powell is not a member of his legal team. There are various groups pushing ahead with various lawsuits…
I imagine the big dea is to go to SCOTUS, so there have to be appeals: there’s no other choice but to put up in SCOTUS. There have been complaints of bias against some of the cases, and I dunno about all that. But if any of this goes to SCOTUS that’s the last chance they get, essentially, before “game over”. Otherwise, if the electors pick Biden in 2-3 weeks from now, that’s also essentially “game over”, too.
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I imagine the big dea is to go to SCOTUS, so there have to be appeals: there’s no other choice but to put up in SCOTUS. There have been complaints of bias against some of the cases, and I dunno about all that. But if any of this goes to SCOTUS that’s the last chance they get, essentially, before “game over”. Otherwise, if the electors pick Biden in 2-3 weeks from now, that’s also essentially “game over”, too.
I’m not a lawyer but my understanding is in many instances you can’t introduce new evidence during appeals, they can only consider what was presented originally. But I’m sure there’s all kinds of nuance to that, perhaps a lawyer type could clarify.
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