Hey Steve,
it sounds like you and i have a lot in common. we both seek answers that others would never question, and we both use the free will God himself gave us to make our own decisions and lead our own lives. Im not a sheep, im not going to believe something just because someone told me too. im gonna read, pray and seek and learn until i KNOW because i found out for myself. you seem to be the same way. This doesnt make us bad people or bad Catholics. it just makes us hard headed. not a thing in the world wrong with that. i also live with my fiance, it was NEVER something we planned or intended on. it just happened. we both have prayed about it ALOT! and have made our peace with God on it. we have both been to confession on it, and again feel we are forgiven. your relationship with God is not for others interpretation, its between you and God. if you feel you have made your peace with God over this then i wouldnt worry. especially if you are remaining Chaste. i HATE the term scandal! for me people who seek out to search and destroy scandal like a missal bomb are just a bunch of bored old bittys who need to get a life of theyre own. dont worry about it. In my opinion the true Christians are not the ones who seek out to point out sin, (and bad mouth your mother im sure shes a wonderful lady) but those who try and understand the sinner. i dont want to belong to a church if im constantly being guarded by the old bored bittys. thank God i belong to a parish with the majority of parishoners being young people who all seek to open our hearts to anyone in need of help. not tie them to a stake. regardless of their sin. you should see our easter vigil! we take so MANY people into the church it brings me to tears every time and im grateful to be a part of that.
it sounds like you and i have a lot in common. we both seek answers that others would never question, and we both use the free will God himself gave us to make our own decisions and lead our own lives. Im not a sheep, im not going to believe something just because someone told me too. im gonna read, pray and seek and learn until i KNOW because i found out for myself. you seem to be the same way. This doesnt make us bad people or bad Catholics. it just makes us hard headed. not a thing in the world wrong with that. i also live with my fiance, it was NEVER something we planned or intended on. it just happened. we both have prayed about it ALOT! and have made our peace with God on it. we have both been to confession on it, and again feel we are forgiven. your relationship with God is not for others interpretation, its between you and God. if you feel you have made your peace with God over this then i wouldnt worry. especially if you are remaining Chaste. i HATE the term scandal! for me people who seek out to search and destroy scandal like a missal bomb are just a bunch of bored old bittys who need to get a life of theyre own. dont worry about it. In my opinion the true Christians are not the ones who seek out to point out sin, (and bad mouth your mother im sure shes a wonderful lady) but those who try and understand the sinner. i dont want to belong to a church if im constantly being guarded by the old bored bittys. thank God i belong to a parish with the majority of parishoners being young people who all seek to open our hearts to anyone in need of help. not tie them to a stake. regardless of their sin. you should see our easter vigil! we take so MANY people into the church it brings me to tears every time and im grateful to be a part of that.