Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong

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Wearing masks and
What is a “mask”?
Don’t be silly!
Cathoholic . . . .
We already HAVE CVOVID-19 and poverty.
We have always had poverty. Don’t blame covid-19 restrictions for it.
And world famine of “Biblical proprtions” because of the hysterical over reaction to a corona virus pandemic.
Whatever level of famine we have it is because of the virus, not any overreaction to it.
A hysterical overreaction that has IGNORED the risks of quarantining HEALTHY individuals by law.
I do not believe the CDC is hysterical. I think the ideological libertarians that see the boogyman in every action of government - that is hysterical. The CDC is reasonable.
Don’t be silly!
I’m absolutely serious.

There is no definition of a “mask” and you and I both know it, as it has been discussed here.

So you are going to have to quote me one, or invent it yourself.
We have always had poverty. Don’t blame covid-19 restrictions for it.
I will blame these restrictions on it. At least part of it.

To the readers here. If you are one of the people who lost your livelihood here due to politician-induced Corona virus restrictions, read that and remember it.

It is a deflection of the fact that lockdowns have INCREASED poverty and ignores WHO guidelines.

Leaf. You would lose your Twitter account for going against the WHO here.

Oh wait. You’d be OK because if it dovetails with the avant garde or fashionable ideas of the day, it’s AOK. Consistency of thought does not really matter to Twitter

In the meantime we are stuck with inappropriate policy-induced “unprecedented hunger crisis” and you are deflecting. The poor get poorer.

Your arguments are still IGNORING risk-benefit ratios too.
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“I’m starving now”: World faces unprecedented hunger crisis amid coronavirus pandemic​


UPDATED ON: MAY 2, 2020 / 7:03 PM / CBS NEWS

It’s Friday morning in Alexandra township – a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg – and dozens of people are gathered in a field outside a food distribution point, hoping today might be the day they get something to eat.

“If you’re hungry, it’s easy to get sick from stress and everything,” says Mduduzi Khumalo, who’s been lining up every day for two weeks. To get food your name has to be on the list and, so far, despite registering multiple times, his hasn’t been.

Khumalo worked as a delivery man before South Africa’s coronavirus lockdown decimated his income. His children used to get two meals a day at school, but schools are closed now. Every day, the kids wait for him at the family’s tiny home, and every day brings the same bad news.

“They know that if I don’t get anything for them, it’s over,” Khumalo tells CBS News.

Famines “of biblical proportions”​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Residents of Diepsloot in South Africa wait for food but go home empty handed of Friday, April 23. CBS NEWS

The coronavirus pandemic has left the world facing an unprecedented hunger crisis. The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has warned that by the end of the year, more than 260 million people will face starvation – double last year’s figures.

“In a worst-case scenario, we could be looking at famine in about three dozen countries,” . . .

DAVID NABARRO : I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.
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That was an inevitable consequence of a raging pandemic. The level of poverty would not have been measurably better if society tried to carry on without restrictions. Most of the economic damage from this pandemic is from the pandemic itself - not from what you consider misguided restrictions. If all the restrictions were abandoned we would still have poverty plus many many more corpses and exhausted frontline doctors and nurses.
They didn’t lock down in 1918. With a flu that killed at a far greater rate than Covid-19. They banned large gatherings, they quarantined schools, etc. But they never stopped people from attempting to make a living and feed their families in the midst of it. Result: the economy only went down about 4% to 6%. It would go down harder than that in the 1921 Depression and much harder than that in the 1930’s Great Depression.

They didn’t lock down in 1957 or 1968. In fact, they didn’t do much at all. The economy went down 3% to 4% those years.

Now contrast that to this year. We did this to ourselves. We should have concentrated our efforts on protecting the elderly for we saw way back in February and March that they were the most vulnerable. While the mainstream media consistently lied to us when they kept saying the young had the same risk as the old therefore we have to lockdown, that the children had the same risk as the elderly therefore we had to shut the schools. They didn’t shut the schools in Japan.

Restrictions? Wash your hands. Masks don’t do that much good, but wear them if it makes you feel better. Watch the large group gatherings. Be real careful in public restrooms. But let people evaluate their own risks and don’t stop them from attempting to make a living.
That would have gotten you suspended in the old days, but as the forum is going to end soon, that hardly matters now.
I gotta laugh now. You don’t like being called out.

I get it, it’s real uncomfortable when someone tells an ugly truth about me to my face. Make me think hard about my assumptions. There are many who do not like it and just wish for the other person to get lost.

Maybe you should spend a day with one of the families that spent hours waiting to get a food package at that TX food bank where 25,000 people showed up. Try to look them in their hungry eyes and convince them the lockdown is good for them. Just try it, I dare you. I volunteer at a local food bank now and then; it breaks my heart. Most of these people would take the risk and work if they were allowed to.
I do not believe that the call to end restrictions is based in compassion, but rather in support of Donald Trump and the ideology he represents. Compassion plays no role in that effort.
I get it. Caring about the hungry means supporting the Orange Man, that’s badthink, can’t go there, not allowed, they don’t exist.

Try not make every last little thing about Trump, just maybe then you’ll care about the hungry.
Ask anyone in grade school. They can tell you what a mask is.
A few weeks ago you were trying to tell me medical personnel wear N-95’s too. And probably some do but most don’t (I have since talked to a surgeon friend of mine that said they do not).

Well go ahead and define a “mask” it if it is that easy.

How 'bout filtered “masks”? Do THEY count as a “mask”?

How bout gaiters that have been shown to projectile out virions further than no face covering at all!?

Do they count as “masks” in your book? (If so, what good is THAT shotgunning all that death-instilling COVID-19 all around the room killing people left and right?)

Can we just pull up our shirts and call that a mask?

How about dozens of other examples, many of which we discussed here on CAF?

The truth is nobody knows what a mask is,
except for their own universalized phantasm of it in their minds.

This is not “public health”.
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Caring about the hungry means supporting the Orange Man, that’s badthink, can’t go there, not allowed, they don’t exist.

Try not make every last little thing about Trump, just maybe then you’ll care about the hungry.
We see this from the media. Everything to the media is politics.

If they get their Communist programs, most of them will regret it. But it may be too late.
I will blame these restrictions on it. At least part of it.

To the readers here. If you are one of the people who lost your livelihood here due to politician-induced Corona virus restrictions, read that and remember it.
To the readers here: If you lost a loved one to covid-19 due to the unnecessary delay in our federal response to the pandemic, remember that. Fortunes can be rebuilt. Lives cannot.
Your arguments are still IGNORING risk-benefit ratios too.
No, I just calculate that ration differently than you do. Actually, it is the CDC that calculates that ratio differently than you do. And the Republican governors of states that imposed restrictions on gatherings and mask mandate - they also calculate that ratio differently than you do.
Fortunes can be rebuilt. Lives cannot.
This (falsely) assumes two things.

That lives would not be lost in leftist counties that pushed harder lockdowns than the US (but that would get rid of the Orange man political aspect).

Lives were lost there too.

And that lives are not lost, due to economic hardships.

A bogus premise that has been spewed by the media frequently, despite (difficult to find in this age of censorship) posts here asserting otherwise.

It is a fallacious argument that has wrong built-in presuppositions.
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Your arguments are still IGNORING risk-benefit ratios too.
No, I just calculate that ration differently than you do.
That’s fine. But I must have missed those posts from you.

Please link me to the last five posts of your’s where you have warned about the dangers of lockdowns and prove me wrong.
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They didn’t lock down in 1918.
I think the medical field has learned a thing or two in 100 years.
They banned large gatherings, they quarantined schools, etc. But they never stopped people from attempting to make a living and feed their families in the midst of it.
Nor are they doing that now for the vast majority of people.
Now contrast that to this year. We did this to ourselves.
No, the coronavirus did this to us.
We should have concentrated our efforts on protecting the elderly for we saw way back in February and March that they were the most vulnerable.
The only practical way to do that is to stop community spread. It is a fiction that we can allow the virus to run rampant through the healthier population and not have it infect the more vulnerable.
While the mainstream media consistently lied to us when they kept saying the young had the same risk as the old…
Nope. Never happened. Revisionist history.
therefore we have to lockdown,
The media did not make the decisions that authorized lockdowns.
that the children had the same risk as the elderly
Never happened.
They didn’t shut the schools in Japan.
That was wise decision. But they did close down bars and gyms, because they deemed education more important than bars and gyms.
Restrictions? Wash your hands. Masks don’t do that much good,
…how much is “that much”? They do enough good to justify wearing them. That’s what the CDC recommends.
but wear them if it makes you feel better. Watch the large group gatherings. Be real careful in public restrooms. But let people evaluate their own risks…
No, it doesn’t work that way. The irresponsible actions one person takes affects everyone else in his community. It is wrong to think of each person protecting only himself. That just doesn’t work.
That would have gotten you suspended in the old days, but as the forum is going to end soon, that hardly matters now.
I gotta laugh now. You don’t like being called out.
No one likes being called uncaring. But I’ve been on this forum long enough that I don’t take it personally anymore.
Maybe you should spend a day with one of the families that spent hours waiting to get a food package at that TX food bank where 25,000 people showed up.
Maybe you should spend a day with a family that has lost loved one (or two) to covid-19.
Try to look them in their hungry eyes and convince them the lockdown is good for them.
Try to look them in the eye and tell them their loved one should have done more to protect himself, and that it is just his own fault he died from it.
LeafByNiggle on the elderly getting infections in LTCFs and elsewhere . . . .
The only practical way to do that is to stop community spread.
If you really think that Leaf, you should publicly call on Andrew Cuomo to re-institute his orders to put COVID-19 INFECTED patients back INTO nursing homes and other LTCFs.
We don’t have to assume it. It is an established fact that fewer lives are lost where restrictions are followed more strictly.
This has two false built-in presuppositions too.
But I am weary of showing you the fallacies.

They have all been layed out here before you in prior posts anyway

So go ahead and think whatever you want to think.

Grab onto bits and pieces
and ignore other facts
and come to your wrong conclusions (my opinion).

Just like they were wrong about schools for the last nine months too. Lockdowns of schools built on sand or wrong conclusions.
Tucker: Experts finally admit they were wrong about School closings from the beginning. Fauci now calls for opening schools World News
> FoxNews #Tucker Tucker: Experts finally admit they were wrong from the beginning [(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) Fox News 6.62M subscribers ](https://m.youtube.com/user/FoxNewsChannel) Premiered 31 minutes ago Tucker Carlson calls out Dr. Fauci and other officials for misleading the public on school closures. #FoxNews #Tucker [Tucker: Experts finally admit they were wrong from the beginning] . (Date here below should be Nov. 29th, 2020 not De…
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It is an established fact that fewer lives are lost where restrictions are followed more strictly.

FLASHBACK: Dr. Fauci claims masks don’t provide COVID protection, only help people ‘feel…better’​

‘There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,’ Fauci said in March.

Tue Dec 1, 2020 - 12:07 pm EST

We don’t have to assume it. It is an established fact that fewer lives are lost where restrictions are followed more strictly.
This has two false built-in presuppositions too.
But I am weary of showing you the fallacies.
You can go an take a rest. It is OK by me.
Just like they were wrong about schools for the last nine months too. Lockdowns of schools built on sand or wrong conclusions.
I agree with Tucker on one point - we could have kept elementary schools open - if we had instituted enough restrictions on other types of gatherings. Studies show that very young children do not transmit the virus nearly as often as adults or older children. But that takes prioritizing education - something this nation has been reluctant to do lately.
Studies show that very young children do not transmit the virus nearly as often as adults or older childr
Actually studies SHOWED that . . . way back when.

The “experts” were wrong despite having the information before them.

It was political.
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