Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong

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“Sweden, unfortunately, have done the wrong thing in the wrong way,” Professor Goldsmith told the ABC.
I wonder WHY ABC is giving guys who go against the WHO a platform?

Do you think ABC is now going to lose their Twitter account?
Sweden’s failed coronavirus herd immunity gamble came at a high cost of lives and the country
This assumes the paradigm is over and no benefit will occur in the future or has occurred in the past.

Did Denmark’s policies (who also did not mask-up) “came at a high cost of lives” too?

Or just Sweden?
Denmark went the scientifically advised route of minimizing the spread of Covid hence 816 deaths to date compared to 6681 for Sweden who let the spread happen. There’s little point in being nitpicky. It’s quite clear which was the most humane road.
Denmark went the scientifically advised route of minimizing the spread of Covid

No mandated mask wearing in Denmark (as I said above).
I agree with you there Motherwit. That is “scientific”.

Here are some non-mask wearing Denmark people protesting just days ago against the Denmark Government MANDATORY vaccination attempt (which the Denmark Government backed down from at least for now) . . . .

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As much as I disagree with the WHO on their statements, even I have to admit, this one is excellent.

DAVID NABARRO : I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a
doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have
at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders:
stop using lockdown as your primary control method.
Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember,
lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.
Bold mine.

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I’ll step back into the tent with this message with a strong reality check.

Covid-19 is real, but poverty is deadlier.

This quote from the article is totally on point:
But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.
At this point, with all the data in front of us about the poverty and starvation induced by the lockdowns, there is no place the lockdown defenders can hide. They have zero compassion for those who find themselves poorer, who are introduced to poverty or who find themselves deeper in poverty or worse yet, they are starving when they didn’t use to. Zero, zip, none, nada, how many ways do I have to say it? Look around you with your own eyes.

See the record lines at the food banks. Check them out! I don’t mean look for pics on FB or whatever. Actually go there, talk to people. If you’re brave enough to step outside and see with your own two eyes. If you dare to step out from the safety of your suburban retreats. If you dare to peek out from behind the safety of your pay and pension checks. If you dare to see!

See the UN tell us that 130 million MORE people around the world are STARVING this year over last year. 2 million deaths around the world attributed to Covid-19. But 130 million new starvation sufferers. Many of whom will die from the effects if not the starvation itself. Not to mention the hundreds of millions more who are deeply concerned about heading that way. This is what the WHO cannot help but see. And they’re not going to unsee it anytime soon.

Sure they can print money. Sure they can maybe stave off the back rent/mortgage apocalypse for awhile. But they cannot print the economy. They cannot print the failed businesses back into existence. All of these things the lower classes depended on for their sustenance. Too many of them gone.

Now there are signs of the inflation coming from the funny money. It will not be a pretty picture for the newly impoverished. A double hammer blow, if you will. Lockdown defenders? Stop. Just. Stop.

The politicians will never admit their mistakes. But history will look back on this and say “what the heck were they thinking?”. As they find out the people who created the idea of the lockdowns back in 2006 and shepherded it into official policy status were making up **** all this time.
Covid-19 is real, but poverty is deadlier.
You nailed it Zzyzx_Road.

On a more public note (from another post of mine) to the readers here . . .

The same political and media people that were silent last year with the flu
that wasn’t this magnitude of a risk to THEM personally ,
are now LOUD and “concerned” about “others” regarding corona virus that
much more effects THEMSELVES personally regarding risk .

This is selfishness cloaked in virtue-signalling and a phony “patriotism” for
conscience salve for themselves
and their self-centered concerns about themselves
are part of what we are seeing in my opinion.

My advice is don’t fall for it.
DAVID NABARRO : I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.
Bold mine.

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No mandated mask wearing in Denmark (as I said above).
I agree with you there Motherwit. That is “scientific”.

Here are some non-mask wearing Denmark people protesting just days ago against the Denmark Government MANDATORY vaccination attempt (which the Denmark Government backed down from at least for now) . . . .
Denmark has a low rate of community transmission because they used lockdown measures early in the pandemic. Hence less need to go heavy on mask wearing. If community transmission ramps up, there’ll be stricter mask wearing rules. That’s how it goes.
As much as I disagree with the WHO on their statements, even I have to admit, this one is excellent.
That David Nabarro interview was the one that the WHO was reacting to which is why I linked to it above.

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Denmark has a low rate of community transmission because they used lockdown measures early in the pandemic. Hence less need to go heavy on mask wearing.
Hold it. I thought things can go exponential in a matter of weeks? By the time Denmark reacts the horse will be out of the barn etc.

So these potential superspreader protests against the Government over-reach in Denmark are OK with you?
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The politicians will never admit their mistakes. But history will look back on this and say “what the heck were they thinking?”. As they find out the people who created the idea of the lockdowns back in 2006 and shepherded it into official policy status were making up **** all this time.
History will look back on these claims as the baseless conspiracy theories they are and recognizing the efforts to stop the spread of the virus as the only humane road.
Denmark has a low rate of community transmission because they used lockdown measures early in the pandemic. Hence less need to go heavy on mask wearing.
Hold it. I thought things can go exponential in a matter of weeks? By the time Denmark reacts the horse will be out of the barn etc.

So these potential superspreader protests against the Government over-reach in Denmark are OK with you?
Countries with low transmission rates have advanced to the point of being able to through contact tracing, identify clusters and impose only local lockdowns and restrictions etc. A think that we couldn’t have done early on in the spread. Countries like Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand don’t expect to ever see large scale lockdown again now they are on top of it. The problem countries are those with high community transmission rates where clusters can’t be isolated and dealt with yet. That’s why masks are so beneficial for everyone.
But if we relax our guard on covid-19 we will end up with both covid-19 and poverty.
We already HAVE CVOVID-19 and poverty.

And world famine of “Biblical proprtions” because of the hysterical over reaction to a corona virus pandemic.

A hysterical overreaction that has IGNORED the risks of quarantining HEALTHY individuals by law.
looking at the data on Sweden right now. cases are escalating. deaths are escalating.
Countries with low transmission rates have advanced to the point of being able to through contact tracing, identify clusters and impose only local lockdowns and restrictions etc. A think that we couldn’t have done early on in the spread. Countries like Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand don’t expect to ever see large scale lockdown again now they are on top of it. The problem countries are those with high community transmission rates where clusters can’t be isolated and dealt with yet. That’s why masks are so beneficial for everyone.
stop comparing apples and oranges.

Some smaller countries (ones you mentioned) started with the strategy of eradicating the virus within their borders. Other countries only opted to dampen the spread not to overload hospitals.

In hindsight maybe every country should have taken the ‘squash it’ approach, but we didn’t so it’s not our reality.
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History will look back on these claims as the baseless conspiracy theories they are and recognizing the efforts to stop the spread of the virus as the only humane road.
We never, ever, ever locked the healthy down at this level. Until this year. You have no defense. No historical precedent.

Humane to you means it’s ok if more people starve around the world. After all, 130m extra starving people are nothing at all compared to the 2m Covid dead, right?
But if we relax our guard on covid-19 we will end up with both covid-19 and poverty.
Leaf, we already have both Covid-19 and poverty. What part of that do you and Motherwit not understand?

What part of 130 million more starving people this year do you not understand? What part of making a billion people poorer do you not understand? What part of CLOSING so many small businesses around the world do you not understand? What part of the drastic decline in tourism do you not understand? The authorities cannot print them back into existence; they cannot say abracadabra with a slick wave of their hands and wish them back into existence.

You and Motherwit understand nothing. I see no compassion whatsoever in either of you. You hide behind your keyboards while I walk out there, I volunteer at my local food bank and I see the damage done already and more coming. Then I have to read people like you sit there and pontificate about lockdowns over everything else, the starving be damned.

I think that more and more people are beginning to understand the bull manure behind the lockdown reasoning. That’s why we’re seeing protests all over.

I’ve been warning since April against the long term damage of lockdowns if they went beyond the end of May. We’re here now; we’re experiencing much deeper poverty due to the lockdowns. This cure is worse than the disease.
You do know that 80% of the relief package they have been fighting about goes to the rich.
But if we relax our guard on covid-19 we will end up with both covid-19 and poverty.
Leaf, we already have both Covid-19 and poverty. What part of that do you and Motherwit not understand?
That was an inevitable consequence of a raging pandemic. The level of poverty would not have been measurably better if society tried to carry on without restrictions. Most of the economic damage from this pandemic is from the pandemic itself - not from what you consider misguided restrictions. If all the restrictions were abandoned we would still have poverty plus many many more corpses and exhausted frontline doctors and nurses.
You and Motherwit understand nothing . I see no compassion whatsoever in either of you.
That would have gotten you suspended in the old days, but as the forum is going to end soon, that hardly matters now. I do not believe that the call to end restrictions is based in compassion, but rather in support of Donald Trump and the ideology he represents. Compassion plays no role in that effort.
looking at the data on Sweden right now. cases are escalating. deaths are escalating.
looked at the data last night on many places right now. cases are escalating. deaths are escalating.

We knew that would happen in the winter.
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Wearing masks and
What is a “mask”?

Cathoholic . . . .
We already HAVE CVOVID-19 and poverty.

And world famine of “Biblical proprtions” because of the hysterical over reaction to a corona virus pandemic.

A hysterical overreaction that has IGNORED the risks of quarantining HEALTHY individuals by law.
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