We do not. As taught at Council of Trent, Session VI:lanman87:![]()
Do we know we will persevere?That is one way we know.
For a Catholic, we are on a pilgrimage, exiled away from our home, as Peter says.
Chapter 9
… no one can know with the certainty of faith, which cannot be subject to error, that he has obtained the grace of God.
Can. 16. If anyone shall say that he will for certain with an absolute and infallible certainty have that great gift of perseverance up to the end, unless he shall have learned this by a special revelation: let him be anathema.
Can. 23. If anyone shall say that a man once justified can sin no more, nor lose grace, and that therefore he who falls and sins was never truly justified; or, on the contrary, that throughout his whole life he can avoid all sins even venial sins, except by a special privilege of God, as the Church holds in regard to the Blessed Virgin: let him be anathema.