Jesus didn’t command us to see people differently with our eyes, or even to feel differently about them. Rather, he demands that we recognize their status as children of God, and respect that with our moral actions; not for their sake (they deserve no good treatment by their actions,) but for the sake of your own soul, and the hope that they may see your good works, and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven."So possibly Pope Francis was implying that each of us would have to undergo a mini – transfiguration in order to take on the eyes and mind of Christ."
So I don’t think that we are speaking here (at least I am not) of shunning or anything otherwise directed to other human beings, even though what you say is correct in the spiritual sense. No - what we are talking about here is how we SEE others through the eyes of Jesus [albeit through a glass darkly] and if one can advance sufficiently through our individual love of Him we can SEE especially those for example who we dislike etc. and then form a quite different sight according to the eyes of Christ…and so on.
God Bless
Man has value only in his relationship to God, from whom all value derives. Every time mortal man starts to get full of himself, or arrogate to himself a central place in his relationship to God, I’m filled with revulsion at the sight. Man has nothing to offer God, and he should come to realize this.
It’s also important to remember that the Roman Catholic Church is not a “personality cult,” which hangs on the words of each individual Pope, no matter what he may say. Even if the Pope were to stand in front of cameras from every nation in the world, and scream blasphemous heresies from dawn until dusk at the top of his lungs, not one dot of the Law of God would change, and not one teaching of the Church would change. These things come to us from the unchangeable nature of God, not from the Pope. He merely ratifies and guarantees them, by the authority of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, whatever the Pope may say or do, we must remember that it is first and foremost Jesus who we must concern ourselves with. Our relationship with -him- is the important one.