There are conflicting views on whether God’s intervention is needed to keep our atoms in motion, but if God ever ceased to exist, so would our atoms.This is the 4th paragraph of the first encylical by Pope Francis released a week ago.
(bolding of selected sentences by me)
“A light to be recovered”
Please give your thoughts – especially anyone experienced in Quantum Physics (I am a surgeon and deal with macroscopic things).
Without God, our atoms would fly apart….
In response to the paragraph itself, my very first thought is “yeah. Good luck with that.”
Not meaning to offend the Pope, really, but this is not the time for flowery metaphors. I get that he finds the faith beautiful. So do I, because it’s true and it makes sense, but the indisputable fact is that people have lost this beautiful faith en masse for the last 40-50 years, and I’m of the camp that expects this to continue unless something drastic is done.
The problem, as I see it, is that anyone can preach in flowery prose; even a protestant minister with a much louder voice and a loudspeaker to make it even louder. Flowery preaching doesn’t work, and hasn’t worked for the last five decades, if what you want is to bring people into the Catholic Church.
We need to start stressing the things that the Catholic Church has, which nobody else has, and offering those things again.
One of those things is the truth, and it is very important, in this age of sound bites, to preach that truth clearly. Because of this, let me sum up what I believe the entire paragraph is intended to say, and I hope someone will correct me if this turns out to be wrong.
“Faith is very important and very beautiful. In fact, it’s so important and beautiful, that it can’t possibly come from us, and therefore, must come from God.”
All of the analogies about life and time are very pretty (though he seems, by them, to endorse a tenseless theory of time, not unlike my own, oddly,) yet, in the end, modern man is more likely to view them with distrust; as though they were some wordy attempt to brainwash or trick him. It’s why I do what I do; trying to make all of these issues clean cut, and as simple to understand as possible. If you don’t understand something, at least on some level, you won’t be able to love it.