It’s a Sunday afternoon and you’re shopping without a mask during the pandemic. As you reach for the celery, a woman next to you sneezes into the air. You jerk back, but it’s too late. A sneeze travels at 100 mph. You’re infected. But you don’t know it. You wouldn’t.
For two weeks, you show no symptoms. In those two weeks, you met cousin Fred at the Home Depot. Fred’s excited that his in-laws are coming over for two weeks. They have diabetes, and are at high-risk. He wants to take care of them, and stay home.
He picks them up from the airport, and embraces them. They’re infected as well, but they don’t know it.
Later, you feel miserable. COVID 19’s symptoms show up and you’re alarmed. You immediately tell your friends and family so they can get tested too. A month later, you get a call. The in-laws have tested positive for COVID-19. In three days, both are dead, due to severe pulmonary complications from Coronavirus.
You killed those in-laws. It’s your fault.