Mandatory mask poll

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“Thou shalt not kill, (by spreading your breath to your neighbor when you well know that your exhalations may contain the coronavirus in the midst of this deadly pandemic).”
If I have tested negative for CV-19 then there is little if any danger of my exhalations containing the coronavirus.

And possibility that my breath may contain CV and may be spread to others is a pretty big stretch compared to a deliberate homicide.
It’s actually precisely because the people wanting me to wear a mask believe that the ‘right’ to bodily automony supercedes the right to life that I object to them.
“I’ll be indifferent to the spread of a deadly disease if I can score some talking points by highlighting a perceived inconsistency.” Really?
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If I have tested negative for CV-19 then there is little if any danger of my exhalations containing the coronavirus.
At the time you tested.
Are you willing to bet the lives of others that you haven’t been exposed since then?
Judging means applying a sentence.
No, judging means determining Guilt or Innocence.

If it is my responsibility to protect the whole world then you might as well ask me to come up with a cure for cancer. I can’t do that either.
I’ll worry about my own health but no one can be expected to worry about the health of everyone else.
Now you can see how Catholics are different than you who are in the world and of the world - we are commanded by our Lord to love our neighbor as ourselves, meaning put on a mask so that that other person, who is myself, does not get infected - when I see You, you are myself, so I will wear a mask to protect you, myself named @Lost_Sheep, from the virus. That is Catholic, not wearing a mask is not loving my neighbor as myself, it is thinking You are not myself and not caring about you living another day.
If it is my responsibility to protect the whole world then you might as well ask me to come up with a cure for cancer. I can’t do that either.
No, you don’t have an obligation to cure cancer, but you do have an obligation to not be indifferent to giving more people cancer to the extent it’s under your control.

Also, there’s a difference between being expected to take a reasonable step and an unreasonable one. You have an obligation to care for the poor. You don’t have an obligation to eradicate all poverty everywhere.

Common sense, man. I seriously can’t believe you’re trying to defend the argument that you don’t have an obligation to care about other people.
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I seriously can’t believe you’re trying to defend the argument that you don’t have an obligation to care about other people.
I do, but like you said, within reason. I do not think it is reasonable for me (or anyone else) to prevent others from getting sick. Should I start asking them if they had a flu shot? Should I check their blood pressure? If I see a fat person in a restaurant eating a double bacon cheeseburger should I take it away from them to protect their heart?

Forcing me to wear a mask is no different.
Forcing me to wear a mask is no different.
It’s very different. As you said yourself, is it “within reason.” Is it reasonable for you to monitor the blood pressure and cholesterol of every stranger you come across? Of course not.

Is it reasonable that you put up with the minor annoyance of a mask in the grocery store? Yes. They’re cheap and painless.

Asking you to solve every problem everywhere is not reasonable. Asking you to deal with a minor annoyance to potentially protect your neighbor is. It’s no different than the moral obligation to wash your hands before preparing someone’s food. Is it reasonable to expect you to go through a full decontamination like you’re about to perform surgery? No. Is it reasonable to expect you to hit your hands with soap and water for thirty seconds? Yes.
I’d also consider “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” straight from the mouth of Christ Himself. This isn’t a close question. This is a no-brainer. This attitude is from Hell and I mean that literally.
Fine. I’ll wear my mask and they can wear their’s. If they don’t have a mask, I’ll give them one if I can.
I would also like to add that this whole mask thing is a bunch of bunk. Wearing a mask may have some negligible effect on spreading CV-19 but I really think it as more to do with an attempt by the Powers That Be to take control over the people.

The whole Socialism movement is about Control.

Anti-gun legislation is about Control.

Free Health Care is about control. So is Free College.

People are letting their liberty slip away inch by inch and they will continue to do so until it is gone. Forcing people to wear masks is way too much akin to forcing Jews in Nazi Germany to wear yellow stars.
Forcing people to wear masks is way too much akin to forcing Jews in Nazi Germany to wear yellow stars.
Really? Which particular race/religion is the only one being forced to wear masks in order to identify and separate them?
You just jumped the shark, hon.
Forcing people to wear masks is way too much akin to forcing Jews in Nazi Germany to wear yellow stars.
Weirdest application of Godwin’s law ever.
You just jumped the shark, hon.
LOL! Indeed.
It is not my responsibility to protect others from me. If I choose not to wear a mask and someone else gets upset because they are afraid of catching something from me, too bad.
9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

10 The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.
I would also like to add that this whole mask thing is a bunch of bunk. Wearing a mask may have some negligible effect on spreading CV-19 but I really think it as more to do with an attempt by the Powers That Be to take control over the people.

The whole Socialism movement is about Control.

Anti-gun legislation is about Control.

Free Health Care is about control. So is Free College.

People are letting their liberty slip away inch by inch and they will continue to do so until it is gone. Forcing people to wear masks is way too much akin to forcing Jews in Nazi Germany to wear yellow stars.
The most sensible post I’ve read in this whole thread.
What about people, who for their jobs, are required to be around the general public? Bus drivers, grocery clerks, public servants?
Are those people all supposed to quit en masse if they are concerned about the general public not wearing masks and coughing, breathing on them, etc?
I’m referring to public settings like a park or a shopping mall. Personal Responsibility is or should still be a thing. I’ll worry about my own health but no one can be expected to worry about the health of everyone else.
Yes, public settings.
Do you think some workers don’t work in public settings?
Do you not see people working in the mall?
I agree that the need for masks is probably lessened outdoors.
When a woman decides abortion in her best option, that decision affects no one else outside of her family.
When a woman decides abortion is her best option, that decision is a death sentence to a member of her family.
Her decision to take the life of another affects all of us; it devalues human life.
Forcing people to wear masks is way too much akin to forcing Jews in Nazi Germany to wear yellow stars.
Do you have any idea what an utterly abhorrent statement that is?

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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

See the similarity? I don’t.
The most sensible post I’ve read in this whole thread.
Sensible? It’s absolutely disgusting.
If you tested negative today, and didn’t wear a mask, another person who doesn’t wear a mask could breathe on you, sneeze on you, cough on you.

So you could become infected.
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