The CNN report you are quoting from is from April. It is not related to the couple in the article I posted. The point is that this woman complied with testing before travel, agreed to self-quarantine and even agreed to call the Health Dept as required if they were going to leave the house. She simply refused to sign the document due to something in it she didn’t agree with and now she is being monitored and is under house arrest. This is wrong. Until she actually had a violation, there should have been no ankle monitoring and no house arrest. People shouldn’t be compelled to sign a document they disagree with or be threatened with arrest. That is over reach.So the truth is not what those articles would have you believe. The ankle monitors were applied, not because those people had been tested or because they had tested positive, but because those people were deliberately risking infecting innocent people. They were defying orders to stay home until it was safe for them to go out in public.