Mandatory mask poll

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I have not read all the replies (long thread). Extra government involvement in anything is rarely a good thing, and rarely necessary. The mask issue is a good example of this. Our state does not have a mandate yet, but almost all stores and public places here are now requiring a mask for entry. So here you see an example of the free market taking care of this on its own, without any need for the government to interfere.
Fluoride and other mind-control drugs are more easily dispensed in the water supply, as well as on the surface of those fake junk mail flyers asking us to change internet providers.
Don’t forget about jet trails, but those are more for the government to control the weather.
People are letting their liberty slip away inch by inch and they will continue to do so until it is gone. Forcing people to wear masks is way too much akin to forcing Jews in Nazi Germany to wear yellow stars.
Jewish people were forced to register and to wear yellow stars. The star marked them as a despised group. Then, the Nazis forced Jewish people into cattle cars and shipped them to death camps. Einsatzgruppen shot Jews by the millions. Two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population died.

Please explain how wearing a mask compares.
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Please explain how wearing a mask compares.
It compares in the sense that people are forced to wear one whether they want to or not.

It has nothing to do with what it labeling people as “undesirable” or some kind of symbology.
  • Sitting too close
  • One person wearing a mask improperly
  • Another person removing and/or adjusting their mask
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You’re right, perhaps all three live together.

But if that’s not the case, then they should all wear their masks properly to protect each other. Or at least keep some distance for the sake of their friend.
You’re right, perhaps all three live together.

But if that’s not the case, then they should all wear their masks properly to protect each other. Or at least keep some distance for the sake of their friend.
If they are all from the same household/family, then they likely interact all the time without masks. I do not see anyone else in the frame with them. Then I have to ask if they are outdoors, how far is the next person, is anyone tested positive…

But on its own, the picture might be okay. Masks might well be warn askew in anticipation of someone approaching. The better question is how does he get to go to a ball game! Oh, the injustice of it all.
You’re right, perhaps all three live together.

But if that’s not the case, then they should all wear their masks properly to protect each other. Or at least keep some distance for the sake of their friend.
Perhaps we shouldn’t be so eager to criticise without knowing all the facts.
Ok. I have to make a bad joke. Forgive me.

Why did Dr. Fauchi attend a baseball game?

Because he was banned from football games for moving the goalposts.
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