Mary- other children

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What changes? Be specific.
Isnt claiming that Jesus is not the only way to Heaven enough to get you to thinking. If it is not, then you are denying Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
In Christ and only Christ, Dave.
Isnt claiming that Jesus is not the only way to Heaven enough to get you to thinking. If it is not, then you are denying Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
In Christ and only Christ, Dave.
I tried to explain this to you already Oudave.Attention there was a thread pulled last night in which a Traditional Catholic was bearing false witnessand slanderous false accusations,coupled with Oudaves misunderstanding of the catechism has caused him even more confusion.God Bless
Why do you make stuff up? The Church teaches that Jesus is our one and only savior.

Again, you make things up when you don’t understand what the Church actually teaches. The Church emphasizes that God alone can give grace and ultimately eternal salvation to anyone he chooses, and sometimes this may be of people outside the Church, but ONLY according to His will, not withstanding our own understanding of why.

We are not to judge anyone (including the Church)…that’s His job.
I didnt make it up, look at #841 in your CCC. I cant believe that you are so blind to the truth when it is right in front of you. Are you that brainwashed that you cant see it for what it is.
Heb 3:19 So we see that they were unable to enter because of their unbelief.

In Him and only Him, Dave.
This is out of your CCC. If the Muslims are included in the plan of salvation and they don’t believe that Christ is The savior, Then the leaders of your church must not believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father.
whoa! One small step for a man one giant leap for mankind. I have a difficult time giving credibility to your comment on the only way to the Father thing. Can you say that and be serious?Do you really believe that God doesn’t have a plan to bring salvation to the muslims?
Your leaders do and have made changes that are not in scripture. You can trust them if you want, but I surly wouldn’t.
In Christ and Christ only. Dave.
I agree you don’t see those changes in scripture.

**The Church’s relationship with the Muslims. “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.”

our Pope’s vision isn’t narrowed by the borders that hem in most of the world’s thinking. His vision of the world encompasses humanity in a way that defines current events differently than you or I.

He see’s a great war going on on earth. It’s a real war to him. He has assessed it like a general. Who are our enemies and who are our foes? What are the weapons being used against us? What areas and states of being are the frontlines?

The Culture of death is doing quite a number on us oudave. The muslims have fewer abortions than us. They have fewer divorces. Their families are more intact. Frankly the muslims are doing better than america in this war. The Muslims , aren’t our enemies in this war, they are allies. We need allies in this war. A culture isn’t a lost and found kind of item.

The Pope knew how you would feel. His image in man’s sight means less to him than your soul. He kissed the Koran knowing that those enslaved by borders would sling dirt on his image.He has hope that that those same slaves will become more free if those borders are softened by that kiss. He also kissed it hoping those same slaves might become more free with the help of the foe of our foe.
I didnt make it up, look at #841 in your CCC. I cant believe that you are so blind to the truth when it is right in front of you. Are you that brainwashed that you cant see it for what it is.
Heb 3:19 So we see that they were unable to enter because of their unbelief.

In Him and only Him, Dave.
I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE CATECHISM PARAGRAPH! I’m talking about your ridiculous exegesis (interpretation) of that paragraph.
This is out of your CCC. If the Muslims are included in the plan of salvation and they don’t believe that Christ is The savior, Then the leaders of your church must not believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Your leaders do and have made changes that are not in scripture. You can trust them if you want, but I surly wouldn’t.
In Christ and Christ only. Dave.
**841 **The Church’s relationship with the Muslims. “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.”
Dave, could I ask a question? Do you have a difficult time staying on one subject? This Forum is divided into “threads” each thread deals with a subject, the subject of this particular thread is “Mary- other children” please explain to us all what in the world your misquote from the CCC has to do with Mary or if she had other children.
Xavier, let me ask again.
Exactly what words of the angel in Scripture would give her that thought? None, that is so completely illogical. The angel is telling her what “shall” happen. She is engaged to be married, the angel tells her what “shall” happen. How can you even imagine she would think that? What did the angel say that gives you this impression?
I’m asking because I believe this encounter was very methodic and purposeful. First, the angel did not tell Mary the way she would conceive so that Mary would have to ask. Wouldn’t it have been so much clearer for the angel to explain that the child would be conceived by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit to begin with? This is certainly a VERY large piece of the puzzle, I’m sure it didn’t just slip his mind! The angel withheld this information so that Mary would have to ask, therefore revealing her vow of virginity. It wasn’t just chance. Read the whole encounter with an open heart. i’m really interested in why you would feel the angel means immediately.
Dave, could I ask a question? Do you have a difficult time staying on one subject? This Forum is divided into “threads” each thread deals with a subject, the subject of this particular thread is “Mary- other children” please explain to us all what in the world your misquote from the CCC has to do with Mary or if she had other children.
TO ALL CATHOLICS ON THIS THREAD: Settle down. Do you believe that you will change anybody’s mind by beating him over the head with Scripture, Tradition, or Historical fact? NO! You only do so through love. Dave is not going to change his mind, because everything is connected to him. He cannot think of the Catholic and Scriptural claim of Mary not having “other children” without connecting it to every other Catholic doctrine he disagrees with. It is built in to his faith. Until he comes with an open heart and mind, there can be very little fruitful discussion. He wants to prove you wrong. It doesn’t matter whether you give him all of the logical arguments in the world. Thus, we need to back off here guys. This thread has more than answered the objections raised. Why keep going over and over the same objections when he has not paid attention to them? You guys need to trust in God’s grace. We do not convert people. Grace is the only thing that can change a man’s heart. Pounding the same message over and over again, is not trusting in God’s grace or respecting a man’s human dignity. Furthermore, all we have to do is plant a seed. Dave has seen the arguments. Whether he has really considered them or not is not our responsibility. The thread speaks for itself. We need to move on. The emotions are way to negative, and peoples’ attitudes are not coming off as charitable. God bless.
Xavier, let me ask again.
I’m asking because I believe this encounter was very methodic and purposeful. First, the angel did not tell Mary the way she would conceive so that Mary would have to ask. Wouldn’t it have been so much clearer for the angel to explain that the child would be conceived by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit to begin with? This is certainly a VERY large piece of the puzzle, I’m sure it didn’t just slip his mind! The angel withheld this information so that Mary would have to ask, therefore revealing her vow of virginity. It wasn’t just chance. Read the whole encounter with an open heart. i’m really interested in why you would feel the angel means immediately.
Using your logic, Mary didnt say I will not know a man. She said I have not known a man.
TO ALL CATHOLICS ON THIS THREAD: Settle down. Do you believe that you will change anybody’s mind by beating him over the head with Scripture, Tradition, or Historical fact? NO! You only do so through love. Dave is not going to change his mind, because everything is connected to him. He cannot think of the Catholic and Scriptural claim of Mary not having “other children” without connecting it to every other Catholic doctrine he disagrees with. It is built in to his faith. Until he comes with an open heart and mind, there can be very little fruitful discussion. He wants to prove you wrong. It doesn’t matter whether you give him all of the logical arguments in the world. Thus, we need to back off here guys. This thread has more than answered the objections raised. Why keep going over and over the same objections when he has not paid attention to them? You guys need to trust in God’s grace. We do not convert people. Grace is the only thing that can change a man’s heart. Pounding the same message over and over again, is not trusting in God’s grace or respecting a man’s human dignity. Furthermore, all we have to do is plant a seed. Dave has seen the arguments. Whether he has really considered them or not is not our responsibility. The thread speaks for itself. We need to move on. The emotions are way to negative, and peoples’ attitudes are not coming off as charitable. God bless.
I agree. Dave is not going hear anything that is stated here. And it’s not all his fault because this is how he was taught. Same goes for xavier. It’s time to move on! Everyone did a fine job expressing the Divine Truths of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Mary is the mother of God. I don’t envision God being irrate and condemning an individual because s/he honors His mother. 🙂
Mary was the earthly vessel god used to birth the Messiah. Mary was not the mother of God that is blaspheous. In the beginning was the Word. Jesus was in the begining with God, Mary was not.
A mother bestows qualities on and into her son. Mary bestowed natural (earthly) qualities on Jesus not Divine.
Mary was the earthly vessel god used to birth the Messiah. Mary was not the mother of God that is blaspheous. In the beginning was the Word. Jesus was in the begining with God, Mary was not.
A mother bestows qualities on and into her son. Mary bestowed natural (earthly) qualities on Jesus not Devine.
Xavier, since I have not seen this point argued, I will address it. Do you believe in the Incarnation? Is so, you must believe that Christ was both FULLY human and FULLY divine. While it is true that this gives him two different natures, people do not give birth to natures. People give birth to people. Christ is God. Mary gave birth to Him. That makes Mary the Mother of God. It isn’t that difficult to surmise, and it certainly isn’t blasphemous. Sorry that you have a problem with it, but it certainly ain’t a Biblical problem.
The Bible tells us to honor those who came before us in the family of God. This is all we are doing. You are trying to equate honoring a member of God’s family with “worshipping” an idol such as “Baal.”

There is a HUGE difference in erecting a molten cow and kneeling down to it to worship it thinking that your prayers are somehow going to be answered by this COW!

Honoring a saint, such as Mary, by kneeling down in front of her statue is no more idolatry than you looking at a photo of your grandmother and saying something like…“I miss you.” The point is that you aren’t expecting that statue of picture itself to do some sort of miracle or response to your request. The statues are merely reminders of the person, they are not thought of by Catholics as an idol.

You truly don’t understand Biblical context. The writers of the Bible are speaking to a group of people that are immersed in a world of paganism where people were worshipping inanimate objects, and not God. God is pleased when we give love and honor to the wonderful people in God’s family. If you know of someone who is “worshipping” anything other than God, then they aren’t Catholic.
Mary is the greatest woman in the Bible. Her faith surpasses that of any of the other women in the Bible. That said I will repeat. Anything you place above or before God is an idol. When you pray to Mary ( or as you say ask Mary to pray for you) rather than God
you are placing your faith in Mary ahead of your faith in God.
Xavier, since I have not seen this point argued, I will address it. Do you believe in the Incarnation? Is so, you must believe that Christ was both FULLY human and FULLY divine. While it is true that this gives him two different natures, people do not give birth to natures. People give birth to people. Christ is God. Mary gave birth to Him. That makes Mary the Mother of God. It isn’t that difficult to surmise, and it certainly isn’t blasphemous. Sorry that you have a problem with it, but it certainly ain’t a Biblical problem.
Your quite right it is not a biblical problem.
Mary could not give birth to Christs divine nature as this nature predates her. As such she could not be the mother of God. God had no mother.
Using your logic, Mary didnt say I will not know a man. She said I have not known a man.
Using your logic, Mary didnt say I will not know a man. She said I have not known a man.
No, first she didn’t say “I have not known” in past tense, in fact in my NAB it says " How can this be, since I have no relations with man" as in present, she was probably shocked that such a thing could happen considering her vow of virginity. The angel clearly is speaking of the future, I still think it was very intentional, the angel did not tell Mary the way she would conceive so that Mary would have to ask. Wouldn’t it have been so much clearer for the angel to explain that the child would be conceived by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit to begin with? The angel withheld this information so that Mary would have to ask, therefore revealing her vow of virginity. It wasn’t just chance. I was just curious why you feel she would think it was immediate. If there is no reason I understand.
May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you,
Mary was the earthly vessel god used to birth the Messiah. Mary was not the mother of God that is blaspheous. In the beginning was the Word. Jesus was in the begining with God, Mary was not.
A mother bestows qualities on and into her son. Mary bestowed natural (earthly) qualities on Jesus not Divine.
Luke 1:43And whence is this to me that the mother of my lord should come to me?
Mary is the greatest woman in the Bible. Her faith surpasses that of any of the other women in the Bible. That said I will repeat. Anything you place above or before God is an idol. When you pray to Mary ( or as you say ask Mary to pray for you) rather than God
you are placing your faith in Mary ahead of your faith in God.
Xavier, this claim is not Biblical in itself. This is your opinion. Your opinion is false. It is grave heresy in the Catholic Church to elevate Mary to the status of God. I know this has been repeated to you many times on this thread. You choose to ignore it. As for your last claim, this too, has been refuted. This logic proves way too much. If this were so, you could never ask anyone else to pray for you. Scripture clearly teaches that we should pray for each other, thus that is an unfounded claim. The real question for you SHOULD be, how can we ask for the prayers of the dead. Yet, you have not reasoned that far yet. You are still stuck on your same original objections that have been more than competently answered.

Xavier, you aren’t going to convert anyone here. If that is your purpose, I would ask politely that you leave. If you are interested in serious dialogue and questioning (where you are open to hearing our answers, and the possibility that you are wrong), than I welcome that.

Finally, how are you so certain that your interpretation of Scripture is correct? It seems to me that you treat your exegesis as infallible. If your exegesis is not infallible, than you must make room for human error. If that is the case, you must admit that there is a chance that your understanding of Scripture is wrong.
So, Jesus had no mother?
Or Jesus isn’t God?

You can’t have it both ways. Either Mary gave birth to Jesus–who is true God and true man, or she didn’t.

The Bible tells us she did.

Therefore, she is the mother of Jesus, who is the Second Person of the Trinity. She is also the daughter of the Most High God (we are all sons and daughters of God, according to the Bible). She is also spouse of the Holy Spirit (again, according to the Bible).

The mystery of Jesus’ having two natures (divine and human) yet being simultaneously God and man is just that, a mystery.

Attempting to cut the Gordian knot by arbitrarily dismissing Mary from the equation doesn’t solve the mystery, it ignores it in favor of non-biblical protestantism.
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