Mary- other children

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Your quite right it is not a biblical problem.
Mary could not give birth to Christs divine nature as this nature predates her. As such she could not be the mother of God. God had no mother.
Xavier, this response fails to answer mine. People don’t give birth to natures, they give birth to people. Christ was God. Mary gave birth to Him. Mary is Christ’s mother. Mary is the mother of God. No matter how much you protest this, it is Scriptural and common sensical.
That said I will repeat. Anything you place above or before God is an idol. When you pray to Mary ( or as you say ask Mary to pray for you) rather than God
you are placing your faith in Mary ahead of your faith in God.
you’re right - you keep repeating this. and we repeatedly respond…

so. before we go on, can you plainly and simply answer these questions for me:
  1. do you really believe that asking someone to pray for you is to place your faith in that other person ahead of your faith in God?
  2. if so, then how do you explain paul and the other apostles in the bible asking others to pray for them?
seriously - before we go on another tangent here, can you just provide straightforward responses to these questions.

And on that note, thank you all for an enlightening dialogue. May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, and His mother Mary, be with you all.
TO ALL CATHOLICS ON THIS THREAD: Settle down. Do you believe that you will change anybody’s mind by beating him over the head with Scripture, Tradition, or Historical fact? NO! You only do so through love. Dave is not going to change his mind, because everything is connected to him. He cannot think of the Catholic and Scriptural claim of Mary not having “other children” without connecting it to every other Catholic doctrine he disagrees with. It is built in to his faith. Until he comes with an open heart and mind, there can be very little fruitful discussion. He wants to prove you wrong. It doesn’t matter whether you give him all of the logical arguments in the world. Thus, we need to back off here guys. This thread has more than answered the objections raised. Why keep going over and over the same objections when he has not paid attention to them? You guys need to trust in God’s grace. We do not convert people. Grace is the only thing that can change a man’s heart. Pounding the same message over and over again, is not trusting in God’s grace or respecting a man’s human dignity. Furthermore, all we have to do is plant a seed. Dave has seen the arguments. Whether he has really considered them or not is not our responsibility. The thread speaks for itself. We need to move on. The emotions are way to negative, and peoples’ attitudes are not coming off as charitable. God bless.
While I agree that only grace can change a man’s heart, I disagree in the first place that Catholics here are worked up to a point they need to “settle down”, and in the second place I disagree that we should stop because it is not going to convert him. That is not why I do it. I do it for the benefit of lurkers. When we give answers to objections even if they have been given a hundred times, it may be the first time for someone new. Also, when our naysayers continue to misrepresent the Catholic teaching, it speaks volumes about him. Give them enough rope and they will hang their own arguments.

Scott Waddell:
While I agree that only grace can change a man’s heart, I disagree in the first place that Catholics here are worked up to a point they need to “settle down”, and in the second place I disagree that we should stop because it is not going to convert him. That is not why I do it. I do it for the benefit of lurkers. When we give answers to objections even if they have been given a hundred times, it may be the first time for someone new. Also, when our naysayers continue to misrepresent the Catholic teaching, it speaks volumes about him. Give them enough rope and they will hang their own arguments.

I guess we have a difference in philosophy then Scott. I, in fact, have read along with this entire thread. While you may not be worked up, I can clearly see that there are some who are. And while I do agree that we should not completely give up. I think there is a time when a thread has run it’s course. This thread has reached that point. The “naysayers” have repeated the same mistakes over and over. Just point them back to the thread. The answers are already there.
No, first she didn’t say “I have not known” in past tense, in fact in my NAB it says " How can this be, since I have no relations with man" as in present, she was probably shocked that such a thing could happen considering her vow of virginity. The angel clearly is speaking of the future, I still think it was very intentional, the angel did not tell Mary the way she would conceive so that Mary would have to ask. Wouldn’t it have been so much clearer for the angel to explain that the child would be conceived by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit to begin with? The angel withheld this information so that Mary would have to ask, therefore revealing her vow of virginity. It wasn’t just chance. I was just curious why you feel she would think it was immediate. If there is no reason I understand.
May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you,
34 Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
Luke 1:34And Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I have no [intimacy with any man as a] husband?

Mary asked the angel, “How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?”
34 Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” F3

All I can say is your reasoning is a real stretch.
Your quite right it is not a biblical problem.
Mary could not give birth to Christs divine nature as this nature predates her. As such she could not be the mother of God. God had no mother.
then God is divided. The part that walked the earth and was born of Mary, walked with the part that was God and predated the vessel used to incubate Him.

Xavier, a person can’t be divided the way you require .
sometimes division within ourselves is projected onto the concepts conveyed in the bible and we see contradiction that isn’t there.
Some say it lies. Some lie to themselves and say it’s not there, some submit to a higher authority.

This disappoints me .She didn’t say we didn’t have Christ in us. Xavier, I really thought you weren’tgetting it.
I am trying to get you to think out of the box.
Jesus said God is spirit and He is truth, was He speaking of only the Holy Spirit? No
For The Spirit of Christ is within us. Is the Spirit of the Father in us? If it is in Christ is it not within us?
And if this be true are we not tabernacles of God?
If we are tabernacles and the law is written in our hearts, are we not the Ark of the Covenant?
then God is divided. The part that walked the earth and was born of Mary, walked with the part that was God and predated the vessel used to incubate Him.

Xavier, a person can’t be divided the way you require .
sometimes division within ourselves is projected onto the concepts conveyed in the bible and we see contradiction that isn’t there.
Some say it lies. Some lie to themselves and say it’s not there, some submit to a higher authority.
Good point Benadam. To take this argument one step further, I would like to pose a question that has serious implications. If Christ is divided by his two natures. Which nature was crucified?
john doran:
you’re right - you keep repeating this. and we repeatedly respond…

so. before we go on, can you plainly and simply answer these questions for me:
  1. do you really believe that asking someone to pray for you is to place your faith in that other person ahead of your faith in God?
  2. if so, then how do you explain paul and the other apostles in the bible asking others to pray for them?
seriously - before we go on another tangent here, can you just provide straightforward responses to these questions.

If you had faith in God why not ask Him?
When you seek answers to prayer would you not ask the one you believe in?
If you had faith in God why not ask Him?
When you seek answers to prayer would you not ask the one you believe in?
Xavier, because he asked you. Answer the question. You are dodging, and that is dishonest.
I am trying to get you to think out of the box.
Jesus said God is spirit and He is truth, was He speaking of only the Holy Spirit? No
For The Spirit of Christ is within us. Is the Spirit of the Father in us? If it is in Christ is it not within us?
And if this be true are we not tabernacles of God?
If we are tabernacles and the law is written in our hearts, are we not the Ark of the Covenant?
Xavier, if you will scroll back you will find that I presented that as true my first post on the subject. I said it’s true that all Christians participate in the function of the Ark as carrier of the covenant from age to age. I also introduced the law written on our hearts as natural and part of what Christ restored. But you are mistaken to think that the law written on our hearts is a covenant with God. It’s not. It’s a covenant broken with our own conscience. The covenant with God is of a higher order and is supernatural. He is Christ
Good point Benadam. To take this argument one step further, I would like to pose a question that has serious implications. If Christ is divided by his two natures. Which nature was crucified?
Neither. Since God predates creation and is everlasting as well not to mention far beyond the reach of death, it couldn’t have been Him on the cross in reality but a projected image that served to teach humanity the lesson of the cross. Forget which heresy that was.
If you had faith in God why not ask Him?
When you seek answers to prayer would you not ask the one you believe in?

one more time:

so. before we go on, can you plainly and simply answer these questions for me:
  1. do you really believe that asking someone to pray for you is to place your faith in that other person ahead of your faith in God?
  2. if so, then how do you explain paul and the other apostles in the bible asking others to pray for them?
seriously - before we go on another tangent here, can you just provide straightforward responses to these questions.

then God is divided. The part that walked the earth and was born of Mary, walked with the part that was God and predated the vessel used to incubate Him.

Xavier, a person can’t be divided the way you require .
sometimes division within ourselves is projected onto the concepts conveyed in the bible and we see contradiction that isn’t there.
Some say it lies. Some lie to themselves and say it’s not there, some submit to a higher authority.
Stop it your better than that.
God is preexistant He can have no mother. Mary was not mother of Jesus divine nature.
Stop it your better than that.
God is preexistant He can have no mother. Mary was not mother of Jesus divine nature.
question #3: do you believe that jesus is god?
Stop it your better than that.
God is preexistant He can have no mother. Mary was not mother of Jesus divine nature.
Xavier, I love how you conveniently manage to ignore his points. Theological assertions mean squat if you don’t reason them through. ONE MORE TIME: If Christ is divided because of his two natures, WHICH NATURE WAS CRUCIFIED?
Xavier, if you will scroll back you will find that I presented that as true my first post on the subject. I said it’s true that all Christians participate in the function of the Ark as carrier of the covenant from age to age. I also introduced the law written on our hearts as natural and part of what Christ restored. But you are mistaken to think that the law written on our hearts is a covenant with God. It’s not. It’s a covenant broken with our own conscience. The covenant with God is of a higher order and is supernatural. He is Christ
Now we are getting somewhere.
Prior to the New Testament the law was not written on mans heart.
Part of Gods covenant with man is that He would write the law on our hearts. In the Old Covenant God promises to prosper prospering is not the covenant it is Gods part in it. It is gods part in the New Covenant to write His law on our hearts.

Folks have to run wont be back till late tonight but Ill catch up on some answers then.
Stop it your better than that.
God is preexistant He can have no mother. Mary was not mother of Jesus divine nature.
I’m guessing that you get some type of pleasure by trying to dispute biblical truths. If you truly do believe that Mary was not the mother of God, then you are one of the few who adhere to that belief…even among most protestant circles! 😦
Stop it your better than that.
God is preexistant He can have no mother. Mary was not mother of Jesus divine nature.
Xavier, on that same note. no human mother is the mother of the human nature her child possesses either. Sorry if I offended you. I appreciate your participation in this forum and appreciate the difficulties it can pose.
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