Once again, my friend, you are wrong! God, in His divinity, cannot be conceived and born any more than He can die. It cannot therefore be said of Mary that she bore God(and hence, bears the designation “mother of God”), any more than it can be said of the Jews that they killed God. Jesus in His humanity had a mother; Jesus in His divinity was "without father or mother; without genealogy, without begining of days or end of life!
Just where did you get this baloney about Mary being “the spouse of God and the daughter of God.” This is heresy!
you are repeating the heresy of the Cathars and all of the others who follow the dualist formula that God cannot be matter.
You are also negating what is written in the Scripture:
"**In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning
Through Him all things came to be,
not one thing had its being but through him.
All that came to be had life in Him
and that life was the light of men,
a light that shines in the dark,
a light that darkness could not overpower…
The Word was the true light
that enlightens all men;
and He was coming into the world.
He was in the world that had its being through him
and the world did not know Him.
He came into His own domain
and his own people did not accept Him
But to all who did accept Him
he gave power to become the children of God,
to all who believe in the name of him
who was born not out of human stock
or urge of the flesh
or will of man
but of God Himself
The Word was made Flesh
he lived among us
and we saw his glory,
the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth…
It is the only Son, who is nearest to the Father’s heart
who has made Him known" (John1: 1-18)
This prologue confirms that Jesus is both human and Divine. The important verse is “The Word was made Flesh, he lived among us” and this goes hand in hand with the opening verses of the prologue: “In the beginning was the Word… and the Word was God”.
It is the Woman in Scripture, that is one who is named Mary who in fact bore “The Word made Flesh” in her womb. The Word as defined in John’s Gospel is Jesus, who is Son of God. This great mystery that we have before us is that Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and it is she who gave Flesh to the Son of God. Jesus is the “seed” of Mary’s womb.
Jesus is both human (born of a virgin) and Divine. You cannot separate the Divine soul from the human flesh, and as such Mary is the mother of the MAN-GOD. That makes her Mother of God.