
John 17 3:
I prefer the true Mary revealed within the pages of Scripture. The true Mary was a humble servant of God who was a sinner in need of a savior just like the rest of mankind. She is blessed but not full of grace. She is not God’s mother and is not to receive the type of honor Catholics give to her. She is not the Mother of the church or Christians, a Perpetual virgin, Queen of Heaven, Co-Redeemer, Mediatrix or Advocate. She cannot hear or answer prayers. Catholics have turned Mary into a goddess. Instead of being blessed among women she is considered blessed above women!Strange that all the people who read the New Testament for 1500 years came up with the same Mary - the Catholic Mary.
Only in the past 300 years or so have certain people suddenly discovered some other Mary. A Mary who is not blessed and Full of Grace. A Mary who is not a virgin, A Mary who is not mother of God the Son and of royal lineage. A Mary who is not exalted from generation to generation, and given to Christians as a mother, but instead is hidden away out of sight by bitter men, except when she is brought out briefly to be abused.
No. Give me the real Catholic and Apostolic Mary.
While it is right to honor her as the mother of Jesus Christ, there are no biblical grounds for placing her in a position of mediation between ourselves and our Lord. The Scriptures declare: “There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2:5).