
I agree that Mary is the mother of a person however, the moment you say that Mary is the “mother of God,” you have violated that distinction; for then you are affirming that Mary is the mother of deity but not humanity! In other words, “God” is merely descriptive of one of Jesus’ natures. The person of Jesus isn’t merely God any more than the person of Jesus is merely man. To put it another way, Mary gave birth to a person who is both God and man. She did not give birth to the per-incarnate form of the Logos! Therefore, it is proper to call Mary the mother of Jesus but not the mother of God!Then you are guiltyn of denying Jesus’ divinity. The original intention of hailing Mary as the Theotokos, i.e. “the God-bearer” i.e. “Mother of God” was to root out a heresy denying the hypostatic union of Christ.
Granted, Jesus has two natures. But a nature is not a person, and a mother does not give birth to a nature, but a whole person.
Jesus is God; Mary is His Mother; ergo, Mary is the Mother of God. Plain and simple.
Regarding natures, you can say Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary.
But Mary is the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Period.