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John 17 3:
Is God one in person or three?

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.

Jesus is not God?
John 17 3:
I agree that Mary is the mother of a person however, the moment you say that Mary is the “mother of God,” you have violated that distinction; for then you are affirming that Mary is the mother of deity but not humanity! In other words, “God” is merely descriptive of one of Jesus’ natures. The person of Jesus isn’t merely God any more than the person of Jesus is merely man. To put it another way, Mary gave birth to a person who is both God and man. She did not give birth to the per-incarnate form of the Logos! Therefore, it is proper to call Mary the mother of Jesus but not the mother of God!

Then you hold an opinion not supported by Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli…the “heroes” of the deformation, since all three of them wrote in clear support of the fact that Mary does indeed hold the title of “mother of God.” I don’t think you even know where all the doctrines that you claim to believe come from… :ehh:
John 17 3 said:
And the topic of this thread is???

It sure as vitam aerternum isn’t about the Deuterocanonicals, intercession for the dead, purgatory, and all the other stuff you wander off on… :rolleyes:
She is the daughter of the Father, Bride of the Holy Spirit, and Mother of the Son. The Son, who is God.
John 17 3:
Is God one in person or three?


From the Athanasian Symbol:

For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the majesty coeternal.
Church Militant:
Then you hold an opinion not supported by Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli…the “heroes” of the deformation, since all three of them wrote in clear support of the fact that Mary does indeed hold the title of “mother of God.” I don’t think you even know where all the doctrines that you claim to believe come from… :ehh:
Is Mary the mother of the incarnate form of the Logos?
Church Militant:
It sure as vitam aerternum isn’t about the Deuterocanonicals, intercession for the dead, purgatory, and all the other stuff you wander off on… :rolleyes:
And just who starts the wandering?
Hi ,
How do Roman Catholics understand these passages from scripture.
“And it happened , as He spoke these things that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, ‘Blessed is the womb that bore You , and the breasts which nursed You.’”
But He said, “More that that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

Luke 8:21 “But He answered and said to them " My mother and brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.”
Walk in love,
Have you a problem with Mary being called Blessed ? well the Archangel Gabriel called Mary Blessed.
Well if Jesus was born God, then the women who gave birth to him would be the Mother of God.
Again, Jesus was born **BOTH **God and Man!
Well if Jesus was born God, then the women who gave birth to him would be the Mother of God.
Mainstream Protestants accept the title “Mother of God.” One of the best explications I have ever heard on this subject was by R. C. Sproul – a well-known card carrying sola Scriptura/sola fide Protestant.
Mainstream Protestants accept the title “Mother of God.” One of the best explications I have ever heard on this subject was by R. C. Sproul – a well-known card carrying sola Scriptura/sola fide Protestant.
It’s not an accurate term!
Then Jesus was not born God? Arianism.
John 17 3:
Having fun building straw-men?
Duh, NO! How about answering my question:
Did Mary pre-exist God?

Duh, NO! Did she give birth to Jesus (true God and true man)?
John 17 3:
Again, Jesus was born **BOTH **God and Man!
If Jesus was born BOTH God and Man! Then Mary gave birth to the incarnation, who is God; making her the Mother of God.
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