John 17 3 said:**Exactly when and where are we told to pray to or for the dead? **
Bible verse please!
Martin Luther threw out the book that talked about praying for the dead, one of the Maccabbees.
As for praying to the dead, the Church makes up the Body of Christ. Christ is also the Lord of the living. When people die on earth and go to purgatory and then heaven, they do not cease to be part of the Body. Likewise, Christ’s Body is cut in two by death, it remains one and connected. The members of His Body on earth are in communion with those in Heaven. Revalation shows saints offering our prayers to Jesus (or is it God the father, oh well, you can look it up). Asking members of the Church in heaven to pray for you is just like asking a member of the Church on earth to pray for you. Except those in heaven are closer to God and more righteous and the prayers of the righteous man are very effective.
Sorry, I don’t have the specific verses off the top of my head. I’m sure they’er familiar to you or maybe someone will help me out.