I respectfully disagree. In the performing arts, in sports, probably in plenty of other fields–you can train and train and train … and when the performance comes, you may STILL make a mistake. In football it may cost you the game. In music, you may hit a wrong note that people may or may not notice. In comedy improv you may deliver a line that just wasn’t that funny. In NO other field do we expect people to NEVER make a mistake.These split second decisions can be trained for. Not every itty bitty detail but the good cops are able to handle tense situations in a way that other (not necessarily bad) cops don’t.
In surgery, if things turn suddenly, the tiniest decision means death. Likewise, in law enforcement.
I thank God that in my field, if I make a mistake, nobody gets hurt.
I agree that some forces have more problems than others. I don’t think that’s a matter of training. I think it’s a matter of morality and corruption. I have a relative who was on the MPD and I know from his experience there’s a problem with corruption there Training in police procedure will not cure the human heart.