Minneapolis Riots

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I like the Babylon Bee because they are actually funny and sometimes make me 🤣
You can google antifa and get a LOT of information==world wide…
Will goggle tell me if Antifa is looting stores on the south side? It sounds a lot like those bogeymen from the fifties"Fellow travelers" or “communist-inspired groups”.
It sounds a lot like those bogeymen from the fifties"Fellow travelers" or “communist-inspired groups”.
Except with the release of the Soviet archives and the VENONA papers we know that was actually true.
Except with the release of the Soviet archives and the VENONA papers we know that was actually true.
Yes, that is why the FBI infiltrated, spied on and burglarized American citizens who were never convicted of any crime.
Yes, that is why the FBI infiltrated, spied on and burglarized American citizens who were never convicted of any crime.
Espionage is a crime, my friend. If you want true instances of FBI wrong doing cite COINTELPRO, not discredited myths.
I was shocked to see police clearing out looters instead of making an arrest. I guess they do not see the correlation between allowing looters to run away when they get caught and the fact their city has the most looting.
As for forcefully making people submit, is totalitarian & against the principals of democracy.
That kind of depends on what they are being forced to submit to. The only type of government this statement would be universal is called anarchy, not democracy.
I did not care for Trump’s publicity stunt, but the way that woman bishop talked was an absolute embarrassment and the worse of the two stunts. I saw her in presenting rumors like facts, that now end up false, committing the sin of rash judgement. It is clear she is one of these people that will be anti-Trump regardless of anything he did, right or not.
I think number 5 could be expanded for specifics, and I have a lot of thoughts on that. Number 2 is just impossible. You cannot disband the police and start from scratch. Do you really think you would be better off with the National Guard for a while, or some other military branch taking over until your ideal force was created? Likewise, you cannot unilaterally deny the right for any labor to organize.

Also, the question must be asked how much residents are willing for their taxes to be raised to pay officers more. Some of these would require that to be able to hire people with more stringent guidelines. But it is good to have positive suggestions to move forward, and I applaud the thought you put in it.
Your last sentence says it all…all believers in God need to pray much, whether they are alone or can get together with others.

I don’t remember who said this, but “More things are wrought by prayer than this whole world can dream of” (I may have gotten the sentence somewhat wrong…but prayer WE NEED MUCH OF!

‘Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer
Than this world dreams of: Wherefore, let thy voice,
Rise like a fountain for me night and day.’

Alfred Lord Tennyson (Idylls of the King).
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There’s no excuse for looting / stealing or any other criminal acts.

Sometimes all that is needed to flame a large fire is a spark. This mans death was that spark and years of corruption by authorities.

If Mr Trump doesn’t get this under control soon. He will have no chance of winning your next election.
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There’s no excuse for looting / stealing or any other criminal acts.

Sometimes all that is needed to flame a large fire is a spark. This mans death was that spark and years of corruption by authorities.

If Mr Trump doesn’t get this under control soon. He will have no chance of winning your next election.
Au contraire. All that Americans have to do is turn on the TV, see who’s standing up against the looters, and who’s pandering to them. I think the looting will ultimately be to Trump’s advantage. Maybe I’m wrong.
1968 riots…look who won.
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That’s very kind of you.

Thank you; and may the Exalted bless you and all your family, and keep you safe in these difficult times.
I think it’s odd, since we’ve lived here for five years. We’ve lived in three other states, in large cities, and I knew some of our local police. When I read that MPD has one of the lowest rates of residence for its police a few years ago I was not surprised. But it is a very disconnected feeling when you hardly ever see them about except at high school games or arresting someone on the street.
At home, they are probably wearing jeans and tee-shirts like the rest of the locals.
I’m not sure how I would go about recognizing an off duty cop in my neighborhood. The northwest, however, may be a bit more stand-offish than the midwest; it’s easy to live years in a neighborhood and only know the people in one’s immediate vicinity. Couple that with the amount of mobility as people relocate for work or family reasons and knowing what everyone else does for a living becomes more difficult.
For political reasons, partisans on the left are going to exaggerate white supremacists’ real-but-small role, while partisans on the right are going to exaggerate antifa’s real-but-small role.

So far the data is showing that most of the violence is driven by local opportunists:

“Court and police records from some of the cities where violence erupted - Baltimore, Minneapolis and Washington - show most of the people the police had charged with rioting, property damage and violent offenses over the weekend lived either in those cities or in nearby suburbs. In Minneapolis, records show 25 of the 312 people booked into the county jail since May 26 listed addresses outside the state.”
Still, that’s 1 in 12 coming from outside the community. It’s not statistically insignificant.
This is not to diminish the problem of local opportunism; merely to note that the 1:12 ratio is worth thinking about.
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