Minneapolis Riots

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What are your thoughts on this? Are they justified in their destruction because it’s for a good cause?

Anger, Hate, Violence, Destruction is Bad - never “Good”.

There’s Zero excuses
Yeah, well, the best places to protest would be suburban shopping areas. Target, Best Buy, Walmart. Start protesting in the parking lots.
2 dead in riots across America now, a 19 yo and a police officer.
It’s noteworthy that Minneapolis has a long history of liberalism and the Democratic Party. This isn’t one of those places in the South, where progressive people point to in disdain. This is where the progressives own the show.

Of the 13 members of the Council, 12 are Democrats, one is Green Party. This is close to San Francisco in honoring and empowering LGBQ. It’s the role model for opposing racism, supporting unions, environmental everything, political solution to every problem imaginable. Local heroes on the Left have moved up to be national equality superstars.

Something went very, very wrong here.
Organized rioting?

How/who is organizing? I don’t doubt you, I’m hoping for more information.
I have no intention of correcting it. Peaceful protest has been exhausted so we are now at violence. This has been a problem ignored too long and as such it’s boiling over.
I know, and I am done with supporting these even in theory. These murderous crowds are worse than the problem they are addressing. There are too many hypocritical hooligans mixed in to do any good. Black lives matter less to them than to any police officer. I guess I will see how many more deaths they cause, of their own and others, as control will have to be asserted with violence.
They are committing a grave violation of the moral law.
Peaceful political protest is justifiable and usually morally neutral or even good (depending on the cause and motivation).
However, from my understanding, looting and rioting contravene the primary precepts of the Natural Law, namely to live in society. It follows from this that we must not rob our neighbours or destroy our communities. Moreover, they constitute a violation of the 8th commandment (thou shalt not steal) and 10th commandment (thou shalt not covet). What happened to Mr. Floyd was gravely immoral and a terrible abuse of power - we should pray for the repose of his soul and the comforting of his family. However, it is never ever justified to riot and loot because of such a situation - we are never justified in destroying the very communities which we inhabit.
These murderous crowds are worse than the problem they are addressing.
Whoa! Back up.
That’s not the point at all. We have police excused by the law and you want too excuse 400 years of racism?
There are protests and riots across quite a few states now and the White House is in lockdown due to a protest outside it. This is spreading like a wildfire.
I pray for the repose of the slain officer’s soul as well as the soul of your former client.
Do two wrongs make a right, then?

So “400 years of racism” is an excuse to riot, loot, and destroy, even when it comes to destroying the property and livelihood of people of color?

If this destruction were the outmoded code of ‘eye for eye, tooth for tooth’, then at best those living now could demand justice from those who hurt them.

But we are talking society, not individuals. The vast majority of people, whether people of color, or ‘white’, have not demonstrably harmed others knowingly. If anything, the vast majority of people have done good things to each other. Black people have donated to charities, worked side by side, known and even loved white people, married them, and vice versa with white people, Asian people, etc.

We could spend our lives in a mantra of hate, “I’m a woman, men have ground us down for millennia, they must pay now, I’m a victim”, “I’m a person of color, my people have been ground down, they must pay now, I’m a victim”, “I’m a Jewish person, my people have been ground down, they must pay now, I’m a victim”, “I’m a poor person, my people have been ground down, they must pay now, I’m a victim”. . .

Who pays what? Suppose every male —all races—has to ‘pay’ every female. Then every ‘white’ female needs to pay every person of color, along with every ‘white’ male. Then every ‘rich person’ of whatever color needs to pay every ‘poor person’. Every non-Jewish person needs to pay the Jewish people. Every non “Native American” needs to pay the Native American. Every Christian needs to pay every nonChristian. And don’t forget the rest of the world, too. Every American must pay every non American. Europeans must pay non Europeans. Non migrants must pay migrants.

Do you think after all of this that there would be one collective sigh that justice had been done? HECK NO.

Money doesn’t ‘fix’ things in that way. You might, if you had the equivalent of the Thought Police and a totalitarian state be able to coerce the vast majority into a world where there was no ‘overt’ racism or sexism. Of course, the fact that in order for there to be ‘justice’ women would be automatically preferred for jobs over men, and people of color over whites, in order to fulfill a ‘quota’ would not be SEEN as being racist or sexist. And you would still have people fighting over perceived injustices. And if there were opportunities, you will still see riots and destruction.

What we need is cooperation between people, a focus not on ‘the past’ but on the future, and mutually agreed on and fair actions going forward. We need to address the root causes of racism and sexism instead of arbitrarily demanding that all members of ‘group A’ or ‘group B’ be punished or rewarded for the actions of members in the past, even if the past is as recently as ‘yesterday’.
Aside from disappearing down the rabbit hole of videos and his partners recounting all of which is going to take an ungodly amount of time. Go watch his spouse interviews.
I don’t need to. First handful of links were pretty much what I remember. I’m assuming you live here so know how much of the forefront that case took.
Do two wrongs make a right, then?

So “400 years of racism” is an excuse to riot, loot, and destroy, even when it comes to destroying the property and livelihood of people of color?
Quo Vardis, conversation between Nero, captain of the guard Tigellinus and his advisor Petronius.

*Nero had just finished singing about the burning of Rome. Suddenly a huge roar as people escaping the blaze charge the palace.

The mob from burned areas?
They want to survive.

Who asked them to survive?

The palace is fully guarded, Majesty.
They will never pass my Praetorians.

The night is chilly.
Let us withdraw.
Is it possible that human beings
can produce such a sound?

Yes, when they’ve been driven too far.
What we need is cooperation between people, a focus not on ‘the past’ but on the future, and mutually agreed on and fair actions going forward. We need to address the root causes of racism and sexism instead of arbitrarily demanding that all members of ‘group A’ or ‘group B’ be punished or rewarded for the actions of members in the past, even if the past is as recently as ‘yesterday’.
Non sequitur.
So the long and the short is that so long as justice doesn’t disadvantage the advantages, so long as the past is swept away, so long as it doesn’t cost anything the problem is totally solvable! Just be happy being disadvantages and please don’t remind white America of its privilege and everything will be great!
I think people of all colours and creeds are rioting and protesting now for a few reasons, and this behaviour has been sparked by that murder, and is now, and is going to spiral due to the current climate with Covid.
People are spray painting denigrating words against Trump on buildings near the White house.
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That is an unfair characterization of a great post.
First off it’s a terrible post that does nothing too address the problem. Going off on a tangent about points no one here asked or alluded too.
Secondly you are confusing people by not quoting.
First off it’s a terrible post that does nothing too address the problem. Going off on a tangent about points no one here asked or alluded too.
Secondly you are confusing people by not quoting.
I clicked reply to niceatheist. Should appear in the upper right of the post. Sometimes it doesn’t appear.

So how do you propose to solve the current problems? In a Catholic way as this is a Catholic forum and it would be nice if your proposed solutions fit the social teaching of the Church.
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