As someone who knows how Hollywood works, a few points. Before a script is approved, it is reviewed by a Script Editor. The vast majority are rejected, a handful are ‘good enough’ and one or two are ‘worth considering’ and put in a highly cross-referenced file. That way, if a Producer wants a Baseball script or a Fantasy Script or whatever happens to be big at the moment, he can get samples of whatever genre. Next, Producers have to be sold on the script. Hollywood is under pressure to produce inclusive material. It is important to have an LGBT writer, director (if possible) and actors. A few LGBT groups rate Hollywood on their inclusiveness. So Hollywood knows it’s being watched.
If Producers like the script, it goes through three drafts and a ‘polish.’ It is then reviewed to ensure it meets inclusiveness on some level. If it is meant to be a low-budget filler movie, it may not. Then the movie goes through pre-screening by an audience selected through some process. If it doesn’t play well, they find out why. Then scenes are rewritten and reshot.
No one is totally unaware during the whole process.